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Had you really thought of the repercussions before deciding to do what you did?

"Had I really had a choice? It didn't feel like one, because it wasn't one, it couldn't be one."

How do you feel? Feeling comfortable enough?

"It's dark, it's scary, it's scaring me, I keep seeing eyes, whom watch me where ever I go, I can't breathe."

W⃫H⃫A⃫T⃫ D⃫O⃫ Y⃫O⃫U⃫ S⃫E⃫E⃫?!

"I lost her, I lost her because of me, all because of me...all because of them. I'll get my revenge, they can't get away with the hundreds of lives they killed, for I regret everything I've done and everything I could've done."

Are you really crazy? Or are they all crazy for not believing you? As you shouted the truth in their faces?

"I'm in a mad house, a mad house with ignorant people whom just won't listen to me, I'm not supposed to be here, I'm not supposed to be talking to this side of me, but you're the only one who can listen."

You're wrong.

"Am I really? Or is it those voices whom tell me I'm wrong for being different from them? They act like they know me. I tried fitting into their standards, but it just led me to fear the one and only box I had, my comfort space."

"But now I shall become one of those voices."

"Are they not real? Are those voices right? Should I just let it go? Am I really ready to let the past go? Let that invitation, go? Am I really just...crazy? Were those voices right? Is society really trying to help me rather than hurt me?"

"It's all...fake, I'm not the one to blame, they told me so, I'm...free? Am I just not letting myself be free?"

It's time, Y/N.

"Am I okay now? It seems so...false, it doesn't feel right, I don't feel right, that's scaring me."

You walked towards the giant door, the door of acceptance, the final stage, the final door.


A giant shriek of fear escaped your lips.

"You aren't real! You aren't real! None of you can be real!!! It's all a dream, they told me it wasn't real!!"

He kept staring at you as you kept trying to close the door, when unexpectedly, you felt a small, but a heavy push nonetheless, shove you towards nothingness.

Looking back towards the door, you asked yourself if the one who pushed you into such situation, was your own self.

You kept repeating that he wasn't real, repeating what you and the voices told you so.

He smiled, that cunning smile not showing any sort of sympathy for you, he wasn't going to help you, but oh how you desperately wished he did!

"Why?! Why must you do this to me?! Why must you do this to all of us?!"

"I must end this world, burning it all to the ground, with you in it."

You saw, you saw as everything was on fire, as people were running away, scared for their lives, people running towards their love ones. You kept walking towards the giant fire, as it kept spreading, that curiosity that never ended well, you could never stay still and just let it happen.

The line. The line between life and death. The line between mortal, and immortal. The line between, questions, and answers.


You looked at him, never breaking eye contact with him, with a look of hope and distress. He reached for your hand, as if he was telling you to walk over the line, giving a look of love and sincerity. If you grabbed his hand, what would you be getting into? If you shook his hand, what kind of deal would you agree to?

"You calling me over the thin line, I, who calls you."

The rode towards immortality, don't be last.

You kept screaming as the nurses forced you to drink a ton of pills, as you started to close your eyes, escaping the real world once more.

All you could do was just, see, see as the chaos broke. As you saw yourself, dead, blood all over your face, as the fire spread faster, as everyone ran past your dead body, not even sharing one glance towards it.

You died, a part of you died, waiting for another part to reborn.

Suddenly a voice whispered to you:

"Don't be last."

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