successful day for some

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Jessica: hey! tommy, right? *looks at the boy with a friendly smile*

tommy: y-yeah! *was very shy so he didnt make much eye contact with anyone*

Jessica: i know we havent spoken much other than in a few group project together but i just saw you sitting on your own and thought you might want someone to talk with. *smiles and tries to get Tommy to come out of his shell*

Tommy: thanks but im not very good at making friends! everyone thinks im weird because im always so quiet and always sit at the back *smiles weakly at Jessica then looks back at his desk*

Jessica: you arent weird! its totally understandable why you dont wanna be friends with anyone here *looks around at all her classmates* they are all so quick to judge and assume the worst in a person. *looks back at Tommy* ...but dont worry, i wont let them hurt you! they are all just raised a certain way that makes people like us seem like aliens to them

Tommy: yeah! my mums keep telling me that there is nothing wrong with being different and not wanting to get involved with the teenage drama that goes on at this school. but i just dont know how to deal with it because whenever i try to speak up and voice my opinion, i just get shot down again and again *frowns as he gets lost in thought*

Jessica: i know what you mean! i was in a fight just yesterday because i tried to stop someone from disrespecting my mum. *thinks back to what was said about her mum that made her so angry*

Tommy: *looks up at Jessica* are you ok? did you get hurt? *feels bad that Jessica had to deal with that*

Jessica: yeah, im fine! i got to have a day off because of it, so i loved getting to spend more time at home with my other mums *smiles at Tommy*

Tommy: you're other mum's? *clarifying that he heard her correctly*

Jessica: well, technically they arent legally my mums but after my biological mum passed away when i was little, they promised my mum that they would take care of me. so they are the closest thing i have to a mother figure now. *smiles*

Tommy: im sorry to hear about your mum! *smiles sympathetically*

Jessica: its ok! *smiles to reassure the boy that she wasnt going to just cry and the drop of a hat about it*

Tommy: im sure she was an amazing woman and is looking down on you wherever you go *smiles as Jessica smiles back* ...even when you kicked those kids asses yesterday *laughs as Jessica laughs as well*

Jessica: yeah! she would have been shaking her head in dissapproval im sure. *playfully shakes her head at the thought of what her mother would have said to her if she was here to witness Jessica's behavior*

*there was a moment of silence as they both got lost in thought*

Tommy: thank you! *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: what for? *looks at tommy*

Tommy: just for sitting here and talking with me. its nice to have a laugh with someone that isnt making fun of every little thing about me. *smiles*

Jessica: no problem at all! ill always be here if you ever need someone to talk to *smiles*

*in that one class alone, they had become so much closer just by having little conversations when the teacher wasnt looking. they would also pass sticky notes to each other when one of them was needing help with a question*

*it was now the end of the day and they had met up outside the school as Jessica was waiting to be picked up*

Tommy: so would you like to add each other on snap chat or something just so we can talk even when we arent in school? *is still kind of shy but is definitely finding it easier to talk to Jessica now that they know each other a little better and have a lot in common with each other*

Jessica: yeah sure! *takes her phone out her pocket and goes onto her snapchat so she can show Tommy her username* heres mine, you can add it and ill except it once i get home. *smiles as Tommy starts to type her user into the search bar*

Tommy: awesome! *smiles at Jessica as she puts her phone back in her pocket*

Jessica: *looks up and sees Santana pull up a few feet away from where they were standing* there's my ride! *waves as san waves back*

Tommy: alright, see ya! *smiles and waves bye to Jessica*

Jessica: bye! *waves bye to Tommy then gets into the passenger seat to be met by a smirking Santana*

Santana: so, who's the boy? *smiles as she tries to tease Jessica*

Jessica: *can see that Santana wants to joke and say that its Jessica's boyfriend so she just laughs* his name is Tommy and no he is not my boyfriend! *give san a stern look so she stops smirking*

Santana: ok, I won't tease! what were you guys talking about? *drives off and looks over at Jessica then back at the road*

Jessica: he's the kid i was telling you and britty about last night! the one that was getting picked on. *frowns because she hates that the kids at her school get away with stuff like that*

Santana: oh right! so did you talk with him about that stuff today! *looks at Jessica then back at the road*

Jessica: yeah! i managed to get him out of his shell a little bit and we had a laugh during our time together in class. *smiles at San*

Santana: *smiles at Jessica* well done Munchkin, im so proud of you!

Jessica: thanks Tana! *smiles at San then looks out the front window and just watches as the cars drive by* Britty back home from work yet? *looks at Santana*

Santana: sorry Munchkin but shes gonna be home late tonight! *frowns as she sees the disappointment in Jessica's eyes*

Jessica: how come? *looks at San*

Santana: well, she decided to come to my office for a surprise lunch together. then when lunch was over i tried to get her to go back and get her work done but you know what shes like. she refused to leave my side and kept on telling me that she didnt need to do anything. but i knew she was just lying because she wanted to stay with me and be a big distraction by making me laugh and stuff *laughs at the memory of Brittany sitting on the couch in santana's office and throwing bits of scrunched up paper at San so she would pay attention to Britt. then when that didnt work, she would go over and sit on top of Santana's desk and try to tease her by touching her, or kissing her neck in a very seducing kind of way*

Jessica: yep! that sounds like something she would do! *laughs and playfully shakes her head because she knows that brittany has an obsession with San and cant get enough of her company*

Santana: *laughs* yeah! you can tell her off when she get home later *smiles at Jessica as she pulls up infront of their house*

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