food and entertainment

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*45 minutes later! Santana and Brittany were plating up all the good for the girls. since there was so much of it, they had to carry out 2 plates each then go back for the other stuff*

Santana: *walks over to the table brittany set up at the corner of the garden* FOODS READY! *speaks loudly so the girls stop what they are doing at look over in her direction to know where the food is*

Jessica: *walks over with Anna* thank you girls! *smiles up as Brittany and San put the plates on the table*

Brittany: you're welcome munchkin *smiles at Jessica then goes back in the house to get the last few plates*

Santana: alright! you girls have at it and me and Britt will just be in the living room so we can listen out for the doorbell! *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: is Quinn and Rachel coming over? *gets excited because she has created such a strong and close bond with the girls over the years of living next door to them and being in the care of their besties*

Santana: yep! they should be here any minute now *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: awesome! *smiles at Santana then turns back round to eat some of the food that was made*

Brittany: *saw san come back in the house* are the girls enjoying the food? *looks at San*

Santana: they havent all eaten it yet but our little munchkin sure looks like she is loving it *thinking about how quickly jessica turned round and started picking at the food*

Brittany: figures! *laughs at how much Jessica is like her when it comes to Britt's appetite*

Santana: should we get the cake out and just have it on display till we sing happy birthday to her later, or should we just leave it for now? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: um, i think we should just leave it for now incase the girls get tempted and have their hands all over it *looks at Santana*

Santana: yeah, you're right! lets just chill and make the most of the peace while they are still out in the garden *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: ; lets do it! *smiles at San then takes hold of her hand to walk to the couch*

Santana: *just as she sat down next to Britt, she heard the doorbell* just my luck! *laughs as does Brittany then she gets up and answers the door*

Quinn: *is stood at the door with Rachel and sees Santana as she opens the door* hey bish! *says in a jokingly enthusiastic voice*

Santana: *looks at Quinn* hey blondie! *smiles then looks at Rachel* dwarf! *laughs as rachel playfully rolls her eyes and Quinn gives Santana a death stare* ... come on in! *steps out the way so the girls can go into the house*

Brittany: *is stood in the doorway of the living room, looking at Quinn and Rachel* hey girls! *smiles as she gives each girl a hug*

Quinn: hey B! *smiles*

Rachel: hey! *smiles*

Quinn: so, where's the Birthday girl? *looks at Brittany and Santana, who is now stood infront of her and Rachel*

Santana: shes out in the garden with her mates! ...if we're quick then we might be able to get a bite to eat *laughs as do the girls then they all walk through the living room and out to the garden*

jessica: *was stood talking with her friends when she saw the girls come outside* QUINN... RACHEL... YOU MADE IT! *runs up and hugs them both*

Rachel: of course! did you really think we would miss your birthday *smiles as Jessica lets them go and just stands infront of them*

Jessica: well, i just thought that you's might be too busy with work. but im so happy you're are here! *smiles as the girls smile back* come on and ill introduce you to all my friends. *takes Rachel by the hand and goes towards her friends while Quinn follows*

Anna: hey rach! ...hey Q! *smiles as Jessica and the girls walk towards her*

Quinn: hey trouble *smiles*

Anna: excuse me! im an angel. jessica is the trouble maker *crosses her arms and pretends to be offended*

Quinn: *laughs* i know! i was only kidding.

Rachel: anyway... which one of you girls is gonna be dueting with me tonight? *looks at the two teens stood infront of her*

Anna: ill do it! *jumps excitedly* although, i havent done any singing in a while so dont be mad if i sound like a dying cat and mess up the harmonies *laughs*

Rachel: im sure you will sound amazing as always! *smiles as Anna smiles back*

Anna: lets go! *smiles then goes to the other side of the garden where the karaoke machine was sat. she looks at all the button and is so confused about how to turn it on* how the heck am i supposed to figure out which one turns it on? *looks at Rachel as she looks up from the buttoms as well*

Rachel: you'd think after all my years of singing, that id know how to work every musical related machine but this doesnt even have different colours on the buttons to tell them apart *looks at the machine then back at Anna*

Anna: lets ask Brittany! im sure she will know since shes the one that go this thing *looks at Rachel then looks over to see Brittany talking with Quinn and Santana* BRITT *gets Brittany's attention* HOW DO YOU WORK THIS THING? *point to the karaoke machine and looks at Brittany*

Brittany: *goes over to Rachel and Anna* dont panic! its not as complicated as it looks *smiles at Anna then flips the switch in the very middle on the top of the machine*

Rachel: thanks B! *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: no problem! enjoy and make sure you limit yourself to 3 songs maximum *looks at Rachel with a serious look but is also smiling a little*

Rachel: yes ma'am! *laughs then turns back round to look for the song she wants to sing and makes sure that Anna is ok with it*

Anna: *takes a microphone and turns it on before turning round to see everyone* attention ladies! *all eyes were on her* me and Rachel have a song we would like to sing for you lovely lot so i hope you like it. *looks at Rachel and sees her press play so the song comes through the speaker*

*as soon as the song started Jessica was already smiling and dancing to it because it was one of her favourite taylor swift songs. she knew that Anna would have chosen that on purpose and for that Jessica was very grateful that she thought of her*

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