future fantasies

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Santana: *when Britt stood up to get a drink, Santana was quick to stop and question her, for the millionth time that evening* where you going? just tell me and i'll do it! *getting all fidgety as if she needs to be doing so much instead of just sitting around*

Brittany: *laughs a little at san being so jumpy and alert* Babe, Relax! im just getting a drink! *leans over and gives san a kiss before getting up to go and get drinks for the 2 of them. while Britt was away doing that, Santana just sat on the couch and took a deep breath trying not to get into her head, thinking about a million different things that are making her feel unwell and like she needs to be up on her feet doing stuff to make those thoughts and feeling go away*

Santana: *saw brittany come back into the living room with a glass of water in each hand. Britt gave one of the glasses to Santana then sat down and drank her own glass* thank you! *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: *smiles at san* your welcome! *takes a couple more sips of her water before placing it on the coffee table infront of her. then she sat back on the couch and went to lift santana's legs up so she can place then on brittany's lap and get comfortable. Santana doesnt even question it all! she just lays her head on the side of the couch and smiles at Brittany. looking into her eyes as Brittany lightly drags her fingertips up and down santana's legs as she looks at her with an equaily big smile on her face and look of love in her eyes*

santana: *cant stop beating herself up for upsetting brittany so she keeps getting lost in thought* im so sorry about earlier babe! *bits her lip nervously*

Brittany: please stop overthinking everything! ive already told you you were forgiven. *tries to reasure her that everything is ok now. because Brittany knows how santana always worries to much about if people actually forgive her when she does or says something that upsets them*

Santana: sorry i just cant help but let the goblins get to me. especially when the person ive upset is you! im supposed to be the one that shows you love, kindness, honesty and just all the good stuff that helps you see that you can trust me.

Brittany: *grabs hold of San's hands so that she can help calm santana's nerves. once their hands are conected, Santana is quick to start fidgeting with the ring of Brittany's finger* i do trust you! we are human and making mistakes is ok, because its just part of growing up! and i forgive you because i know that you dont mean to hurt me on pourpose. there is always a reason behind your actions so thats why im happy we are both able to be open and explain ourselves. that way we can help each other out if things get too hard to sort on our own! i dont ever want you to feel like you can't come and talk to me, ok? we are in this together. for as long as you'll have me that is *laughs as san giggles a little*

Santana: ok *smiles as she continues to play with the ring on Britt's finger*

Brittany: *looks down at Santana playing with the ring she bought Britt, a few years back. she sees that san is deep in thought again with a big smile on her face. so that makes brittany smile as well* cant wait for the day that i get to replace this with the real deal *smiles as san looks up and smiles back*

Santana: yeah, me too! *instantly fills with so much happiness and excitement because she is making it all happen sooner than what brittany thinks*

Brittany: lets just hope we dont have any problems with fighting over the colour theme for the venue. *laughs because her and santana both have completly different favourite colours but somehow when it comes to doing stuff together, it just works*

santana: true! maybe it will be eaiser if we just do a bomb ass, rainbow theme. *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: that sounds amazing! *smiles at Santana* ...if it were possible, i'd totally just marry you tomorrow *laughs but is not joking in the slightest*

Santana: *laughs at Brittany's eagerness* same here! sadly there is alot of prep that goes into it before we can say our vows and i do's *closes her eyes and fake snores*

Brittany: dont worry! im sure we can find a way to make the whole process super fun *smiles and looks at san*

Santana: i dont doubt that for a second! you are gonna be the best working buddy ive ever had. *smiles and looks at Brittany*

Brittany: i know we havent set a date or anything or talked when its gonna happen. but could we maybe start making the guest list, just for the fun of it, so we have something to do *smiles cheekily as if she is trying to hide her desparation and excitement for the day to come*

Santana: *laughs* sure, why not! *is trying not to hint that she has also started to plan part of the whole marriage process*

Brittany: awesome! *gets up from the couch with alot more energy than she has had all evening* ill go to get my notepad and some colouring pencils... just incase i convince you to create our invitations also. *smiles and gives san puppy dog eyes as a way of convincing her to go along with it*

Santana: yeah... we'll see about that! *laughs because she would be more than happy to do an activity with her girl. but she always wants to act like her old self just to make Brittany laugh*

Brittany: *as always, she laughs at Santana's top notch acting* ill be back! *runs off to her and Santana's room to get the supplies she needs*

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