so many emotions

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*Jessica set the table with Brittany and got glasses for the 3 of them. the entire time she was doing this, she was dealing with her anxieties again because she was thinking about how she told Britt that she would finally talk to her and Santana and tell them whats been bothering her to the point of making her go mute. but part of her still wants to keep hiding incase something bad happens*

Santana: *takes her first few bites as the other 2 do the same and compliment her on her amazing cooking skills* so, Britt tells me that you had something that you would like to talk to us about *looks at Jessica and sees that shes a little nervous* know we will be here for you no matter how big or small the issue is Munchkin. theres no need to be so anxious about it *smiles sympathetically*

Jessica: *plays with her food as she struggles to keep her eyes up.* im sorry for being so distant with you guys. im just experiencing some new things that i knew id have to deal with eventually. but now that its finally happening i just dont know how to talk about it.

Santana: *looks at Brittany with a worried expresssion then looks back at Jessica* what is it Munchkin? *tries to give her an encouraging nudge to keep talking*

jessica: *still not looking up* i... have... a boyfriend! *takes a deep breath as she waits for someone to say something*

Brittany: really? *smiles because she is happy that Jessica is finally able to get along with people her age*

Jessica: yeah... *looks up and sees Brittany smiling so that makes her smile too*

Santana: thats awesome Munchkin! *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

Jessica: i dont know why i was so scared to tell you guys! i knew you would be happy for me... i just dont think i was ready for the hundreds of questions that you will be asking me about him. *laughs at herself for how much she was overthinking everything and making herself ill from it*

Brittany: of course we are gonna ask a bunch of questions. thats part of being a parent. we just have to make sure you know how to pick out the good ones and not a damn serial killer or something *laughs*

Santana: *laughs* yeah! but dont worry, it wont happen all in the one day. *smiles*

Jessica: thanks! *smiles*

Brittany: *looks at San and they both smile like they had the same thought in that moment* we would like to ask one question right now, though. *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: ok... *tries to think of what will be first*

Santana: *looks at Brittany then to Jessica* is it Tommy? *smiles*

Jessica: *blushes instantly because she had no idea how they could have guessed it was him, out of all the guys in her school* did you know?

Santana: *smiles as she sees Jessica blush* lets just say, you take after Brittany and dont seem to know how to be subtle. *laughs as Brittany and Jessica do as well*

Jessica: really? but when did you see me and tommy together, because we thought we had been so good at keeping it to ourselves since we only ever see each other in person during school hours anyway. *is confused about when her and tommy were caught out*

Brittany: Remember when you and Tommy were at the safari a month ago, then after that we all came back from the beach and you and Tommy went out in the garden to hang out. *jessica nodded her head as she thought about that exact moment being when her and tommy finally told each other that they wanted to be more than freinds* well... when i was making a cup of tea for his mums, i spotted the two of you sitting on the grass and i saw the way that you were smiling at each other and looking into each others eyes as you spoke. i just knew that there was something going on! but san and i didnt want to come to you about it because we knew that you would rather us let you come to us when you were ready *smiles*

Jessica: so.... you're telling me that me and Tommy have been in hiding so we dont get caught out and interrogated... when you guys knew all along *everything britt said was finally sinking in*

Santana: yep! *laughs*

Jessica: i guess i shouldnt ever try to hide from you two again *laughs*

Brittany: yeah! also we don't want you to do that because we wanna be part of your big milestones like this. *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah, i know! im sorry for making it seem like you girls shouldnt know about me having a boyfriend, like its some sort of scandal *laughs*

Santana: dont worry! we understand how this was a big change for you and you have only recently been able to get along with people your age.

Jessica: exactly! i was having so many different emotions and i just didnt know how to deal with it.

Brittany: we get it! but we are so happy that you are happy Munchkin.

Jessica: thank you guys! you're the best mums i could ever ask for. *smiles as the girls tear up at the sudden words of gratitude from the teenager that they thought they would be having so much more trouble with when it came to Jessica's manners and emotions*

Brittany: thats so sweet of you to say! ... now get over here and give your mama's a cuddle. *laughs as the girls do aswell*

Jessica: *gets up and goes round to give the girls a hug. sitting on Brittany lap a little longer while she still can, before she becomes to big for it* i love you guys so much! *gets a little teary eyes as she looks between the girls, feeling blessed to have such understanding and supportive role models*

Santana: *reaches up and wipes the tear from jessica's eye then hold her hand as Brittany hold her* we love you too!

Brittany: ugh why do you have to grow up! why couldnt you stay our little baby forever! *referring to the fact that she has always been able to hold jessica on her lap and let her fall asleep there without any problem. but now jessica is tall enough that she cant rest her head on brittanys chest*

Jessica: *laughs* dont worry Britty! i will always be your little baby! ...especially if i dont get any taller and stay the same height as Tana! *subtly makes a joke about Santana's height just to get a reaction from her*

Santana: excuse me? *scrunches up her face in fake anger as Brittany and Jessica laugh because that is the reaction they were waiting for*

*Jessica gets off Brittany lap and makes a run for it as if Santana would actually chase after her for being cheeky. the girls just stay in their seats and laugh at Jessica for messing around. after a few minutes they get up and tidy the table and do the dishes. jessica was now in her room and decided to call Tommy and tell him all about the conversation she just had with the girls*

*on the phone with Tommy! he picks up after a few rings*

Jessica: hey babe! *smiles because she still cant get used to the fact that she has a boyfriend*

Tommy: hey! hows it going?

Jessica: amazing!

Tommy: really! how come?

Jessica: you know how i said i was gonna tell Tana and Britt about us?!

Tommy: yeah! what about it?

Jessica: well... i managed to talk to them while we were all sat having dinner

Tommy: thats amazing! im so proud of you for doing that. *smiles as he thinks about being one step closer to finally being able to publicly and Proudly show his girlfriends how much she means to him*

Jessica: thanks! i cant wait to see you!

Tommy: i cant wait to be with you too. *there was a bit of a pause as they both smile like crazy, thinking about reuniting tomorrow*

Jessica: so, are you gonna be telling your mums about us now that ive told mine?

Tommy: yeah! we are getting a take away in a little bit so ill tell them when i go down the stairs for that.

Jessica: alright!

Tommy: so, did you get to see what was on that piece of paper that i gave you?

Jessica: oh shoot! i totally forgot about it because i was so busy speaking with the girls. ill go get it now! *gets up and goes down the stairs to get the rose and paper out her school bag*

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