Part 2: Chapter 31

Start from the beginning

I ended up watching the girl until she was done. I knew Penny worked tonight, but I didn't know her schedule. I might have already missed her, or maybe she won't perform until later even though it was already late.

"I thought you had something to ask me," he interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh right." I walked over to where he was and sat down on the couch.

"I need some information on someone, maybe a background check. I'm not sure how that works."


"Just my deadbeat father," I shrugged.

"What do you want to know?"

"Any and everything. Kids, any marriages, criminal record. I don't know. I just want to know what the man has been doing and where he's been my whole life."

"I need a name," he said.

I gave Meech the only name that I knew. Hopefully it was a legit name. The only thing I really knew about my dad was that we had the same last name because my mom didn't give me hers.

"You can do that right?" I asked.

He nodded, "Just give me twenty minutes though."

I stood back up and walked to the window. My eyes widened when I saw Penny. I've never actually seen her dance before. My mouth was wide open as I watched her. Let's just say she was not afraid to get down and dirty. I didn't know if she could feel me watching her or what, but we made eye contact and a smirk grew on her face.

"I'll be back," I said as I left the room. I went back downstairs. Penny was making her way off the stage. She motioned for me to follow her to the back.

I caught up to her. Feeling all giddy, I instantly started teasing Penny. "Bitch I ain't know you got down like that."

"I told you. I can out dance any hoe in here." I was impressed.

"You want me to teach you some things? Sometimes I sub for this girl at her studio. She gives lessons in pole dancing. I can help you bring out your inner sexy," she shimmied up to me bare-chested and all, except for some nipple coverings.

"I don't think so."

"Why not! You young as fuck. You should live a little." I continued to shake my head.

"I may not care for dick, but I can help you get some of that as well. Maybe a good dick will help you loosen up. When was the last time you had sex?"

"Penny, that mouth of yours-"

"It can do a lot, I know."

"Oh wow. are not holding back tonight."

"Asha, I can get you fucked tonight. I'm dead ass," she said getting ready to walk out the room. I grabbed her real fast.

"No no no. Can you just hurry up and change."

"Fine." She went into her locker as I stood off to the side. I got some curious glances, but everyone mostly minded their business especially since I was with Penny.

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