The servant lowered their hands so that the towels they were carrying were no longer in front of their face. A twinge of surprise hit my face but it instantly became emotionless again. "Oh, Peppermint Maid, it's you. I suppose you know where she's staying, don't you?"

There was a pause before she spoke, as if she were contemplating exactly what to say. "May I ask what business you have with her?"

"No, there isn't a need for you to know. I just want to know where she is. It's not that hard is it?" I asked, frustrated that she was refusing to tell me. Clearly she knew where she was. Why was she being so difficult?

"It'll cost for that information, I'm afraid." she spoke- her eyes turning black with only a small white dot in the center. I sighed before rolling my eyes and pushing my hair out of my face.

"What do you want?" I gave in, knowing I could never find her in the thousands of rooms the castle held. Much more, is that she could be hidden away in a secret room somewhere, giving me an even slimmer chance of finding her.

With my situation, it was easy for Peppermint Maid to take advantage of me, and that's exactly what she was doing.

"Flesh is always nice, you know." she whispered, making sure no one else was around us to hear. I gave out an unsure laugh before backing away slightly.

"No way, lady." I glared, trying to think of anything else she could want. "What about hair? Do you like that?"

She pondered my question; grabbing a lock of my chest length hair and twirling it in her fingers before sniffing it. The corner of my lips lifted in a disgusted expression before I pulled myself away from her. "So? Do we have a deal or not, Peppermint Maid?"

"I suppose it will do nicely. How about I take it from your shoulders down? Is that a good amount, you think?" she smirked, setting the white towels down on the ground beside her feet.

"Tch. Any shorter and it'll be shorter than Marshall's." I mumbled, lifting my shirt slightly to pull out the sword I carried in between my stomach and shorts. The waistband of the shorts held the sword perfectly in place against my body, not leaving any bulk unless I tried to sit down.

I pulled it out, revealing the beautiful ruby-colored lined weapon I had received from Marshall not too long ago. With my left hand I gathered all of my hair and held it out in front of me so that both I and Peppermint Maid could see the length I was about to cut off.

I put my hand on the roots of my hair, pulling it tight before swinging my blade quickly over it. I felt a lightness on my shoulders, though my hand was weighted down with the chunk of cut hair. I felt a sort of sadness, however silly that sounds.

That hair held many memories with it- cutting it is like losing those memories.

I guess I have room for new memories now, though.

I shoved the hair in front of the maid's face before hiding my weapon once again. I could feel my new hair hit just a little below my shoulders. My cut wasn't perfect so Cake would definitely have to fit it later. I would make up a lie on how I "needed a change" or something of that nature. She wouldn't question me, then.

"Fantastic." she said, taking a whiff of my blonde locks.

"Now, where is Magic Woman's room?" I asked impatiently, folding my arms across my chest, unused to the feeling of no hair being there.

"So impatient." she murmured more to herself than to me before rolling up my hair and placing it gently in a pocket on her white apron. I didn't ask what she was going to do with that and I didn't want to know. Whatever it was, was bound to be disturbing.

"Follow me." she sighed before picking the fluffy white towels back up and turning around. I looked around the hallway, surprised no one had passed by but figured it was because of the incident with Tate. Everyone was probably down the other hallway, being nosy and judgemental.

I walked silently behind the short woman who was always dressed in the same maid uniform. A dark blue dress with a simple white apron, though she did much more than stay in the kitchen.

An uneasy feeling washed over me at the thought of Tate. I was not wrong, I did not have the wrong person. It was Tate who wore seemingly hundreds of rings, and that was one of the many reasons he reminded me so much of Marshall.

It was on Tate's lifeless body that those rings were no longer there. Was he killed for the rings? A simple robbery? No, I don't think anyone living in the castle would be that desperate.

Before I knew it, Peppermint Maid had stopped in front of a normal looking door, one that definitely didn't stand out from any of the others. I hadn't paid attention to where we were walking but this hallway was an unfamiliar one.

"Here you are. I assume you can find your way back." she whispered, turning around to face me. "If anyone asks, I didn't lead you here. Got that? Tell anyone and you'll be in big trouble, Fionna." she smiled but it was obviously meant to be threatening.

I smiled back but before I could tell her I needed her assistance on getting back, she vanished, leaving a small circle of white smoke in her place. I furrowed my brows and sighed, rubbing the tiredness away from my eyes before looking up to stare at the door.

It was quiet in the hallway, all except for the yelling coming from the other side of the door. Now that Peppermint Maid was gone I could hear almost completely clearly the conversation on the other side of the door.

"Who was it then?" A deep voice yelled. A familiar voice, yet I couldn't pinpoint it.

"Now, now, releasing client information isn't something I can do." said another voice that I recognized as Magic Woman.

"Since when?" the other voice growled, clearly angry.

"Just now." Magic Woman snickered. "I'll give you a hint though, he's a past friend of yours." she chuckled.

There was silence in the room and for a moment I thought that they had discovered me. I let out a deep breath when the deep voice spoke again. "Gumball?" he whispered to the point I had to strain my ears to hear.

"Wow, you're a smart vampire." she replied sarcastically.



"Shut up. Why would he try to kil-"

Yes, this voice. I recognize it now. It is Marshall's.

"Sorry to interrupt, vampire, but it seems we have a guest." Magic Woman stated, letting out a small sigh.

Another person? I thought. Who? Does Cake know about this? Why is Marshall talking to Magic Woman in secret why would he tell me a-

"Hello, Fionna." I heard her greet before my body crashed to the ground where the door once stood.

"Sup." I groaned.


stupid magic woman and her stupid senses.

<the song i linked to this chapter is just amazing i think it goes well with the part when fionna cuts her hair> (and its just depressing so it goes with her feelings overall in this chappy, i think)

man, tokyo ghoul is almost at an end ;-; i cri

thanks for reading and as always, non editied (lol i literally just wrote this so.. sorry)

r.i.p Tate- the OC who only made one appearance- (lol)


Adventures In AAA With Fionna and Marshall Lee [original]Where stories live. Discover now