bonding time

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Valerie: *puts on a brave face as the girls walk over to her with questioning looks* hey girlies! are you's gonna go in the water features yet? *smiles at the girls*

Brittany: yeah! jessica just had a question she wants to ask you *smlies weakly then looks down at Jessica*

Jessica: *looks at Valerie* where did mama go?

Valerie: *looks at Jessica* she was feeling a little tired so Meredith took her back to the house while i stayed here with you girls *smiles at jessica*

Jessica: ok! *speaks with such sadness because she wanted her mum to stay with them*

Valerie: how about Brittany and santana take you to play in the water for a bit then i can take you home and we can see your mum after her nap *looks at jessica and smiles weakly*

Jessica: yeah! *perks up a little bit at the mention of the water*

Valerie: alright! hands up! *helps Jessica take her summer dress off then sits her on the bench to help take her socks and shoes off*

*santana and brittany take their extra layers off then take jessica by the hand and they all walk over to the water feature. valerie just watched them mess about and was taking pictures of them to show meredith and Sasha when they are all back at the house*

*45 minutes later! jessica was starting to get tired so Santana carried her back to the bench and they all got dried and dressed then went back to Brittany and Santana's place*

*back home! they just walked through the door and Jessica was already shouting for her mum*

Meredith: *walked out the kitchen* jessica, honey! your mum is still having a nap so we need to be super quiet and let her rest, ok?

Jessica: *looks up at Meredith* ok! how long will she sleep for?

Meredith: im not sure! *looks at Jessica*

Brittany: *goes down to be at jessica's height* how about me you and santana all get into out pj's then we can go out into the garden and make a den? *smiles at jessica*

Jessica: *smiles from ear to ear* yes!

Brittany: ok! lets go and get your pj's then you can get dressed in our room! *smiles at Jessica then stands up and takes her by the hand to take her up the stairs. Santana just followed them and went to get her pj's on while Brittany was helping Jessica*

Jessica: *had just finished getting her Pj's on and was now sitting at the edge of the girls bed while Brittany looked out some pj's for herself* Britty?

Brittany: *turns to look at Jessica* yeah, munchkin?

Jessica: why does everyone keep getting ill? *has a look of sadness and worry*

Brittany: *stops what she is doing so she can turn to Jessica and give her, her full attention* what do you mean?

Jessica: well first Santana doesnt feel well and needed medicine and now my mama! she has been really tired for ages and she cant play with me as much as she used to! *looks down*

Brittany: *hasnt noticed Sasha acting out of the ordinary so she has no idea where jessica is getting this idea from* im sure your mummy will be absolutely fine once she wakes up from her nap Munchkin, dont worry *smiles weakly as Jessica looks at her with sad eyes* hey, wanna do something silly? *whispers to jessica because she doesn't want anyone else to hear what they are up to*

Jessica: *giggles at Brittany being all secretive* yeah!

Brittany: *continues to whisper* how about we scare Tana? *Smiles Mischieveously*

Jessica: *smiles* ok! but where will we hide? *looks around the room*

Brittany: *looks around the room as well* how about you go here! *places Jessica at the corner of the room, closest to the bathroom door* and ill be over there behind the bed. *points over to her side of the bed furthest away from the bathroom* rememeber we have to be super quiet till she opens the door then we jump out at her *smiles as jessica smiles back. Brittany made her way over to her side of the bed and lay on the floor, out of sight from everyone*

Santana: *less than a minute later! she walks out the bathroom and is wondering where the girls are because she heard them in the room a minute ago and now she cant see them anywhere* Babe?...

Jessica: *sneaks up on Santana because she has her back facing the bathroom* BOO! *Santana screams and turns round to see that jessica was holding her stomach and laughing hard*

Santana: *starts laughing and reaches out to pick Jessica up, placing jessica on her hip* you little monkey! *tickles Jessica's stomach which makes her laugh more*

Jessica: *catches her breath but is still giggling a little* dont get me... it was Britty's idea *tries to get Santana's hands away from her stomach*

Santana: oh really? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yep! *looks at santana as Brittany slowly creeps up behind San. Britt puts her finger up to her mouth, telling jessica not to say anything*

Brittany: *reaches out and holds onto Santana's sides as she makes her presence known* Boo! *santana of course jumps a little, just not as much as the first scare because she was holding Jessica now*

Santana: what the hell babe... *as soon as Jessica heard santana say that bad word, she gasped and had her hands over her mouth in shock*

Brittany: Jessica, tell her! *looks at jessica and then to Santana, who had a look of guilt because she just realised what she said*

Santana: *looks at Jessica with Puppy dog eyes* im sorry munchkin! i didnt mean to say that naughty word. i just dont like it when people scare me *fake pouts because that way she knows the 8 year old will forgive her*

Jessica: its ok Tana, i forgive you! *gives her a hug*

Santana: awesome! *smiles at Jessica* now are you ready to make a big den?

Jessica: yes! *smiles from ear to ear*

*the girls grabbed some duvet sheets, pillows and blankets then they made their way downstairs and out the sliding doors that lead to the patio and grass. while San and Britt hung up the bed sheets for their walls, jessica was just laying on all the pillows and blankets that were in a pile on the patio*

Santana: *finishes hanging the sheet up then turns round to see where jessica was. once she sees her laying ontop of the pillows she turns to brittany* hey babe, can you help me a second? *walks over to jessica while Brittany follows and somehow read santana's mind because both the girls grabbed 2 sides of the blanket each and started to lift it up with jessica lying in the middle of it*

Jessica: *giggling because she didnt expect that to happen* Tana, you're so silly! *Santana looks up at brittany and they both laughed* ...are we there yet? *was placed on the ground and took the blanket off her face so she could see the girls*

Brittany: you gonna help us spread this out, Munchkin? *looks down at Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *stands up and goes to the opposit side of the blanket then takes each corner and flattens it as much as she can* done! *stands up and smiles Proudly*

Santana: well done sweetie! *smiles at Jessica* here, now we can put these inside while Britt puts up the fairylights for us *passes a pillow to jessica then smiles at Brittany to see if she can do that for them*

My Infinity Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ