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*15 minutes later! Quinn sent Santana a message to say that they were about to pull up in the carpark, a few feet away from where san had everything set up*

Santana: thats them here! *looks at her mum who looks at Meredith. they both smile then gave san a hug and wished her good luck. valerie and meredith went to hide out of sight but also tried to stay close enough to see the girls* 

Brittany: *in Quinns car! Britt was sat in the middle back seat while Rachel and Quinn were sat in the two front seats* what the heck is going on? *has a million questions going through her head! most importantly, why San wasnt home when Quinn took Brittany back there to get dressed in something nice. which, by the way was also very suspicious because she never goes anywhere fancy with the girls and not Santana*

Quinn: calm down B! you will find out soon enough. just come and we will show you *smiles at Brittany as does Rachel*

*it took them a bit of time to convince her but finally all three girls were on their way down to the beach. there was a bunch of trees blocking Brittany's view from the beach, so it wasnt untill they walked along a gravel path for a bit, that she saw something on the sand in the distance*

Brittany: *tried her hardest to try and figure out what it was that she was seeing. When they got closer, britt noticed an outfit that belonged to the one and only santana lopez* what the... *didnt even finish her sentence because she was too busy looking at the set up. she smiles as she looks at Quinn and Rachel who now have an equaily big smile on their faces as they walk along the beach with Britt*

Santana: *heard talking in the distance so she turned to see that it was Brittany and the girls. she was giggling a little because she could see the look of complete shock and curiosity on Brittany's face* hey there sweetcheeks! *raised her voice enough so Brittany could hear her from where she was*

Brittany: *didnt take her eyes off of san as she jogged up to meet her under the gazeebo that was set up with rainbow lights round the entire thing* are you crazy!? *was still trying to take it all in and check if it was all just a dream or not. she held onto Santana's waist and Santana draped her arms over Britt's shoulders and held onto the back of her neck*

Santana: *laughs because she knew it was a rhetorical question but she still responded for the fun of it* crazy about you! *smiles as she looks into Brittany's eyes and Britt gets lost in santana's eyes with a smile on her face*

Brittany: this is so much better than where i thought those two were gonna be dragging me too *laughs because she has never been able to fully trust Quinn*

Santana: did you really think i would ever leave you alone with those two for no good reason?! *laughs because she always jokes like she doesnt trust quinn to look after Britt and keep her safe*

Brittany: *laughs as she looks behind her to see that Quinn and Rachel are stood a few feet away from them just to let the girls have their moment. by the looks on their faces, Quinn and Rachel knew they were being talked about and that made Brittany and Santana laugh.*

Brittany: *turned back to San and felt her start to tense up so by natural instinct, brittany instantly started lightly dragging her thumbs back and forth over the back of santana's hands* Babe, whats going on? *looks into Santana's eyes to try and get answers*

Santana: *speaks under her breath* alright! here goes nothing! *takes a deep breath and ends up giggling a little when she sees Brittany scrunch up her face in confusion. then she gets back to her more confident side and speaks normally*  Brittany s peirce! where do i even begin with you... i dont know how you have coped so well, but you have been there by my side through all the good and all the bad. despite being complete opposits in so many ways, we some how got lucky and became inseperable so early on. you are the love of my life and my bested friend. there is no one else in this world that id wanna have with me to go on lifes adventures with. and when the time comes, i hope that you and i can be ghost buddies in the next life, just so we can go round scaring the shit out of anyone who has ever doubted us or done us wrong in anyway, shape or form *they both laugh through the tears* you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and not a day goes by that i dont think about how lucky i am to have had the opportunity to be with you.which is why it brings me an unexplainable amount of joy to finally be able to do this.. *lets go of one of Brittany's hands to reach and grab the ring box out of her back pocket, before getting down on one knee. keeping their eyes connected. Santana watched as realisation hits and Britt is no longer able to control her emotions* Brittany s peirce... will you do me the honours of becoming Mrs lopeirce? *anxiously yet excitedly waits for Britt to say something*

Brittany: HELL YEAH! *laughs as does santana, because Britt couldnt just go with the simple and traditional yes. she had to do things her way and make it her own. which is one of the many things Santana absolutely loves about her*

*Santana stood back up and eagerly connected her lips with Brittany's so that they could share their most passionate and loving kiss yet. that was when Quinn and Rachel started jumping up and down, cheering like little school girls. all the screaming was what had Meredith and Valerie appearing into view and making their way towards the girls to give them big hugs and join in on the celebration*

Brittany: *pulled away from the kiss so Santana could put the ring on her finger. then britt wrapped her arms around Santana's waist and spun her round, making her laugh* WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! *raises her voice because she just cant contain her excitment and show how happy she is. once she placed San back on the ground she saw valerie and her mum walking towards then with big smiles on their faces* mum?... *smiles and runs up to her mum to wrap her arms around her and give Meredith a big hug*

Meredith: *smiles from ear to ear as Brittany looks at Meredith with a big smile on her face* i cant believe my babygirl is getting married... *smiles at Britt then to San, who walks up to Brittany and instantly wraps her arm around Brittany's lower back and kisses her on the cheek*

Brittany: *smiles at her mum then turns to Santana with an even bigger smile* you and me both! *looks back at Valerie and Meredith*

valerie: congrats girls! *steps forward to hug Santana* you guys are perfect together and i for one cannot wait to see what amazing things the future has in store! im sure it will be nothing short of amazing *smiles at the girls as they smile back at valerie and Meredith*

Santana: *smiles and looks at her mum* thank you, mum! *then she looks round at the rest of them who were stood infront of her and Britt* thank you to all of you for being here to share this special moment. i couldnt have done it without you *smiles at everyone as they smile back*

Brittany: *wraps her arm around Santana* thank you guys... for everything! it means the absolute world to San and i *smiles as she looks round at everyone*

Quinn: *was stood between meredith and Rachel as they watched the interactions between the newly engaged couple and their mothers.* GROUP HUG! *excitedly shouts as everyone looks at her and laughs then they all get closer and hold onto each other for a few seconds*

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