"Alexis is here with her forced date" Vesper answered

"Forced date?" Justin asked

"Yeah" she took a flute from a waiter passing by "her parents have this new business deal and they paired Lexis and their son together in order to make a 'smooth path' for the deal. He's a total dickhead though"

"Sounds like a perfect match for Alexis" Alfred mumbled and they chuckled.

"Who's Alexis?" Victoria asked, feeling out of place and Kaitlyn sighed when none of them answered her.

"Alexis is a friend of ours" She said "here she comes" They turned to see Alexis walking towards them arms locked with a brunette. 

"Hello" she said "this is Mike, my plus one tonight" they almost laughed at how hard she was trying to sound happy.

"Hey" Mike said, not sparing a glance at them and they exchanged looks.

"Someone lacks manners" Kaitlyn called out and he glared at her.

"What did you say?" Alexis threw her a pleading look and she sighed.


"Thought so"

"The fuck do you think you are to talk to her like that?" Alfred raged "what she said was you don't have any manners"

"These are your friends?" He asked Alexis

"Calm down, man. Watch what you say"  Justin said and took off his mask.


"Yes, us" Alfred took off his masks, not trying a bit to hide the rage in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. Let's go, Alexis"  he grabbed Alexis by the arm as she smiled at them.

"What an asshole" vesper commented

"Agreed" Katherine added.

"You didn't have to yell at him like that" Kaitlyn scolded Alfred, not looking at him.

"He was been stupid" he countered

"I think it was sweet" Victoria commented with a smile "Freddie is so cute" they all burst out laughing at the nickname except Alfred and Kaitlyn. The former had his eyes fixed on the latter's who was avoiding meeting his gaze.

"Looks like you really have a thing for princesses" Vesper spoke again "first the Diamond princess and now the Monegasques Princess" Alfred glared at her, telling her to keep quiet.

"Who's the Diamond princess?" Victoria asked.

"It was a long time ago" Troy answered "it doesn't matter anymore" he gave Kaitlyn's hand a little squeeze.

"Where's Aria?" Justin asked "and before you ask, Aria is Kaitlyn's cousin"

"I wasn't going to ask" Victoria defensively said and they gave her knowing looks.

"She didn't tell you?" Kaitlyn asked back as Justin placed his phone back into his white suit.

"She hasn't answered my messages since Yesterday"

"My grandmother didn't want her to attend cause you know..." he nodded his head in understanding.

"Let go dance, Freddie" Victoria said, pulling his arm as a song began playing. They giggled again at how Alfred cringed.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked Kaitlyn instead and she looked at Victoria who was as equally shocked as she was. Vesper nudged her and gestured at Alfred's outstretched hand.

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now