making the most of it

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*as soon as santana starts singing, all eyes are on her and the room is silent all the way through her performance*

Santana: *finished singing and just looked out at the crowd with a smile as they were all clapping and cheering for her* thank you! *stands up and hands the microphone back to the DJ, before going down the steps and off the stage with the help of Brittany holding her hand so Santana doesnt fall in her heels*

Brittany: *hugged and kissed san*don't freak out but, pretty much every guy in this place is giving me the evil eyes because of your sexy ass. *laughs as Santana giggle*

Santana: sucks to be them! *kisses Britt then grabs hold of Her hand again as they make their way through the crowd to go back to their table*

*as they were walking, people were getting santana's attention and were commenting on how amazing she sounded. even though nothing bad came from the strangers, britt was still on high alert and looking back to check and make sure that San was ok and wasnt getting any innapropriate comments from the drunk dudes*

Brittany: *lets go of Santana's hand and sat across from her. breathing a sigh of relief because no confrontations happened like she thought it might. both girls just looked at each other with smiles on their faces* you definitely just won yourself another couple of drinks with that performance. *Santana giggles because she knew Britt was referring to the way that some of the guys were tripping over themselves after santana was finished on stage*

Santana: i guess ill have to politely decline their offers because im only interested in what you have to offer. *smirks as Britt smiles back at her and laughs a little at how quickly she changed her tone to be more flirty*

Brittany: good! because i really didnt feel like going all lima heights on any more drunk idiots tonight, all because they are jealous of me being here with someone like you. *smiles as she sees Santana blushing and lowering her head to try and hide it*

Santana: you are always talking about how you are lucky. but im the lucky one for having such a sweet talker that will stop at nothing to make sure im safe and happy. *smiles as she looks into Britts eyes*

Brittany: would you like another drink or do you wanna just get back to our hotel room for some sweet lady kisses? *smiles*

Santana: *smiles and thinks for a moment* hmm... one more drink then we can go! how about that? *looks over at Brittany*

Brittany: alright! lets go and try not get you into trouble with anyone this time *laughs as she lets her overprotective side show proudly*

Santana: *laughs* yeah! ill be holding onto you and wont dare to let go till we are back at this table! *smiles at Britt as they get up and hold each others hands and walk close to each other as they try to dodge drunk dancers on their way to the bar*

*after their drinks were payed for, the girls left the pub and walked hand in hand back to their hotel. obviously leaving their car on the side of the street till britt was sober enough to be behind the wheel again*

Santana: thank you so much for that Britt... i had such a good night!  *smiles up at Brittany*

Brittany: you're welcome! i had a great time too! *smiles down at san*

*for the rest of their walk, there was just a comfortable silence between the pair as they got lost in their thoughts and cuddled up to one another, with Santana's head on Britts shoulder and Britt resting her head ontop of San's*

*once they were back in their room Brittany let go of santana's hand and walked in the room behind her. from the time it took Brittany to close the door then turn round to walk into the room. santana had stumbled over to her side of the bed and was taking her dress off, not bothering to get a pair of pj's from the case because she was too desperate to get under the covers and be off her feet*

Brittany: *turned round as santana was getting into bed* oh, so its gonna be one of those kind of nights, is it? *smiles as san smirks back*

Santana: it can be! *smiles as Brittany takes her outfit off and gets under the covers to cuddle into san*

Brittany: *looks into santana's eyes* you sure you wanna do this or do you just wanna sleep? *sees santana trying not to close her eyes*

Santana: hmm... i ... wanna do.... you... *britt laughs at santana trying to talk seductively but is failing because she is too tired now that she is in a comfortable bed*

Brittany: how about we just cuddle tonight? *looks down at San, knowing that she wont want to waste there night away by just sleeping*

Santana: no! *opens her eyes and tries to hold back a yawn so she can act like she isnt absolutely shattered* lets do it before we have to go home and get back to our busy schedules. *before Brittany opens her mouth to say anything else, Santana was hovering over Britt and started to kiss her lips and neck*

Brittany: *isnt going to bother fighting back for the sake of Santana being tired. because she knew San was right about being away from home so they could make the most of their alone time being in their own little bubble for the weekend*

*sunday morning came and Brittany was the first up since she consumed a hell of a lot less alcohol than what Santana had. brittany just got up and put her dressing gown and slippers on then went over to their little kettle and made a coffee for herself. then she went out and sat in the chair on the balcony and looked out at the view as she enjoyed her hot drink and the sound of the world around her*

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