happy and sad tears

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Toby: Brittany and i go way back! its funny because whenever Quinn was with Britt and Santana, she would always talk about how they couldnt go 2 minutes without bickering. so technically she has been like a sister to me since day one! it was fun because not only would we gang up on Quinn and wind her up. but lucky for me, i have also had Brittany to talk to whenever i had girlfriends troubles or if i just wanted to talk about my crushes that ive had over the years. we would always play snog! marry! avoid!. it was a fun game... up until Brittany met santana and that is all she could think about. *everyone laughed and looked at the girls as Santana gave Brittany a kiss on the cheek and giggled at Britt blushing so much* santana would be the answer to everything, no matter what other name i said to choose between. at one point Britt even picked Santana for the one she would avoid *looks up at the girls and sees that santana is looking at Brittany with a confused look on her face* dont worry San! the reason she said she would avoid you is because it was right after the first time she saw you go all lima heights on some kid in the playground at school. *santana and brittany look at each other and Santana just laughs as brittany smiles at her* but dont worry because she went on to say that shortly after that moment, it was when she first fell in love with you and found that stuff *did air quotes with his hands* "hot" ...BARF! *everyone laughed at Toby for making fun just because he hasnt had much luck with girlfriends so he just jokes about stuff like this all the time. also because he is only 16 and boys his age always act like they dont do feelings and stuff* no, but seriously... i really do admire the love you guys have for one another and i really hope that im lucky enough one day to have a best friend/soulmate *smiles* i wish you guys nothing but love, laughter and light as you take on the world together *smiles as everyone claps. Toby gives in a minute before he motions for everyone to settle down so he can continue*

Toby: alright! Now on to the good stuff! *the seconnd half of his speech involved him telling a bunch of funny/embarrasing stories about Brittany. so by the end of it, everyone was trying to catch their breaths from laughter, while Brittany had her head in her hands trying to hide from embarrassment*

Santana: *places her hand of Brittany's back* it wasnt that bad babe! *laughs at Brittany being a tad dramatic*

Brittany: *takes her head out of her hands and sits up straight* yeah, you say that now. just wait till its Quinn standing up there, talking about you *smiles at Santana*

Santana: *her face instantly drops and she is no longer smiling* oh poop!

Brittany: *laughing a little* you're adorable! *puts her arm round santana and leans in to give her a kiss* ...i really am excited to hear what Quinn has to say though *smiles as Santana smiles a little and rolls her eyes*

Quinn: *was sat right next to Santana so she heard her name and was quick to turn towards the girls* what you saying about me? *tries to look serious but the girls laughing at her made her smile*

Santana: My girl here, says she cant wait for you to embarrass the crap out of me with your maid of honour speech *smiles at Quinn*

Quinn: ah ok! well im not giving anything away. all ill tell you is that you will be laughing and crying *smiles*

Santana: oh no! *knew that whatever Quinn was going to say would make her cry happy tears as they bring up old memeories. so she was excited to hear Quinns side of it all. but she has also not changed since highschool in the way that she will try her hardest not to cry infront of people because she wants to keep her badassness that she can use to scare people off when she is not wanting to deal with people. she cant let her soft side show too much otherwise people will stop talking her seriously*

Brittany: sounds interesting! cant wait to hear all about it *smiles at Santana then Quinn*

Terry: *walked back upto the girls * sorry to interupt ladies but i think i owe this one a dance *looks at Brittany and puts his hand out like he did with santana*

Brittany: *smiles up at Terry* of course! *kisses Santana then gets up and goes round to meet Terry in the middle*

*the song plays and just like santana, Brittany's song played and within the first few seconds britt could not hold herself together because she just thought of her dad the whole time. this is the first time she has let herself cry about her dad since before the wedding so she was quite uncontrollable at one point. once the song was over, Terry gave her a big hug that lasted about a minute or so. then she walked out of the middle and walked round to be met by her mum with open arms. brittany was quick to wrap her arms around her mum and accept it while she cried even more. Santana was seeing everything happen and her heart was breaking because she new that this was going to be a hard day from Brittany. So San really wishes that she could do more to help make the grieveing process a little eaier for Britt. a few minutes after Brittany had calmed down again, her mother let go and took her by the hand to take there seats again. the second that Brittany sat down, Santana hand reached out and grabbed hold of Brittany's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze to let Brittany know that San was gonna be there for her if she needed to talk. Brittany instantly looked up at San and smiles weakly to let santana know that she understands what Santana is saying, through that single touch*

Quinn: *was also seeing everything happen so she thought to herself that now would be the perfect time to do her speach so she can embarrass san and make Brittany laugh*

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