you are not alone

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*11:30am! Brittany and Santana were in their car on their way to Jessica's school*

Santana: i dont understand... this is so not like her! *looks at Brittany as she tells San what the phone call was about*

Brittany: *park the car outside the entrance of the school then turns to look at San. she takes hold of Santana's hand and looks into her eyes* dont stress! we will talk with her when we get back home and get some answers, ok?

Santana: ok! *looks at Brittany and takes a deep breath*

Brittany: *lets go of Santana's hand and gets out the car to go round to the passenger door to get Santana*

*the girls walk hand in hand through the entrance and are instantly met by the head teacher standing of to the left, right outside his office*

Head teacher: *holds the door open for the girls to go through* good morning ladies! *smiles politely*

Brittany: *smiles back* good morning! *walks into his office with San and sees Jessica sitting infront of his desk with her head down and not acknowledging they are there*

Head teacher: please, have a seat! *sits at his desk as San and Brittany sit on either side of Jessica* now i know you 2 are probabaly very shocked and confused as to what has happened today. we are too! jessica has never been one to do something like this and draw so much attention to herself. i have tried to talk with her and get an understanding of what happened exactly but she has been very quiet and refuses to say anything. so maybe you ladies will have better luck at it since you are a lot closer to her and know her on a more personal level *smiles weakly to San and Britt*

Brittany: *looks at Jessica as sees that she still has her head down and is fidgeting with her fingers* yeah! i dont know what to say honestly because this has never happened and jessica has always been such a calm and quiet young lady. *looks up at Mr Green* we will be sure to have a chat with her as soon as we get home and we will let you know whats going on. *smiles*

Mr Green: we appreciate that, thank you! *smiles*

Brittany: im sorry to have taken up your time. i promise it wont happen again. *stands up and shakes hands with the Head teacher*

Head teacher: no problem! i hope you have a great rest of your day. *smiles politely as The 3 girls walk out his office*

*the drive home was Quiet. jessica still wouldnt make eye contact with anyone and the girls kept on looking at her through the rearview mirror to check and see if she was ok*

*once they arrive back home, jessica is quick to get out the car and go straight to her room. as Brittany and santana step through the front door they hear a door slam from upstairs. it makes then jump a little and look at each other with concern and total confusion*

Santana: what is going on? this jessica is actually starting to scare me *looks at Brittany and frowns a little*

Brittany: *wraps her arms around San's waists and holds her close* dont worry! ill go talk to her. you go put your feet up and drink some wine *kisses san on the forehead then smiles at her*

Santana: really? its 12pm *looks up at Britt and smiles*

Brittany: and?! ...since when has that ever stopped us *laughs*

Santana: ok then, i guess we will be needing it if this whole situation goes south *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: it wont! me and Jessica will have a chat then i will be back down to finish what we started this morning *smiles as Santana smiles back*

Jessica: *was lying on her bed crying, when she heard a knock on her bedroom door* GO AWAY! *raises her voice a little but it comes across as weak because she is choked up from crying*

Brittany: *heard that Jessica was crying so she slowly walks into her room and sees Jessica lying on her bed, facing the wall* come on Munchkin, please talk to me and tell me whats wrong. i wont be able to help make things better if i dont know what happened. *carefully sits on the end of Jessica's bed and tries to make eye contact with her. Jessica debated for a few second whether or not she wanted to do what Brittany asked of her. eventually she sat up and hugged her legs close to her chest, still not being able to look at Britt*

Brittany: *was heartbroken to see Jessica so upset and distant with her* would you like to talk with Tana instead? *looks at Jessica and Sees her shake her head*

Jessica: *takes a deap breath and tries not to get upset again* they were saying stuff about my mum and they wouldnt stop so i just punched them so they would leave me alone.

Brittany: who was saying stuff about your mum? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: Tiffany and Claire. just some popular kids from my spanish class.

Brittany: *thinks for a moment about what to say to help Jessica* im sorry they were being mean but you know that Violence isnt gonna solve anything. *tries to be stern but still caring*

Jessica: *raises her voice out of frustration* I KNOW! YOU AND TANA ALWAYS TELL ME THAT. BUT HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE CAME UP TO YOU AND STANRTED SAYING STUFF ABOUT SOMEONE YOU HAVE LOST, HUH? *looks up at Brittany with nothing but anger and frustration* I CANT JUST LET THEM TALK LIKE THAT AND MAKE THEM THINK THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT LIKE ITS NOTHING *can no longer speak because she breaks down and cries*

Brittany: *would usually be angry at Jessica for raising her voice but in this situation, all Brittany cares about is being there for Jessica because she is really hurting and is getting into her head. Britt doesnt say anything and just wraps Jessica up in a hug. trying not to get hurt by the way Jessica is trying to push her away* Shhh, its ok!...ive got you! shhh... *holds onto Jessica and brushes her fingers through the girls hair to try and sooth her*

*5 minutes later! jessica is calm and her breathing is back to normal. she is still holding onto Brittany and starts to feel bad for the way she acted*

Jessica: im so sorry Britty, i didnt mean to yell at you! i know you were just trying to help.

Brittany: *continues holding onto jessica* its ok Munchkin! i understand that you were just so frustrated and overwhelmed with everything. but please know that you can come to me or Tana and talk with us when things start to get a bit much for you. thats what we are here for! you are not alone and even if we can't fix things the way you need it done. we will still try our best to help make things a little easier to deal with, ok?

Jessica: ok, *tries to forget what the girls at school were saying about her mum*

Brittany:, how about we go down and see Santana. the 3 of us can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie together.

Jessica: id like that! *sits up and wipes her eyes*

Brittany: we can all wear our animal onesies too? then you can take pics for your social and share with all your friends how awesome you mum's are *smiles as she looks at Jessica*

Jessica: *laughs a little* totally! *smiles*

Brittany: alright! ill go get changed while you get yours on, then ill take Santana hers and she can get ready before we pick a movie *smiles then walks to her room to get her onesie on*

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