"Look! It's a princess!"

Spencer furled his brows. "Huh?"


He raised an eyebrow upon seeing a woman dressed as Belle running through the dirt—well now mud—paths of the park, clutching shoes in hand. "Uh Miss?" Continued running. "Miss!"

You stopped, turning to look at the voice. "Uh hello!"

"Do you uh need some help?"

"I'm okay!"

"I'm serious!"

You glanced down at the muddy bottom of the dress. "Alright!" You hurried over, awkwardly getting under with the man and who you presumed was his son. "I uh I'm sorry."

"No problem...Princess?"

You turned red, laughing nervously. "I uh do princess parties as a side job to get extra cash for the program I'm in at school."

"I can see."

"Not the most convenient choice in outfit for the uh...conditions."

"Do you need to get somewhere..?"

"At this point I don't care about the party, I think Mia can deal without Belle. And her parents were annoying, they can suck my—" You paused, glancing at the toddler. "My lollipops that I brought as a gift!"

Spencer snickered. "Uhuh."

"I honestly just need out of this outfit."

"Do you live around here?"

"Yeah! Let me just get my key—" You froze. "No..."


"My house key is in the bag where I kept the little goodie things I got for the girl."

"And where is that?"

You bit your lip. "In the trash."

Spencer exhaled. "Okay uh, do you have another?"

"With my best friend."

"Where are they?"

You awkwardly fiddled with your hands. "In New York until tomorrow afternoon..."

"Well, that's convenient."

"I am so sorry, I'll just get a hotel or something—"

"You have no clothes, you're soaking wet, dirty, and you probably need to get out of the cold in that outfit. If you're comfortable with it, you should just come stay with me for the night."

"Are you sure? I mean we just met, I could be a serial killer."

Spencer looked you up and down. "I highly doubt it."

"Don't underestimate me!"

"I'm an FBI agent, wanna rethink that?"

"I am a law abiding citizen."

"My name is Spencer, and this is my godson, Henry."

"Hi...I'm Y/N."

"I thought you were Belle." Henry was confused out of his mind.

You giggled. "I am."


"Thanks for letting me stay here...and for the clothes."

Spencer smiled. "It isn't a big deal, I would rather do this than have a soaking wet girl alone on my conscience."

"Thank you?"

"Where'd Belle go?"

You crouched down. "She went back to her castle."

"Then who are you?"

"Uncle 'Pence's friend."

Spencer flushed at the use of the nickname. "Uh yeah, Henry. This is Y/N...my friend."

"Oh. Wanna play with my dinosaurs?"

"Uh, yeah!"

You didn't know Spencer at all, but you could tell he had a lot going on. You figured you could spare him a little free time by distracting Henry a bit and playing with him, might as well repay him for the free stay.

Knock. Knock.

Spencer didn't seem to notice the door knock, so you decided to be helpful and answer it.

"Spence—uh hello." A blonde woman stood at the door, eyes wide.

"Uh hi, can I help you?"

She coughed. "I-I uh...I must have the wrong place."

"Mommy!" Henry ran over, hugging her legs.

"Oh, you're his mom!"

JJ furled her brows. "I mean this in the nicest way but who are you and why are you in Spencer's apartment?" She leaned in. "Are you two sleeping together?"

"What?! No!"


"Spence...who is this random girl in your house and in your clothes?"

"This looks really bad but—"


"It sounds just as ridiculous," he murmured.

"The rain messed with my work route, and I threw my house key out by mistake. Spencer was being friendly."

JJ nodded slowly. "Right..."

"Henry is a wonderful kid, and I am very sorry about the trouble I've caused today. It's just been...wild."

"I get it, but you know you can just say that you're...ya know—sleeping together."

"JJ! We aren't!"


"Hopefully not when Henry was here," she joked. "See you at work, Spence. Have fun!"

Spencer groaned, JJ laughing to herself. "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I won't see her again, but you have to live with her thinking we're fucking especially when her kid is around."

"Yeah," he breathed.

"She already thinks it," you murmured.


"Just saying, if JJ thinks you're booking up with me already, might as well make it true."

Spencer hesitated. "You actually want to?"

"Just a suggestion."

"You're already in my clothes anyways, screw it."

You grinned, pressing your lips against his.

tyyyyy for 21k :))))

Spencer Reid: OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now