not for little ears

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Brittany: *was stood at the end of the bed just admiring Jessica and Sasha's interactions* are either of you wanting some breakfast or are you just wanting to stay up here and rest for a while.

Sasha: i think we will come down in a little bit! you and San can help yourself to anything you find in the cupboards, if you want! *smiles up at Britt*

Brittany: alright, thank you! *smiles*

Jessica: bye Britty! *smiles up at Brittany*

Brittany: see you later Munchkin! *smiles at Jessica then leaves to go back to the spare room to see San. Once she sees that the bed is empty, Britt grabs her phone and goes downstairs because thats obviously the only place Santana will be*

Santana: *saw Brittany walk into the living room* hey you! *smiles at Brittany* ...did i really not get any cuddles at all last night? *fake pouts*

Brittany: *laughs a little as she sits down and cuddles into Santana the same way they did on the couch last night* of course you did... up until 3am *smiles at san*

Santana: *frowns because she realises that Jessica must have had nightmares about her mum dying* how are the girls doing? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: *looks at Santana* Jessica is very happy to see her mum! they are just sat in Sasha's bed cuddling right now.

Santana: alright! How about we go out and buy something for breakfast for everyone?

Brittany: yeah! ill just go and let Sasha know * kisses Santana then goes up to talk to Sasha*

*as they walked along the path, they were talking about how they are going to deal with Sasha's situation and how soon they will be going back home*

Brittany: we should probably call our mums to tell them about whats happening *looks at San*

Santana: *looks at Brittany* yeah! we can facetime them with Sasha later so she can tell them what she wants to happen within the next few weeks

Brittany: yeah! we'll say to her after breakfast and jessica can play in the garden so her little ears dont have to hear about the changes and get upset again *smiles weakly as does Santana*

*later on! just before lunch, jessica was out in the garden while Sasha, Brittany and Santana spoke on facetime with Meredith and Valerie*

*on the video call*

Sasha: ok! so ive been thinking and i have decided that i would like to be burried back in Hawaii. that way i can still be close to jessica. and when she is ready, you guys wont have to travel far to get to me *looks at Santana and Brittany as Meredith and Valerie watch and listen*

Santana: we can do that! *smiles weakly as Sasha gives her the same look because she really hates that she already has to have this conversation*

Meredith: Sasha, how about the girls stay with you a few days longer and you can all start to pack up your house and then just come back with the girls to stay with them so they can look after you. dont worry we will sort all the big things that will need taken care of. i just think it would be less stress for you if you get Jessica moved and settled into her new home before things start to get worse for you *smiles sympathetically*

Sasha: would that be ok? *looks at Santana then Brittany* i dont want to put too much on your plate all at once... *is worrying that all of this is overwhelming to the girls*

Brittany: dont be silly, its not a problem at all *smiles at Sasha then San*

Santana: yeah! i think it will work out great for all of us *smiles at Britt then Sasha*

Sasha: alright! thank you guys, that lifts the weight of everything off my shoulders a little bit more *smiles at the girls*

Valerie: Sasha, how do you feel about going out for lunch, all us girls and Jessica can go somewhere when you get back to hawaii?

Sasha: id love that! *smiles as Valerie smiles back*

Valerie: awesome! we will see you girls in a week and we will help you with whatever you need, ok?

Sasha: thank you! see you ladies soon *smiles as they all say their goodbyes and end the facetime call*

Santana: *sighs* so... nap time? *laughs as do the other 2*

Sasha: that sounds like a great idea *laughs as she slumps back in her chair tiredly*

Brittany: if you girls want to have a half hour nap, me and jessica can do stuff together and ill just keep her preoccupied so you can get some peace *smiles at Sasha*

Sasha: are you sure? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: absolutely! *smiles at Sasha*

Sasha: alright then... i better get up the stairs before you change your mind! *laughs as does the girls*

Santana: dont worry! i have my ways of convincing her if she tries to back down! *smiles at Sasha then turns and Smirks at Brittany*

sasha: well, alright! *laughs at how the girls look at each other when they have an interaction with very few words and a whole lot of facial expressions*

Brittany: sweet dreams and ill wake you both up in exactly 30 minutes *smiles at the girls as they smile back*

Santana: *goes up to Brittany and hugs and kisses her* night babe! see ya later *smiles at Britt then goes back over to Sasha so she can help her up the stairs, just making sure she doesnt fall because she is getting weaker every minute of everyday*

*once the girls are out of sight Brittany makes her way out the back door and into the garden. once she opens the door she sees that Jessica is playing by her sandbox with a bunch of her bath toys, just talking away to herself*

Brittany: *walks up to her and sits down at the Opposite side from jessica* mind if i join? *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: hey Britty! can play with these toys if you want *hands her a plastic little dolphin toy with a Barbie doll in a swimsuit*

Brittany: thank you Munchkin! what game were you playing with all these animals and charachters? *looks at the toys then to Jessica*

Jessica: this person and this hippo are friends *picks up the 2 toys that were in front of her* and this person and this dolphin are friends *points to the 2 toys she gave to Brittany*

Brittany: alright! what kind of adventure are they all going on today? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: well! the people can stay here on land *places the people in the sand box* then we can fill that one up with water and the animals can play together in the water *points to an empty sand box that was behind her*

Brittany: alright! does your mummy have a hose out here so we can fill that one with water *looks around the garden then at jessica*

Jessica: yeah! but she keeps it on a shelf in the shed and im to little to reach up to it *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: thats ok Munchkin, im super tall so i think ill be able to get it *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *gets up and runs over to the shed and tries to open in* ...i cant open it Britty! its to hard.

Brittany: *walks over to the shed and stands behind Jessica, examining how many locks are on the door* its ok! i just need to get this lock at the top and you should be able to open it *unlocks the top one* ...try now! *looks down at Jessica*

Jessica: *pulls on the door and is happy because it opens* yay! i did it!

Brittany: good job! now... where's that hose you were telling me about? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: up there! *points to the top shelf on the right hand side of the shed*

Brittany: *reaches up and grabs the hose* got it! *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

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