dont kiss and tell

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Santana: *walks into the kitchen and sees that Brittany is dancing to the music that is playing through her phone and she also started to use the wooden spoon as a microphone. Santana giggles and playfully shakes her head at Britt then she walked over to her and instantly wrapped her arms round Brittany's torso and rests her head on Brittany's shoulder* hey you! *smiles up at Britt and she turns her head to smile at San*

Brittany: you hungry? *stirs the contents of the few pots on the stove infront of her as San continues to cuddle her*

Santana: mhm! *Brittany smiles as she hears San inhale deeply through her nose*... would you like me to help with anything?

Brittany: you could set the table if you want! *looks over her shoulder at San*

Santana: alright! *lets go of Brittany and walks over to the cupboard with the glasses in it, then she got plates out of the one right next to that and took everything through to the dinning room in the next room. once she got back into the kitchen she went to get some fizzy juice out the fridge and place a few different options on the table*

brittany: *saw San come back into the kitchen* all set?

Santana: yep! *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: awesome! this stuff just need a few more minutes then it should be ready *smiles as she turns round and goes over to stand by santana and hold her in her arms*

*Santana is trying so hard to stay out of her head as she looks into Brittany's eyes and gets lost in them. but of course she cant hide anything from Brittany because they have known each other for too long that Britt just catches onto every emotion and stuff*

brittany: *looks into Santana's eyes and they hold onto each other. she was brought out of her daze when she saw Santana biting her lip. usually that happens when she is nervous about something so of course it gets brittany thinking.* whats wrong?

Santana: *snaps out of her daze* what... nothing! im fine! *weakly smiles*

Brittany: *scrunches her eyebrows as if she is trying to figure out if Santana is lying of not* you sure?

santana: yep! *smiles*

Brittany: okay! *still not convinced but she knows she'll just need to accept Santana's answer and if something is wrong then San with surely come to Britt soon enough*

santana: *tries to change the subject and take the attention away from herself* so, how long is left on the timer?

Brittany: um i dont know! ill check *lets go of Santana's waist then turns back to the cooker*... 3 minutes! *stands up straight and turns to San*

santana: alright! im thinking of getting into my pj's before dinner! how about you? *looks at brittany*

Brittany: sure! lets go before anything spills over or burns *laughs but is actually concerned to leave the food unattended just because of what has happened in the past*

santana: *grabs hold of Brittany's hand and they walk back to their room. 2 minutes later they were on there way back to the kitchen with similar colour's of pjs on. so of course santana saw that as an opportunity to get a pic taken together for her socials* and... *pressed on the top right corner of her phone screen* posted! *looks at Brittany and smiles as Britt looks at San before she finishes serving up the food*

Brittany: *lifts up hers and Santana's dinner plates. She hands one to San then they both go and sit at the dinner table to dig in* so what do you think? *looks up as Santana finishes chewing her first bite of chilly*

santana: this is heaven on a plate! thats really the only way to explain it *smiles up at brittany then continues to eat the chilly as if she hasnt eaten all day*

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