highs and lows

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Meredith: *is at the front door with Valerie, Sasha and jessica. she sees Santana and Brittany walks down the stairs laughing about something. but knowing what they are like, she knows its safer not to ask* alright! lets get going *she says enthusiastically which has Jessica jumping up and down with excitement. everyone smiled as they saw how excited Jessica was for going out to the park. they all left and went into 2 seperate cars, the mums in one car and the girls and jessica in another*

*at the park!* the 2 cars were parked right next too each other so once everyone was out the two vehicles, they walked together to get to the benches*

Jessica: *takes britt and San by the hand and runs towards the swings* come on girls, lets go play! *shouts excitedly as they laughed and let Jessica drag them behind her. jessica gets onto the swing and tries to swing her legs but the swing isnt really moving because she is still quite small* Britty, can you push me please? *looks over at Brittany as she stood next to the swing set with Santana*

Brittany: sure i can! *smiles then goes over to stand behind Jessica to start pushing her*

Jessica: *britt gave her a push* HIGHER! *Brittany gave Jessica another push and she heard Jessica giggling* HIGHER! *giggles as Brittany pushed again. Britt started to worry that jessica was going too high so she stood back and let her swing at the height she was at* HIGHER! ...come on Britty *saw that Brittany went to stand next to San again*

Brittany: sorry munchkin but if i push you any higher then you will end up falling off. *looks at jessica and sees that she is a little dissapointed*

Jessica: ok! can you come on one with me tana? *looks over to see if there is a swing free* see there is one right here for you *smiles at Santana*

Santana: *cant say no to jessica when she looks at San with her big puppy dog eyes* alright! *smiles at Jessica then walks round to get on the swing next to her*

Brittany: would you like a push? *looks over at Santana as she sits on the swing*

Santana: *looks over at britt and smiles* can i trust you to do it responsibly? *looks and Brittany and raises her eyebrow as if she doesnt already know the answer*

Brittany: *laughs* hmm... probabaly not!

Santana: ok then! I'm sure I'll manage. *smiles at Brittany then turns round to start swinging, matching the same height as Jessica*

*the mums were sat on a bench that was a few feet behind the girls. so the three of them just sat and watched as jessica dragged Brittany and Santana to every different thing in the park*

Meredith: they are so good with jessica! *admires the three girls playing and laughing together*

Valerie: yeah! its crazy to think that a little over a year ago, my daughter couldnt even be in the same room as her little cousins and stuff because they would always be too whiny or too hyper for her hormones to cope with *laughs as does Meredith*

Valerie: *has noticed how close Jessica has gotten with the girls since they came over for the wedding and can't help but smile. she has been waiting for the right moment to have a chat with them about something that has been on her mind for a while now. but she just kept on backing out of it and making excuses for herself. but now that the others are talking about them, it would be the perfect time to bring it up* hey, can i ask you ladies a question? *looks at Meredith and Valerie*

Meredith: *turns her head to look at Sasha* of course! whats up? *Valerie also looks at Sasha, waiting for her to speak*

Sasha: do the girls ever talk about wanting kids of their own? like do they want to adopt or... *nervously looks up at the woman infront of her*

Valerie: the conversation has come up a few time over the years, yeah! but i dont know if they were actually talking like they were ready to start planning it and put things in place for it *looks at Sasha*

Meredith: yeah! ever since they were in highschool, they would always ask each other questions and give each other a scenario to see how the other one would react in that situation. as they got older, it started to be alot more about having a kid and not just about their relationship, to see if they could really trust each other. of course that stuff was good because it was reasurance for them and it has only made them stronger. *smiles at Valerie then Sasha*

Sasha: ok! *smiles*

Meredith: why are you asking? *looks at Sasha as does Valerie*

Sasha: well.... *takes a deep breath* there's really no easy way to say this but... *meredith and Valerie look at each other with worry then look back at Sasha* i have cancer... and i need to find someone who will look after jessica for me... ive been told that i dont have long left *starts sobbing! Meredith and Valerie rush over to get to sasha's side. they all just sat in silence and nothing was heard other than Sasha's crying. Valerie and Meredith kept on looking at each other with concern written all over their face because it was definitely the last thing on their minds that she would say to them. of course they were really worried about jessica because she is obviously to young to fully understand the situation and how bad it is*

Valerie: dont worry Sasha! we will do whatever we can to help you! *rubs Sasha's back to comfort her the best she can*

Sasha: *wipes the tears out her eyes and takes a few deep breaths before she looks up at Valerie and smiles weakly* thank you so much! i really didnt know what to do and seeing how well jessica gets on with the girls. i felt like it would be the best option for her *looks at Valerie then Meredith*

Meredith: im sure they would be more than happy to help you! we will need to sit down with them and sort it all out. just to make sure things are in place before you go *looks at Sasha*

Sasha: yeah!... i have no idea how to tell jessica *looks up and sees Jessica going down the slide and being caught by Brittany. she is still giggling away and it made sasha smile but also brought so much pain and sadness that she wont be able to see her babygirl grown up*

Meredith: *looks at the girls and sees them all laughing because Santana fell over* we will help you figure that all out, but for now you need to rest, ok? *looks at Sasha*

Sasha: what about the girls? *all the mums look up to see that Jessica is playing on something different and is making sure the girls are doing it as well*

Valerie: don't worry! Meredith can take you back to the house and ill Bring the girls back whenever they are finished here

Sasha: *looks at Valerie then meredith* are you sure?

Meredith: of course! its not a problem *smiles at Sasha*

Sasha: alright! *gets up from the table, with some help from Meredith now that she knows how weak Sasha must be feeling after having to hide it from them all*

jessica *Looked up from where she was standing on the climbing frame and saw her mum and Meredith walking back to the car* where's mummy going? *looks down at Brittany and santana, who were stood on the ground below jessica*

Brittany: *looks over at the bench to see Valerie sitting on her own then looked over and saw her mum help sasha into the car* im not sure Munchkin! do you wanna ask Valerie? *looks up and sees the worry on Jessica's face. jessica doesnt say anything and just nods* ok, come down and we can go *holds her hands out to support Jessica as she climbs down the ladders. once jessica is on the ground, she grabs hold of the girls hands and they all walk over to the bench that Valerie is at*

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