"I can't support something that I don't feel comfortable with," I said. "It would be different if the both of you never had contact before, but knowing your past..."

"I hate her too, don't worry," he said, pressing the button on the elevator. Then he realized that we couldn't be on the elevator and started to back away. 

"Yeah, but she's crazy about you," I said. "It's not that I don't trust you, because I do, It's just because she doesn't deserve the satisfaction of making two people miserable." I sighed. "I'm not mad at you, I am mad at the situation we are both in."

Niall scratched the back of his neck. I didn't want to blame him for what was happening. He was the victim in this situation, and it was probably harder for him to see her and be reminded of the past. The elevator doors opened, and I walked inside. 

"Have fun on the date," I said as the doors were closing. "I will be waiting for you here when you get back." I forced a half smile. Niall's expression was somber and I could tell he needed me right now, but it was too hard to be the bigger person. 

Staring at the closed elevator doors, I slowly started to breakdown. 

I buried my face in my hands and then fell to the ground, glad I was the ony one in the elevator at the moment.

I hated being in this position. 

It was at this exact moment that I realized how much being with Niall on tour was hurting me. I always knew that it was hurting me, but I had always pushed it to the side, reminding myself that I was lucky to be dating Niall Horan and lucky to have so many friends. 

Now, the future seemed so hopeless. 

I didn't want to be here. 

As much as I loved Lou and Lottie and the rest of the crew and the boys, I hated Melissa and Management and the constant fear of being recognized or discovered.

And Management's solution to that was for Niall to go out with Melissa. 

As soon as I got back to my room, I called Perrie, and she agreed with me. We also made plans to meet up in Dubai in a few weeks so that I could finally see her, because I really needed her.

 Niall went on a "date" with Melissa that afternoon.

There were pictures taken of them at a cafe in Melbourne. I was so jealous of her, and the fact that she got to go on a date in public with him when I never had. 

It was unbearable to watch the photos scattered on social media.

I didn't post anything about her, knowing that when people eventually knew who I was, they wouldn't think of me as a bitch because of my hateful posts. 

I kept my mouth shut. 

When Niall got back from the date, I was there waiting for him, and waited for him to speak. 

I knew that if I opened my mouth, I wouldn't be able to control myself. But Niall didn't need to hear what I had to say to know that I was breaking. 

He didn't say anything when he returned, but we exchanged caring glances. There wasn't anything that he could say to make me feel better. 

I was sitting in bed, and he took a seat at the end of the bed and stared at the wall. 

His phone started to ring, and he whipped it out of his pocket. I watched as he shut his eyes, and then threw himself back onto the bed.

"Melissa," he said in a shaky voice. "I told you it was a one time thing. You can't call me and I never want to see you again."

This time it was my eyes that shut, in attempt to block tears. 

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