tears of joy

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*after such a busy week at work and getting Jessica's party sorted, Brittany and Santana were very happy that it was finally friday. they were up super early to make sure they had everything sorted for when Jessica Brings all her mates home from school for their sleepover*

Santana: *was in her room with Brittany, wrapping Jessica's present* you ready for this? *smiles up at Brittany*

Brittany: yep! *smiles at San* ill go put her gift on the coffee table for her to open after breakfast and you can go wake the little Munchkin up.

Santana: ok! here you go! *hands Britt the gift then makes her way into Jessica's room. she goes over and sits on the edge of the bed and talks quietly into Jessica's ear, and gives her a kiss on the cheek*

Jessica: *wakes up and looks up to see Santana sitting there* morning Tana! *smiles*

Santana: good morning Munchkin! happy birthday! *smiles*

Jessica: thanks! *smiles* where's Britty?

Santana: shes down stairs sorting breakfast for us all! wanna go see her? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah! ill just go to the toilet first then ill be down *looks at San*

Santana: ok! *gets up and goes down the stairs while jessica goes into the bathroom*

Brittany: *had just finished setting the table with san, when she saw Jessica come down the stairs* happy birthday Munchkin! *smiles as she walks over to Jessica and gives her a big hug*

Jessica: thank you! *look at the big stack of pancakes on the table, surrounded by different kinda of fruit, yogurt, cream and syrup* wow! you girls really didnt have to do all of this! *smiles as she looks at the girls*

Santana: nothing but the best for you sweetie! you are our big 13 year old now. and what better way to start your day than stuffing your face with our favourite breakfast food *smiles as she sits down at the table next to Brittany and across from Jessica*

Jessica: you guys are the best! thank you so much! *looks up at the girls and smiles as they smile back*

Santana: you're very welcome! *looks at jessica then to Brittany*

Brittany: i dont know about you girls but my mouth is watering just looking at this stack of pancakes *smiles as the girls smile back*

santana: yeah! let the birthday girl have first pick *looks at Jessica* go on munchkin! *watches as Jessica takes the first 2 pancakes and piles on the fruit and cream*

Brittany: *jessica is about to take her first bite* hold on! lets get a pic of this to show your aunties later on. *smiles as she runs up the stairs to get her phone. then she comes back and takes a pic of Jessica with her pancake creation* say cheese! *holds the phone up as Jessica smiles from ear to ear* alright, now we can eat. *places her phone on the table then starts to put pancakes on her plate and playfully fights with san, over who uses the cream and yogurt first. of course she is chivilrous and end up doing it for the both of them in the end because she just felt like it*

*since Jessica was woken up this morning, she had a bit more time to actually sit down and enjoy her breakfast and chat with the girls before she had to get ready for school. it had now been 30 minutes since they first sat at the table for breakfast. it was 8:30am and jessica could faintly hear that her alarm was going off upstairs*

Jessica: thank you so much for the breakfast girls but thats my alarm, which means i need to get ready to go out into the world and socialise with people my own age *playfully rolls her eyes in true teenage form*

Britany: ok Munchkin! im so glad you liked your breakfast and we will be down here waiting for you when you are ready to go *smiles as Jessica gets up and goes to put her dishes in the dishwasher before dissappearing upstairs*

Santana: *just rememebered that they still needed to give Jessica her gift* when you come back down we have a little something for you *smiles as Jessica walks back into the dinning room*

Jessica: *smiles at the girls because she is excited to see what it is* ok! ill be as quick as i can. *goes up to her room to get dressed while the girls tidy up the table from breakfast then they sat in the living room waiting for Jessica*

Jessica: *came into the living room with her schoolbag over her shoulder* im ready! *smiles as she sits at the coffee table infront of the girls*

Brittany: *smiles at Jessica* here you go! *hands jessica her gift then turns to smile at san and hold onto her hand as they wait to see what Jessica thinks of her gift*

Jessica: *opens the gift and pulls out a laminated piece of paper. she was comfused at first as to why the girls were showing her, her birth certificate. but then it hit her and she rememebered that she asked if she could get her last name changed. so she quickly reads through it and finally spots the part where it says her last name and thats when she smiles from ear to ear because she can see in big capital letters that her last name is now lopeirce, just like the girls* no way! *is still trying to see if her eyes are messing with her or if this is actually happening* is this a joke? *looks up at the girls as they smile back at her* are you girls messing with me right now? *smiles as she looks back at her birth certificate and continues to freak out*

Santana: its real! you are now a lopeirce *smiles as Jessica gets up and goes over to hug the girls*

Jessica: *it finally hits her and she starts crying tears of absolute joy* i cant believe you girls actually did this for me! *kneels down infront of the couch, looking up at the girls with tears streaming down her face*

Brittany: *smiles as she tears up a little Bit* damn you girls for making me such a softie! *laughs as does the girls*

Santana: im glad you are happy Munchkin! *smiles as she also wipes the tears from her eyes* we better get you to school because its already quarter to. *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: *wipes the tears from her eyes* ok! im just gonna wash my face and make sure i dont look weird going into school *gets up and goes into the downstairs guest bathroom to look in the mirror*

Santana: *turns to Brittany once jessica leaves the room* well that was the best reaction we could possibly get. *smiles*

Brittany: yeah! that was a great start to the day. *smiles*

Santana: *smiles* alright! i better go and drop her at school *kisses Brittany then gets up to go and get her jacket and shoes on*

Jessica: *comes out the bathroom and sees San standing at the front door* im ready! *gets her shoes and bag on*

Santana: alright! go give Brittany a hug goodbye then we'll go *smiles*

Jessica: k *goes into the living room and say bye to Brittany then gets in the car and gets driven to school*

My Infinity Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon