Part 2: Chapter 29

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"First, I need to take everything to the car so that I don't have to keep lugging it around."

"Okay." I held my hand out and she took it as we headed back to the car. I parked maybe two blocks up the street. We got to the car and my phone rung again. I let go of Royce's hand as I reached in my pocket.

"Hello?" No answer. What the fuck. I hung up and blocked the number. It was probably some scammer anyway. I stuffed the bag in the trunk, careful not to smash anything.

"Royce, do you want a capri sun before I close the trunk?" I was met with silence.

"Royce?" I turned around and she was gone. I sped around the side of the car, she wasn't there. I did the same on the other side and she wasn't there either. I looked in the car to make sure she hadn't got in it. I slammed the trunk closed and started panicking.

"Royce!" This is unlike her. She never runs off. I retraced my steps, calling for her. I looked all over, but there was nothing but side walk and street.

"Royce, where are you?!" I ran all the way back to the crowded park.

"Are you okay?" A random person asked me as I searched around like a crazy person.

"No, my baby. I can't find her."

"What does she look like?"

"She's small, has five big twists in her head that hang down with barrettes at the ends. She has on a blue shirt with black jeans and tennis shoes. Carmel skin, light brown eyes, and a beautiful smile."

"Okay, okay," a few people said.

"Wait, is that her!?" I looked to where the person was pointing across the park.

"Yes! Oh my god, thank you!" I ran to her. She was with some kid about her age. A woman was also talking to her.

"Imani!" I yelled. She jumped, but smiled as our eyes met.

"Look mommy, a dog—"

"No!" I yelled dismissing her. I practically fell at her feet when I got to her. I snatched her little ass to me and shook her.

"You do not run away from me!" Her smile quickly faded and she started crying, but I didn't care. Something could've happened to her and that would've been the end of me.

"Relax, I was just showing her my dog," a woman said. I turned my head so fast.

"Bitch I don't know you! You don't lure anyone's child away for no fucking reason." Her weird looking ass blew out some smoke from her cigarette. She looked away nervously, and I stood up hoisting Royce up as well.

"Don't let me catch you around my child again, dumb bitch." She didn't say anything, so I stormed off, but not before remembering every single detail about her.

I got some worried looks from nosy ass people, but I ignored them. Royce was damn near screaming in my ear, but I kept my pace as I went straight to the car. I fumbled around looking for the keys. They just so happened to be on the ground by the car. I cursed to myself. I picked them up and opened the back door. I put Royce in her seat. She was still screaming bloody murder.

"Imani, you need to stop." Hell, I'm the one that should be screaming.

"Baby, look at mommy. Look at me." I tried wiping her tears but they kept coming. I shook my head as she started coughing. I closed the door and jogged over to the other side. I got in the car and locked the doors before pulling her into my lap. I rubbed her back as she laid her head on my chest sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you and grabbed you the way I did." She gripped my shirt so hard that my heart broke. I've never yelled at her like that, nor have we ever been in a situation like this. I thought she knew better than to run off like that. I didn't mean to make her so upset, but she needs to know that strangers are dangerous. It doesn't matter if it's a woman or not, I don't trust anyone. Women are just as sneaky and dangerous as men, sometimes even more so. For example, the way that woman used her kid and that damn dog to lure Royce out. It's easier for women to look and act all nice and innocent, whereas for men, people are just weary of them regardless of how they look and act.

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