I am the Alpha - Part 3

Start from the beginning

:Erin.....Erin.....ERIN’ Sam calls persistently :

: ‘What?’ :

I walk over to the guys to a chorus of “hey” and “Erin!”

“Hey guys” I grin, getting some scowls from the surrounding slut herd, oh sorry I mean cheerleaders! They’ll get over it and soon realise that they no longer welcome now I’m back, well at least when I’m there.


Ahh that would be our lovely bell, “come on guys,” I call behind me, walking inside with them following on my heels. To other students we probably look kind of like a gang but they are really clueless to the fact that we are actually a pack...much cooler, much more badass.

I glance into my locker which is decorated with panther streamers, a few pics of the guys and an odd wolf related thing or two. I grab my battered English book, my pen and my graffitied notebook before turning round to find the guys waiting for me. Why are they waiting for me, shouldn’t they be in PE by now?

“Can I help you?” I ask curious to what they hell is going on. No one answers me; I look up at them seeing the same emotion reflected on each of their faces, worry. I stare deep into each set of nblinking eyes, what’s up with them? I don’t want to have to force them but I can feel an unsettling amount of unspoken tension in the air and at the same time something else, something conflicting, hatred? Oh well here goes nothing.

: ‘What the hell guys? What’s up?’ :

Nothing? Really, well too bad

: WHAT? I yell in my full on Alpha mode :

Their thoughts come flooding through my head a overflow of images, emotions and instincts. It takes me about a second to catch on to what they’re thinking about. Fury rushes through me. Another Pack is coming here from all the way other the other side of the state!! The Rovers were coming to play the panthers. An image of a guy with harsh black hair and dark brown eyes flashes through my mind over and over again, then finally a name; Keith. The Rover’s team some of which must be Werewolves... But still, why the worry? Do they think I can’t handle a freaking Alpha?

 : JACK EXPLAIN! NOW! What’s wrong? I yell still in Alpha mode:

: ‘We know Keith, they only ever played us once a year and there pack has grown stronger since the last time. They haven’t played us in several years now though....’  Jack finally replies:

He‘s stalling? Jack, stalling this is not normal!! I look up at him to find his eyes gleaming with hate and worry.

: ‘I see it in your eyes, what is it? Spit it out Jack!’ :

I give him a direct command and i can feel the surge of power running off me, the overbearing dominance of the Alpha. Obviously so can they, the guys slowly take a step back submissively before answering me.

: ‘Erin, Keith has always hated us, and what can we say the feeling is mutual but he doesn’t know we’re wolves and that we know he is too. The thing is now you’re Alpha he will be able to sense something, he might figure it out... ’ Jack whines :

I’ve never seen Jack act this way; he’s so serious... even in territorial fights he doesn’t get like this. Another thing, he’s worried but what about, who cares if some dumbass Alpha figures out that we’re wolves too? I know I have a pretty powerful Alpha gene and mark but what does it matter?

: ‘...Look Erin, Keith is a mate-less for an Alpha and for a male that’s pretty rare! He has control of half the state and he doesn’t have a mate... what if...’ :

Seriously!? I thought they had brains

: ‘Jack, are you all seriously worried because you think I’m going to mate with Keith? I have better tastes than that!’ I yell in frustration :

Some of the guys chuckle and a tiny flicker of relief flashes across my brother’s face but there is something more, something he’s not telling me.

: No, I know you won’t but...’ :

: ...But Keith has forced himself on girls before.’ Chase finishes off worriedly :

: ‘It’s not unheard of for Wolves to mark against a she wolves will even without the connection’ Jack finally adds :

: ‘He’s killed several members of his own pack in the last few years, all of them she wolves!!’ Mitch growl anxiously :

Oh Crap.

: ‘Guys chill, you all know my Alpha gene is too strong for me to have a mate who would automatically be the Alpha over me I would tear them apart out of frustration!!’ I command rationally using my Alpha power once again. :

: ‘Look Erin, we get that just be careful.’ :

Aww he is being brotherly, no wait they’re all being brotherly.... at once, weird. I mean they are all like my brother’s but there’s always a few being brotherly and the rest being morons never all at once.

: ‘Oh and we won’t be letting you alone with him.’ :

What? My skin bristles and I growl angrily in my head, I don’t accept commands! Though was an internal battle I obviously let something slip because they are looking at me asking forgiveness with their eyes. They are asking me to let them protect me?

: ‘Fine’ :

They all sigh with relief.

: ‘But you will not stop me from getting near him or vice versa unless necessary, I will not appear weak in front of another Alpha!’ :

I Am The Alpha (Part 1/2)Where stories live. Discover now