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*the next morning! Sasha was up by 8:35am because thats when Jessica decided that was when they would be starting the day. they went down the stairs and Sasha decided to put the TV on for jessica, then sasha went in to the kitchen to help herself to a cup of tea and to make jessica a drink of blackcurrent. about 9:15am Meredith came down the stairs, shortly followed by Valerie at 9:30am. the 3 mums all sat in the living room with their hot drinks and were just have a chat about whatever topics came to mind*

*it was now 11am and the girls still hadnt come down the stairs*

Jessica: *was starting to get bored of her program because she was just too excited to spend time with Santana and Brittany* mama... when will Britty and Tana wake up? *looks up at her mum*

Sasha: *looks down at Jessica* im not sure pumpkin! im sure they wont be too long. they are probably just super tired from all that dancing you girls did yesterday *smiles at the memory because she remembers how Jessica didnt want to leave the place and would have danced with the girls all night long if she could*

Jessica: *is sad because she doesnt know how long she will have to wait for the girls* ok... *walks over to sit on the ground infront of the TV again and puts her head in her hands with a bored look on her face as she watches one of her fave programs

*20 minutes later! in Santana and Brittanys room*

Santana: *woke up and went to the bathroom! by the time she came back out a couple minutes later, Brittany was awake and lifted her head to look at San* good morning Mrs lopeirce! *smiles as she walks over and gets back into bed, looking at Britt*

Brittany: *was a little hesitant because she had so many thoughts going through her mind about last night and didnt know how to feel about Santana acting like nothing happened* morning...

Santana: *sensed that Brittany was a little unsure of herself when she responded* whats wrong? ...if this is about last night then im really sorry! *bites her lip, feeling guilty how she let them go to bed without talking things through*

Brittany: no, im sorry... i never meant to raise my voice at you! it was really insensative of me and it wont ever happen again. i promise! *looks at Santana and smiles weakly because she is still thinking that Santana is really mad at her*

Santana: *sees how freaked out Brittany is as if she is the only one to blame* im sorry that i pushed you away! i hate myself for doing that to you *looks down at Brittany as Britt looks up at San and they both eventually relax as they get lost in each others eyes*

Brittany: lets just forget about it and think about everything else that happened yesterday. *smiles as san smiles back*

Santana: agreed! *smiles down and Britt*

Brittany: *smiles up at San then takes her arms out from under the covers and reaches out* now come here so i can give you the sweet lady kisses that i should have given you last night. *Santana giggles then lays on Brittanys chest and they both just hold each other as if they havent been with each other for days*

Jessica: *heard mumbled laughter and talking coming from upstairs. so without hesitation she was running for the stairs and not paying attention to her mum saying her name because she was just too excited to see the girls* GIRLS... YOUR'E AWAKE! *runs up and jumps on the girls bed with a big smile on her face*

Brittany: *feels Santana bury's her head further into Britt's chest as she tries to escape the shouting that was coming from an over excited little girl* hey munchkin! *smiles* do you think you can talk a little quieter for me. because San isnt feeling well right now *rubs santana's back as she keeps her eyes closed and tries not to say anything because she can't get mad at an 8 year old that has no idea what a hangover is*

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