"Luna just got a little bit of a fever about a half hour ago, but Nova has been struggling for a couple days." I explained as the doctor walked over to us.

"Let's see." The doctor said then held her hands out so I could pass Nova off to her. "Oh yeah, she's not happy." She said as Nova started crying.

"I want to do some test for epilepsy because seizures are no joke. I want to do the tests on both girls because they are twins. Since the room is on the smaller side, I'm just going to take them for a little while if that's okay." She said as I bit my lip.

"I don't know..." I whispered as she smiled at my sympathetically. "I know it's scary but I promise I will take the best care of them." She said as I frowned. "Okay." I said as she took Luna. "I'll be back." She said then left.

As soon as she left I looked at Colby. "I don't like this." I whispered as he nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I know, baby. They're gonna be alright though." Colby said and pulled me close, kissing my head.

"I don't know what I'll do if something is wrong." I said and twisted my rings nervously.

"Whatever happens, we'll be able to handle, V." Colby said as I nodded.

I didn't like not having the girls with us right now. I didn't like that I had no control over the situation at all.

I was also beyond exhausted so everything just seemed way more detrimental than it actually was. Everything also seemed to be taking longer than it probably was. 

It felt like we were waiting for an eternity before the doctor came back in with both girls. "Okay, so good news, it looks like it's not epilepsy." Dr. Kense said as she laid Nova in my arms. "That's good." I said then pulled her into my chest.

"I do have bad news though." She said causing my heart to drop. "Oh, god." I whispered as Colby took my hand. "Nova has meningitis. We need to set her up with fluids as soon as possible so I'm going to set you guys up in a room and we're gonna keep her here for a couple days." She explained as my eyes.

"W-what are the chances she....ya know...." I whispered as she shook her head. "5-20%. We aren't going to think about that though. We're gonna kick its butt." Dr. Kense said with a smile as I looked over at Colby.

There was so much worry plastered on his face as he looked over at Nova. "Hey." I whispered causing him to look at me. "We can do this." I said as he nodded and squeezed my hand. 

"Okay, so you're going to go upstairs and go to the desk, they'll be able to help you while I get the medicine ready." She said as I nodded and stood up. 

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I held Nova close to me. "I'm sorry Nova bear. I'm so sorry." I whispered as we walked out of the room. When we got upstairs we went to the front desk. 

"Nova?" The girl asked as I nodded. "Yeah." I said quietly then kissed Nova's head. "Right this way." She said then led us down the hallway. When we got to the room there was a normal sized bed, and two little cribs with an IV drip next to one. 

I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as a sob left my lips. "Oh, V." Colby said as he pulled me into his chest, holding Luna in his other arm.

"I'm sorry. I'm just t-tired." I whispered and hid my face in his chest as Nova fussed in my arms. "It's okay, love. I know.." Colby said and held all of us close. I let myself cry for just another minute before I pulled away.

"Okay." I said then took a deep breath. "Let's snuggle for just a minute." I said and rocked Nova while we waited for the doctor to come in. "We have to go home a pack a bag." I said quietly as Colby broke down the stroller. "Maybe Sam will be willing to do it." Colby said as I nodded.

"Or Ki. Either one." I said as the doctor came in. "Hey, guys." She said, holding a pouch of fluids in her hand. "Go ahead and lay her down on the bed, then we can set her up." She said then pointed to the bed. "Okay." I whispered then kissed Nova's head one more time before I laid her down.

As soon as I laid her down she started to cry and reach for me. "I know, honey." I said quietly as Colby wrapped his arm around me. "I'm gonna set her up on this. It's going to make her sleepy so if she knocks out, it's normal." Dr. Kense said as she set the drip up for her.

"Any questions?" She asked as I shook my head. "Not at the moment." I said and leaned my head on Colby's shoulder. "Okay. We brought an extra cot in so Luna can sleep next to her sister." Dr. Kense said as I nodded.

"Thank you." I whispered as the emotions built up again. I wanted to cry but I couldn't find it in me. I had to be strong for Nova and Luna.

Once the doctor left we settled into the room. We decided to lay Luna down for a nap so she could be closer to her sister and help her heal. As soon as she was down, Colby called Sam so he could tell him what was going on.

I stood there and watched the girls before I started to feel a little dizzy. I knew I was prone to fainting when I had a lack of sleep, so I turned towards Colby. When I did this he looked at me, causing his eyes to widen.

"Hold on, Sam." Colby said as he tossed the phone on the bed. I stumbled a few steps forwards before my body went limp. 

The last thing I remembered before passing out was Colby rushing to catch me.

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