pillow fight and freaking out

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*at the hotel! all the girls are settled in and have their pj's on. since jessica is their little flower girl, Sasha and jessica were staying in the hotel as well. they are currently jumping on the beds having a pillow fight like they used to do back when they would have sleepovers in high school. this one is a little less chaotic because there is a little kid involved so of course everyone is being very mindful that jessica wont be able to take a hit as well as they can, because of their height difference*

Santana: *was sat at the dressing table, trying to write her vows* do you mind! im trying to write my vows over here and i cant concentrate with you girls screaming like that! *turns round to see that the girls had stopped jumping and were now just stood in place, looking at Santana as if she just told them that their dog died*

Quinn: *gets off the bed and walks over to Santana* you've been at that for hours! come and have a little fun... *gets a hold of Santana's hand so she can get her off the chair*

Santana: *looks at Quinn with her face scrunched up in confusion* Q, we have only been at the hotel for an hour and a half*

Quinn: i know! just come on... have a break then i can help you finish your vows later *tries to take santana by the hand to stand her up*

Santana: ok, ok! im coming... *laughs at herself for not being able to say no to Quinn, even when its the night before the biggest day of Santana's life and she needs to make sure everything goes perfectly smooth. as soon as santana got onto the bed and grabbed a pillow, everyone started hitting each other again. only this time they were all going for Santana more than anything. San was just laughing and trying to dodge as many hits as she can* what the heck! why is everyone going for me? *nobody said anything and were just laughing as they continued to corner Santana* ...TIME OUT!...TIME OUT! *was laying on the bed with her pillow in the air, trying to block the girls from hitting her*

*everyone stops and stands still once again as Santana tries to catch her breath.*

Santana: you lot are pure evil, you know that?! *laughs as all the girls smile down at Santana*

Mercedes *sits down next to santana and San gets into a seated position with the pillow on her lap* San, is everything ok? you seem very stressed like you have a million and 1 things to do *looks at Santana as the rest of the girls sit down on the bed and huddle round her*

Santana: i guess im just really nervous about tommorow! my brain keep making me think that the craziest things are gonna happen that will ruin mine and Britany's big moment. *looks down as she starts to fidget with her fingers*

*jessica hugged Santana from Behind while Mercedes placed her hand on top of Santana's. and Quinn, sugar and Rachel just sat on the bed opposite to Santana*

Mercedes: you have nothing to worry about! everything in sorted. so all you need to do tommorow is get that dress on, get your hair and makeup done then walk down the isle to meet up with the girl of your dreams *smiles as Santana smiles back*

Jessica: dont be scared Tana... its only Britty! *everyone smiles at Jessica's innocence, realising that she doesnt fully understand why Santana would be scared to be with Brittany when she has been the reason for her happiness for the past 10 years*

Santana: come here you! *smiles as she reaches her hands out so jessica can sit on her lap*

Jessica: *smiles as she sits sideways on Santana's lap and wraps her arms round Santana's neck to hold onto her* why are you scared? *looks up at Santana with concern in her eyes*

Santana: *takes a deep breath to try and explain the situation in a way that the 8 year old can understand* its a big day and alot of people are going to be there to see us. i just dont want anything bad to happen that could upset anyone... especially Brittany *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: tommorow is going to be fun. because me, you and Britty will get to be together again and we will be dancing and singing. and britty will probably do silly things to make us laugh like she always does *smiles up at Santana*

Santana: you are so right! when did you get so smart? *boops Jessica on the nose that makes her giggle*

*it was 10:30pm when Sasha came through to the girls room to get jessica so she can get her to bed. she knocked on the door and sugar went to open it while the rest of the girls were still sat on the beds talking to jessica and laughing together*

Sugar: hey sasha, come on in! *smiles then walks back into the room with sasha following close behind*

Sasha: *walks up to the bed where all the girls were sat* where's my little monkey? *smiles as Jessica looks up at her mum*

jessica: im here mama! *smiles at Sasha as she continues to sit on santana's lap*

Santana: hey sasha! ...jessica was just telling us about how excited she is about being the flower girl tommorow *smiles as Sasha smiles back*

Sasha: well i was actually coming to get her so she can get to bed and be fully energized for tommorow *smiles at San then looks at Jessica*

Jessica: but mama, i wanna stay here with Tana! *tries to hold onto Santana as much as she can so she doesnt get taken away*

Sasha: come on honey! we will be back through to see Santana in the morning *reaches her hands out to pick Jessica up*

Jessica: WAIT! *stops Sahsa from walking away* i havent given them a good night hug! *looks back at the group of girls that are looking up at Jessica*

Sasha: *puts Jessica back on the ground* go on then! *smiles as she seen Jessica run over to the girls and gives each of them a big hug and says good night to them*

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