making the most of it

8 0 0

*7:50pm! Tommy pulls up outside the girls place and gets out the car with the corsage he bought for Jessica that will perfectly match the colour theme they've went for. he takes a deep breath as he gets to the door then he finally knocks a few times.*

Brittany: *was stood at Jessica's bedroom door with Santana as jessica checks herself out in her full length mirror* he's here! *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

Santana: you ready for this? *smlies at Jessica*

Jessica: yep *smiles from ear to ear*

Brittany: i'll get the door while you figure out how to walk down the stairs in those heels. *laughs as she points to the high heels Jessica is wearing*

Jessica: thanks for the boost of confidence Mama! *says sarcastically with makes them all laugh before Britt disappears down the stairs*

Tommy: *hears someone open the door and see's Brittany's welcoming smile* good evening Mrs Lopeirce! *smiles*

Brittany: good evening to you! come on in! *steps aside so Tommy can come in the house* ...jessica will be down any second now, she just needs to try not break her ankle in the heels she choose for this once in a lifetime opportunity *laughs*

Tommy: no worries! i didnt expect any different from her when it comes to her shoes *laughs*

Santana: *comes down the stairs after giving Jessica one last pep talk to calm her nerves* hello Tommy! you ready to see your girl? *smiles as she goes and stands next to Brittany, as Tommy is stood a few feet away from them*

Tommy: always! *smiles as san and Britt smile back*

Santana: *looks back at the top of the stairs* ALRIGHT SWEETIE, COME ON DOWN! *smiles as the three of them keep their eyes at the top of the stairs and paitiently wait for Jessica to appear*

*Jessica double checked that she had everything in her little purse that she would need for the night. then she closed her bedroom door and made her way down the stairs*

Tommy: *saw Jessica and couldn't even think straight because this was the most done up that he has ever seen her* wow! *he couldnt take his eyes off of her and had his jaw on the floor*

Jessica: *laughed at Tommy's reaction* you're not too bad yourself, stud! *smiles as Tommy smiles back*

Tommy: you look... amazing! *laughs at himself for struggling to form a simple sentence. jessica gives tommy a kiss then they continue to look dreamingly into each others eyes*

Brittany: *would hate to break up the cute interaction between the young couple but she sees that its almost 8 so they will need to do a few pictures now before it gets any later* alright lovebirds... Picture time! *smiles at the teenagers who finally snaps out of their trance*

*Jessica and Tommy get their picture taken as they do a few different poses. which includes one with Jessica sitting on the stairs and Tommy sitting on the one above while hugging Jessica. then their was another one with Tommy putting the corsage on Jessica's wrist. and the last one that was taken was of Tommy and Jessica holding each other and looking lovingly at each other. The girls also got a few of Jessica on her own just before Jessica got fed up with it all*

Jessica: alright, thats enough! *laughs as she takes Tommy by the hand and walks towards the door*

Santana: have an amazing night you two! *smiles as the teens smile back*

Brittany: and be sure to have our cinderella back by mindnight exactly, or their will be conciquences Mister *points at Tommy and tries to scare him*

Tommy: yes ma'am! *smiles at Santana and Brittany then guides Jessica out to the passenger side of his car. jessica gets in her seat then waves goodbye to the girls as Tommy gets in his seat and drives off*

*at the school! Tommy parks in one of the spaces closest to the front entrance of the school. then he gets out and give Jessica a hand out the car and makes sure she doesnt trip over her dress as they make their way into the school and straight to the hall where their prom is taking place*

Anna: *was already in the hall and was stood by the drinks table with her girlfriend, when she saw Jessica and Tommy walk in* HEY JESS, OVER HERE! *waves as Jessica finally spots her and walks over to her*

Jessica: hey girls! you guys looks so cute with your matching outfits. *smiles as she admires her best friend being so out and proud, not giving a damn about the people who tease her about liking girls and when she wears a lot of bright rainbow colours to prove it*

Anna: thank you! so do you guys! *smiles as Tommy and Jessica smile back*

Grace (Anna's girlfriend): would either of you like a drink of anything? *looks at Jessica and Tommy*

Tommy: im good, thanks! *smiles*

Jessica: thank you for offering but ill just get something later on. *smiles*

Grace: *smiles* alright!... well if you dont mind then i would like to take my girl for a dance. *smiles as she offers her hand out, which anna happily takes and gets guided to the dance floor*

Tommy: *looks at Jessica* would you like to dance or just go find a table to sit at for now?

Jessica: um, lets go sit somewhere then we can get up and dance once more people start to arrive *looks at tommy*

Tommy: alright! lead the way cinderella. *smiles as Jessica smiles back then they walk over to the first table they see that is free of people*

*by 8:30pm the hall is pretty much filled with the entire class*

Tommy: *had the idea that he was gonna request a song for him and jessica to dance to* ill be back in a minute! dont go anywhere *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: alright! dont be too long! *smiles at Tommy*

Tommy: *gets back to the table in less that 2 minute* im back! *smiles*

Jessica: where did you go? *looks at Tommy*

Tommy: you'll see! *giggles at the confused look on Jessica's face* ... dont worry! no one is coming to steal you away from me or anything*

Jessica: ok, if you say so! *playfully acts like she doesnt trust Tommy to take care of her. Tommy just laughs and takes hold of Jessica's hand and places a light kiss on it before he rests their hands in his lap*

Tommy: *a couple of songs go by and he see's Jessica perk up as soon as their song starts to play* may i have this dance? *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: of course! *smiles at Tommy as he guides her to the dance floor*

*once they are both surrounded by their classmates, Tommy holds Jessica close to his chest and they slowly sway to the music and mouth ever word to each other with the biggest smiles on their faces*

*the rest of the night was spent with everyone laughing and munching on the snacks that was set out next to the drinks table. Tommy would also be the one to drag Jessica back to the dance floor every couple of songs. even though she was so worried that Tommy was over doing it she still gave in and tried not to worry about that so she can have a good night and not look back with any sort of regret, especially if Tommy does end up loosing his battle and doesnt get to go along to any other, once in a life time events like this*

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