need to tell you something

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*20 minutes later! the kids came in the house and were laughing with one another and completely oblivious to the smiles on the adults faces as they look between each other trying to figure out what is going on between the two teenagers*

Santana: alright you two! go wash your hand and the girls and i will set the table for lunch *looks at the teens as they look at her before dissapearing upstairs*

Harper: *watched as the kids walked away* yep! there is definitely something going on. *smiles as the girls smiles and nod their head*

Brittany: yeah! i have never seen jessica that smiley and full of laughter in years *smiles*

Annie: and did you's see the way Tommy held the door open for her and then smiled at her when she said thank you *smiles*

Santana: so, what now! they are completely oblivious to how obvious they are being *wants to talk to jessica about it but knows she cant push her*

Harper: well, we still need to let them come to us even though we see that their is clearly something going on. *looks at the girls to see them nod their head in agreement*

Brittany: anyway! lets get this table set before they come back in and realise that they were being spoken about *looked at the girls as they start to help set the table with all sorts of things to make a sandwitch*

*once everyone was at the table eating their food, the adults would continues to catch the interactions between the teens. even if its something as little as their hands brushing past each other to grab stuff. or when they would get asked a certian question about school or something that would make them blush in some way because the adults knew that they were thinking of each other in those moments. as you canimagine, it was very entertaining for the grown ups but they could see that the teenagers were a blushing mess by the end of their visit together and didnt know what to do with themselves*

*it was now time that they were all saying goodbye to one another and tommy and jessica gave each other a quick hug goodbye. which they tried not to make it something bigger than it was but the adults could see they were both trying to hide away from how they were really feeling towards each other*

Harper: thanks again for having us! *smiles at Brittany and Santana*

Brittany: anytime! thank you for taking jessica along with you today. *smiles at Annie and Harper*

Harper: no problem at all! we will see you's around some other time *gets into the car with Tommy in the back and Annie in the passenger seat*

Brittany: see ya! *waves bye as does Jessica and Santana. once the car is out of sight, Brittany closes the door and Jessica goes up to her room without another word. Santana and Britt just give each other knowing looks because there is no denying what is going on with jessica*

Santana: i totally wanna mess with her and get her to talk to us about the whole thing *smiles mischieviously*

Brittany: i know you do! but i will not allow it because we both know how hard it is to have a crush on someone for the first time. the last thing she will be wanting is for us to get involved too soon *smiles as she sees Santana slouch as if she is disappointed about what Brittany just said. like she doesnt want to admit that Britt is right*

*in jessica's room! she was currently laying on her bed, already texting with Tommy as if they didnt just spend the entire day together*

*Tommy's phone! message from "jessica"

Jessica: i think they know something? *nervous grin*

*Jessica's phone! message from "Tommy"

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