I wanted to slouch into bed and pull the covers up over my face and disappear, but I needed to get it together. 

They didn't exchange any words, and then I heard foot steps leading over. 

"Hi," he said. I didn't look at him. My stare was focused on the wall. I could feel my heart starting to beat faster in my chest, and I didn't want to start crying again, but I was in an extremely fragile position. 

My eyes burned as I forced them at the wall. 

He took a few steps closer, and then took a seat on Lou's bed, right across from me. 

"You need to talk to me," he said. 

"How about you talk to me?" I snapped back. "You had plenty of time to talk to me before the show yesterday, but you didn't! You left me with what Melissa had said about you, not even telling me if what I heard was true or not. Then, I try to go back here to go to bed early after an exhausting day, and I'm told that I am not allowed up here and arrested."

I glanced at him for a second, and it physically hurt me. He looked as emotionally strained as me, and I could tell that he didn't sleep last night either. 

"I'm sorry about that, Alyssa, but you left before we could talk" he said. "It's just a hard thing to say-"

"Were you just never going to tell me? Did you assume it would just go away? In case you haven't noticed, it's incredibly hard to keep secrets here, and everything gets out eventually."

"I didn't want to hurt you anymore."

"So you left me? Yeah, because that hurts a lot less," I added. My eyes started to sting with tears. "I needed you, Niall. I needed you to tell me that what I heard were lies."

I looked at him again, and his eyes were filling up with tears as well, but they weren't angry tears like mine were. 

I started to speak again, but didn't know what to say. "Just tell me everything, now," I said, calming myself down. "This is your chance to own up to anything."

Niall swallowed. 

"Like I said before, we hooked up a while back, but that was when I didn't know she had a boyfriend," he began. "When I found out she had  boyfriend, I felt immediately guilty, and stopped talking to her, but that didn't mean she stopped talking to me. She only liked me because I was famous, and it gave her satisfaction knowing that she had hooked up with a famous person. She even told me that Harry was always her favorite."

Niall's cheeks were turning red as he continued talking.

"Anyway, I met you, and I knew that I needed her out of my life, so I dropped her all together. Then one day, she showed up at one of our shows and threw herself at me, and I couldn't get out of it. I couldn't tell her that I had a girlfriend because it was a secret. I tried my best to stop her, I really did."

My chest burned with hatred.

"We didn't have sex. We didn't even kiss, even though I knew she wanted to. I walked away, and had never seen her once up until yesterday, and that was a surprise. I knew her boyfriend was going to find out."

"And you didn't worry about your girlfriend finding out?" I asked. 

"I figured it was best not to tell you and make things even more complicated than they already were. I thought I had it all under control. I never thought in a million years that she would come back," he replied. 

I bit my lip.

"I should have told you as soon as I could," he said. 

"What about the picture with you two 'kissing'? You know, the one all over the internet," I said. 

"We weren't kissing in that picture. It was from a bar back when we were in Australia last year for the first time," he responded. 

"I believe you," I said. "Things just aren't adding up, though."

We both sat quietly, and I wiped my eyes again with the bed sheets. 

"So why did you get arrested?" He asked. 

Did he really want me to explain?

"One of your stupid guards didn't let me in because I had the same room key that you had. He probably thought I stole it or something, and I was arrested. I got my mugshot taken and everything. It was great," I said, almost laughing. 

Niall didn't laugh, and I didn't blame him. I wouldn't be laughing either if I was in his position. 

I felt a lot better knowing that he was being honest with me, but I knew it wouldn't last long.


((((((((((((((((: damn niall wyd

I am one of the busiest people ever and I'm sorry that it's been taking so long to update, but I have so much more to share with you, I promise.

Let me know what you think in the comments and continue to vote! thank you so much 


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