Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

Oscar:You tell that bitch to stay the hell away, if she ever comes back she's dead! She had this planned all along! Who the hell just abandons their own baby! Get the hell out of my face!

She nods and walks away, I shake my head and I feel the tears fill my eyes. God I can't deal with this right now. Oscar helps me up and he pulls me into a bathroom, he locks the door and grabs some tissues and wipes my face, I move from his grasp and wipe my eyes. I grip the sink and shake my head.

Me:She fucking lied... She said she - I can't believe she really lied and forged my signature! My son just was snatched and she wants to pull this shit on her own daughter! Who does this?! If she didn't want her fine but to do all this? God.

I can't believe this shit, I don't even know what to think right now, everything is just piling on higher and higher. How can I look for a child while worrying about another?

I turn to Oscar and I see the anger in his eyes. I walk to him and sigh.

Me:Let's go see her.

Oscar:I don't-

Me:Hey, she already had one parent abandon her, don't you do it. She's innocent in all this.

He stares at me and then nods. I unlock the door and I hold his hand before we walk back to the front, I tell the woman what baby we are there for and she leads us to the back. She unlocks the last door and we are lead to a room, I guess it's a family room. I go into the bathroom and wash my arms and hands before Oscar does the same. And by the time we both are finished they are bringing her in along with the baby bag and car seat I'm assuming Isabella left. She hands her to me and then she leaves, I turn to hand her to Oscar but he shakes his head. I nod and look at her and smile, she looks exactly like Oscar. I go to a chair and sit down.

Me:Hi pretty girl. You're so precious.

She yawns and starts to wake up, fuck, has she been fed? I stand up and press the nurse button and a nurse walks right in.

Me:Hi, um I'm not really prepared to breast feed can I get some formula for her?

Nurse:Of course.

I thank her and I look at her. Her eyes are slowly opening and I smile.

Me:Dere go dem eyes! There they go! You hungry, pretty?

She has Ray's honey colored eyes just like Omar. I thank the nurse as she puts the bottles down. I hold the bottle to her mouth just as she goes to cry and she clamps down. I lean back and look at Oscar. He's sitting on the bed looking at her anger all over his face. I sigh and gently rock her as she eats.

Me:She's the exact opposite of Omar, she's so little. She has your father's eyes, of course your twin.

Soon a nurse is inside and asking if I need to pick up some stuff and I tell her yes. I hand her to Oscar and he looks at me and I give him a look. He sighs and continues to feed her. She leads me to the room with all the baby stuff and I stuff the bag she gives me because lord knows I have none of this, I'm sure Oscar does but better safe than sorry after all the curve balls we've been given.

I'm back in the room and I see Oscar still holding her the bottle empty and a burping blanket on his shoulder. I see him look at me, his eyes red. My poor old man. I walk up to him and stand on my tippy toes and kiss his lips twice. I rub Lydia's back and he gives a pathetic smile.

Me:Forget her, if she wants to leave an amazing child that's her loss, you aren't alone and never will be. I'll ask the nurses if we can leave and then we can head home and get some real food in us. Deal?

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