cuddles, claws and competition

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*after the girls were finished their song, they took a bow as everyone was clapping and cheering*

Jessica: *went up to Anna as she put the microphone down and turned to Jessica* you sounded amazing! you're harmonies were so good. *fangirls over her best friend's talent*

Anna: thanks Jess! *smiles at Jessica*

Rachel: so, do you wanna go again? *smiles at Anna*

Quinn: *walked up to Rachel to compliment her singing but then she heard her say she was wanting to go again* um, i think its best if you have a break and let the others get a chance babe. *smiles as Rachel huffs* oh come on, dont be like that! lets go talk to the big girls, then you can come back to this and me and you can sing a song together *smiles*

Rachel: really? *is happy that she will get to sing with Quinn again since she hasnt heard Quinn singing in a while*

Quinn: yeah! but only if you come with me to talk with the adults at this party *looks at Rachel as she reaches her hand out for Rachel to grab hold of. which she does without hesitation then they walk back over to Santana and Brittany to talk and laugh about absolute randomness like they always do*

*Jessica and anna went back to chat with their other friends and the adults just sat a few feet away from the teenagers, keeping an eye on things but also enjoying each others company for the first time in a while. they have all been so busy with work that they havent been able to stop and enjoy each others company because the most recent events that brought them together was all the stuff that has been going on with Jessica loosing her mum*

Rachel: this is so nice! we finally get to sit down and have a laugh like old times. *looks over at Jessica laughing with her friends* and it makes me so happy to see the little one smiling again *smiles at the girls as they look at Jessica then back to face each other*

Santana: i cant believe im about to say this but i actually agree with the midget! *laughs as she looks at the girls and see them laughing and shaking their head*

Quinn: i know you dont like mushy topics but i just want to say how proud i am of you girls *Santana and Brittany smiles at Quinn as they wait to hear what she is going to say* girls dropped everything just to make sure that jessica was ok and had a safe place to live after her mum died. im sure you wont hear her gratitude as much, now that shes officially a teenager and will be grumoy 90% of the time. but im sure she really appeciates you for all of the sacrifices you make *smiles as Santana wipes the tears from her eyes*

Brittany: thanks Q! that is really sweet of you to say. *smiles as Quinn smiles back*

Santana: yeah! we really couldnt have gotten through it all without you girls being here to have jessica round at yours for a few hours so she can stay away from how stressful some days have gotten *smiles as the girls smile back at her*

Rachel: its no problem at all! you know we will be here for you both. no matter how big or small the situation may be *smiles as the girls smile back*

Santana: *hears jessica and her friends laughing which brings back Santana's awareness of where she is and that she started to get emotional. which everyone knows that she hates coming across as weak* starting to think that you girls are purpously trying to ruin my badassness *looks at the girls seriously but smiles as the girls start laughing*

Brittany: *wraps her arm round San and kisses her on the side of her forehead* dont worry babe, you still scare the pants off of people without trying. *smiles as San Smiles back*

Santana: good! *cuddles into Britt and the girls change the topic of conversation and continue to laugh together as they listen to Jessica and her friends sing karaoke*

Jessica: *speaks into the microphone as she looks at all her friends and over where the 2 couples are sitting* attention ladies! id like to dedicate this next song to my woderful mummy's that have given me so much and continue to show me so much love and support with everything i do in life *at this point Santana and Brittany were smiling at Jessica and trying to hold back their tears* and tana... i apologies in advance for how much this song is going to make you cry *laughs a little as she sees san realise what song she is about to sing*

*as the intro of the song starts, Jessica smiles at San and britt as the couple look at each other and smile then hold each others hand as they watch Jessica sing to them. her voice was so effortlessly perfect that it silenced everyone and she had all eyes on her, filled with such adoration for her talent. it was one of those moments from the movies where you could literally hear a pin drop*

*Once she finished the song she took a bow as eveyone clapped for her. then she looked over at the table to see that San was crying and britt shed a tear also. Jessica put the microphone next to the karaoke machine then made her way over to the 2 couples and gave Santana a big hug that lasted for a couple of minutes as they held onto each other in a tight embrace*

Jessica: *let go of San and stood by the table as Santana sat back down* so, what did you think... did you like it? *smiles down at Brittany and san then looks over to the other side of the table at Quinn and Rachel*

Rachel: you were fantastic! i should be scared right now because it looks like i have some competition *laughs as does Jessica*

Jessica: bring it on! *playfully act all competative*

Rachel: oh, its on like donkey kong! *matches Jessica's playfull competitive tone*

Quinn: alright ladies! lets keep the claws out of it *laughs at Rachel for acting just like the rachel she knew in high school, glee club*

Jessica: im gonna get back to my friends now! *goes round the table and hugs both couples* see ya later *smiles then walks back over to her mates and gets back to chatting and laughing with them all as she accepts the compliments about her singing*

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