I cock a brow at him, the tone in his voice is unnerving, talking to me as though scolding the child he keeps in his memories.

"I intend to sign you up for an evaluation, a thorough check up, therapy if needed, I will then provide the necessary actions for your mental and physical health."

My head snapped over so quick the doctor flinches, the air beginning to rethicken, I can feel my irritation surge, my teeth clattering as a distraction to my desired aggressive action.

he frowned sorrowfully as he watches my eyes hardening, cautiously taking a step away and monitoring my clenching fists, "unfortunately, nothing has changed as the time passes, in fact I believe you have gotten worse. Please do not hate me for this, it's in your best interest, I promise."

"...", I can't get my words out, I want to hit him with all my heart, scream in his face with the 'how could you', and 'you don't know what is best for me', but as it stands, I am in no position to do so. The halls are packed with personnel, lingering around the two of us with interest and ridicule, they would not stand still should an inmate act out, not to mention it would be an action that would ruin my objective, being locked in a padded cell again is a waste of time.

I nod my head half heartedly, now reminded why I find this man so aggravating, he always thinks he knows what I need, regardless of my opinion, nothing will come from the evaluation, my luck will see to that, it's a waist of my precious time. I take a deep breath, my mask allowing little of the desired relief of fresh air. I step around Dr. M, obvious and blatant disregard to his attempt at parental care.

"... (y/n)", his voice quivers, he silently follows behind my rushed steps, his attention burning into the back of my head.

I am unable to get far, the cross section is obstructed, a large polycarbonate box sat right on top of a pull cart, the surface carefully poked with breathing holes, a dark, fleshy mass lay motionless in the centre, curled around itself and trembling.

Dr. Morales notices my staring, he sighs, "that's the recent creature I referred to a few days ago, it arrived early today, gave some trouble for the handlers, but they should get it to entity containment without any issues."

I squint my eyes, there is something familiar about this creature, I am unable to place my finger on it. The creature stirs, lifting its head ever so slightly, its white pupilless gaze sought me out, the realization draws a gasp from my lips, there is no doubt it is the same feral beast that jumped me while I resided in the woods, its remark towards me lingers in my mind like a firefly.

The Rake. Hoodie has warned me about its presence, well, I suppose it was less of a warning and more an off handed remark involving my training, at the time I held contempt for the creature, it had brought back some trauma, yet as I gaze back into its eyes, I can not recognize what it used to be.

I can't say if The Rake is comatose or sedated, but the being I encountered once or twice before is nowhere to be seen, leaving behind a husk of bone and flesh.

My nails dug into my palm, my teeth sank into my lip, is this how everyone arrives here? All the prisoners in entity containment? Treated like animals, caged, restricted, captive in a dark box for God knows how long? perhaps they deserve it, but even so.

"Wrong..." this is wrong, my voice drags out from my throat, a deep, scratchy, whisper. The amount of hypocrisy in this place is mind blowing, stomach turning.

I take a step toward the crate, reaching a hand out for the clear surface, Dr. M swiftly caught me by the shoulders, pulling me away and held me firmly, he flinched when I cracked my neck up at him, prompting him to soften his grip, "we can't use this way anymore, it's too dangerous to approach when the keepers are transporting", he glanced around, taking in his options, "unfortunately it would seem our only solution is to sneak through Spector containment."

Better Luck Next Time! // Creepypasta x lucky readerWhere stories live. Discover now