1 month of hiding

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Anna: *is relieved that her best friend isnt hurt in any way* really? *smiles because she is so happy Jessica has finally found someone*

Jessica: *sits up and sees her best friend smiling at her* yeah! *smiles* im sorry i didnt tell you sooner. i was just scared because ive never had to deal with so many emotions all at once.

Anna: i get it! i was like that when Grace and i started dating! but then i started telling you and all my other close mates and i was so much happier because a massive weight had been lifted of my shoulder and i was able to be all lovey dovey with Grace in public and be proud to do so *smiles as jessica smiles back*

Jessica: you girls do make a really cute couple. im so proud of you! you have come a long way from the anna i knew back in primary. *smiles as Anna smiles then they both hug and stand back up once they hear the bell, warning them that their lunch break is over*

Anne: now, i wanna hear all about this boyfriend of yours when we are finished school, missy! *nudges Jessica and makes her laugh*

Jessica: yeah! ill phone you after dinner or something *smiles*

Anna: alright! see ya! *smiles then walks off to go to class while Jessica goes to hers*

*after school! Jessica was currently waiting at the front of the school for her lift when she felt someone come up behind her and cover her eyes. she freaked out at first but then she noticed the scent of the person and instantly relaxed when she realises it was Tommy*

Tommy: guess who? *smiles*

Jessica: hmm, let me guess! ...is it my super cute boyfriend that hasnt spoken to me all day long *laughs because she knows that they didnt get a chance to see or speak to each other since they were both super busy with classes*

Tommy: *Tommy removes his hands then jessica turns round and looks up at him with a cheeky smile* ill take the super cute part but i will not stand here and let you blame me for something my evil teachers did... *crosses his arms like he is pissed but the smile on his face says it all and that makes jessica smile more*

Jessica: im kidding! i really did miss you though. *looks up at Tommy*

Tommy: i missed you too! we will definitely have lunch together tommorow, i promise.

Jessica: awesome! *smiles as tommy smiles back. then she looks down and sees that Tommy is holding a rose in his hand with a small piece of paper*... whats that?

Tommy: *looks down at his hands then back up at Jessica* its a little something i thought id get for you!...happy one month! *smiles as he hands jessica the rose and the folded bit of paper*

Jessica: *takes the stuff from Tommy* thanks babe! *smiles*

Tommy: i know its not much but i just wanted to do something for you that wouldnt be overly visible to anyone else as a hint that we are going out. i will be sure to be more extravagant with out future dates and anniversary's, once you are ready. *smiles down at Jessica*

Jessica: you're so sweet! i love it and i cannot wait to see what you come up with for our future dates *smiles up at Tommy* ..oh before i forget! i finally told Anna and she is really happy for us *smiles as Tommy smiles back*

Tommy: thats great! what about your other mates... do they know anything? *isnt meaning to come across as pushy, he is just curious*

Jessica: not yet! but they have started to question me because ive been acting a little different, like day dreaming easily or not spending time with them at all. because id rather be with you in a quiet and less crowded place during lunch and Break.

Tommy: well, im sure they will be happy for you whenever you do get round to telling them what has been going on. *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah! ill tell them this week and try again with talking to Tana and Britty this weekend. i really am tired of hiding and coming across as something im not... *smiles weakly*

Tommy: *cups the side of Jessica's face and looks into her eyes as she looks back* im so proud of you! and im sure that everyone is gonna be so happy for you. just call or text me if you need me and ill be there. ok?

Jessica: yeah! thanks *smiles*

Tommy: *sees his mums car pull up but luckily he took his hand away from jessica before he gave anything away* ive got to go! *smiles weakly because he doesn't want to leave jessica since they havent seen each other until now*

Jessica: k! ill talk to you later on and let you know how i get on. *smiles as she stands up and give Tommy a quick hug*

*without another word, Tommy heads to his mums car and Jessica continues to sit on the wall just outside the school. Harper looks over at her and waves before driving off. then just as Jessica was putting her rose and paper in her school bag, Brittany had pulled up a few feet away from her*

Brittany: *jessica sits in the passenger seat and gets buckled in* hey Munchkin, how was school? *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: busy and boring... just like always! *laughs*

Brittany: of course! *laughs because she isnt surprised that Jessica still hasnt been able to enjoy high school in any way*

Jessica: is Tana home yet? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: yep! she was working on some paper work when i left to get you. but im sure she wont be working much longer and will be able to spend time with us.

Jessica: k! *looks out the window and starts to day dream and think about if she wants to just tell Brittany and San about Tommy, tonight instead of waiting a few more days. which will most likely just make her chicken out again*

Brittany: *had been getting used to Jessica being so quiet the past few weeks, but she still wanted to find out why* Munchkin? *jessica snaps out of her thoughts and sits up straight as she looks at Britt* ... are you sure you're ok?

Jessica: *isnt ready to talk so she just acts as normal as possible* yeah, why?

Brittany: its just that you've been alot quieter and more distant the past few weeks. so san and i are just worried that something has happened at school that you dont wanna tell us about! *jessica bites her lip because she hates that she is making everyone worry about her* ... are those popular girls saying stuff to you again? *has no idea what is going on so she just has to try and come up with an answer since Jessica doesnt want to give her one*

Jessica: no, its not that! ... im sorry that ive freaked you and Tana out but i promise that i will talk to you girls about it tonight. *smiles and tries to hide how anxious she is feeling*

Brittany: ok! *drives into their street and parks outside their house* you can help me set the table then you can talk to me and San once we all sit down to eat, ok? *looks at Jessica and smiles*

Jessica: yeah! *smiles back then they get out the car and go into the house to help San with dinner*

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