Chapter 24

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"Right! Tzuyu! I think he likes you too. Serious talk." Nayeon said after tzuyu telling them what happened between her, Mingyu and Jeon jungkook. Tzuyu raising her eyebrows and look to the girls.

"I don't know~"

"Yeah! you don't know that's why we told you right now! Mr. Jeon likes you. He finally fall for you!" Lisa said but tzuyu still pouting. She didn't convince about this and don't want to believe that jungkook likes her.

"Chou Tzuyu?" Mingyu suddenly call her as the girls including tzuyu look at him. He smiling as the girls also smiling widely.

"Hi girls." He said as they all waving their hands too.

"Mr.Kim!" Tzuyu immediately stood up and walk closer to him.

"You guys gonna have a important examination tommorow for mathematics. Don't forget what I taught you. Alright?!" Mingyu raising his eyebrows as tzuyu nodding to his words.

"Alright Mr.Kim! I will do my best!" She grinning.

"If you get a great score, I will buy you whatever you want." He said again. Tzuyu smiling and nodding excitedly without noticing that Jeon jungkook, her husband was glaring deeply towards them from afar.


During dinner, Tzuyu was doing the questions again and didn't touch her foods at all. He keep glancing to her and feeling really frustrated right now. She ignore him, and now? Didn't take a proper meals!

"Chou tzuyu!" He call for her but there is no answer. She didn't respond at all and keep doing her works.

"Chou Tzuyu!"

Still being ignored.

He sigh deeply and knocking the table.

"Chou tzuyu."
"Hm? Yes? Mr.Jeon?!" She answer and look up to his face with her questioning face.

"Eat first, then you can continue your works after that." He said and raising his eyebrows.

"Oh.. I didn't hungry."

She stood up from the chair while grabbing the papers.

"I need to do some works. You can put the plates inside the sink and I will clean it after this." She said and smiling a little before walk away leaving him alone. He sigh deeply and clenching his jaw in annoyed.

"Kim Fucking Mingyu." He mumbled and clenching his fist too. Mingyu giving tzuyu so many works until she didn't take a proper meals and also ignoring him! That's why he feels annoyed and want to talk to mingyu about this!

'Freaking annoying'

He thought as his mind keep thinking to have a talk with mingyu about this. About his wife.

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