Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

Me:Why is there a lawyer?

Woman:How do you know I'm a lawyer?

Me:You get to learn the look. What's going on, Isabella?

She sighs and I feel my anxiety raise, I don't need this shit. I see the waiter come up and I sigh, I just get water and some waffles and a kiddy breakfast for Omar, once she's gone I look at her.

Isabella: My family has a history of complicated pregnancies, and based off my previous health issues I know mine will be complicated.

I already know where this is going, I grab her hand and shake my head.

Me:Did Oscar tell you about Omar's birth?

O/G:No, he always just says he's proud of how you handled it.

I shrug and lean back.

Me:During the last stage when he was getting into position to come out, me and Oscar got into a car accident, it messed my leg and arm up Oscar got banged up bad, and Omar was constantly moving and pushing and I thought something was wrong even though the doctors said nothing was wrong. His heart rate was constantly dipping and spiking until he was born, when came he didn't cry I thought...

I shake my head and sigh.

Me:I thought my baby was stillborn but turns out the  umbilical cord was so tight around his neck he couldn't cry out they had cut his collar bone trying to get it off of him. In his very first picture after getting his prints done you can see the indents on his neck.

Isabella:Oh my God! Oscar never told me that!

Me:Yeah, he was really protective of him after that, he'd keep his hand on his stomach to make sure he was constantly breathing, he bought all these little gadgets to make sure to keep track of his heart rate and everything. But everything came out fine, just like with her. You won't allow yourself to leave her.

She nods and exhales before shaking her head.

Isabella:You knew that feeling, that something was wrong, even if the doctors told you that everything was fine. Well I feel that now. I feel something deep down is gonna happen... And I need you to be there for my baby if something does happen.

I sigh and look to the lawyer.

Me:I thought if something does happen the family gets the baby?

Lawyer:Not if Isabella states otherwise.

I drink some of my water and look back to her.

Me:I have no problem with doing that, but I have to ask, why not pick someone from your family? Your sister? Mother? Aunts?

Isabella:With the older women and men in my family, I don't feel at peace with them having first say in my child's foundational construct, if that makes sense. I love how you're raising Omar he's so sweet and respectful, more so than his own father, and he's so smart! Not to mention the kind of example you're setting for him and the kids. You're a great woman especially for your age. And if I can't raise my child I'd want you to do it as her brothers mother and as the person you are. You and Oscar are the perfect duo when parenting.

I shake my head and straighten my back, nobody ever told me that before, I thought my kid was a nightmare. Damn.

Me:Have you talked to Oscar about this?

Isabella:I was hoping if you agreed me and you could talk to him about it, you know better than me how he is. He's not really big on the possible death talk.

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