shes growing up fast

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*jessica finished talking with anna and decided that she would draw a picture for the girls. its been a hard day for them all and jessica knows how much the girls love getting to display jessica's art on the fridge for all their guests to see. so for the next 2 hours Jessica worked on a piece that she was going to make it the best it could possibly be*

Jessica: *finished the last little bit of her drawing then took the piece of paper and went down to see where the girls were at. as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she started to smell food so she knew that the girls would be in the kitchen making dinner* is it safe to come in? *has her hand over her eyes, acting like she would catch Brittany with her hands all over San and speaking to her a certain way now that they have made up*

Brittany: *was stood next to Santana cutting up some veg as Santana stirred the pot on the stove* yes Munchkin, you can come in. *laughs at Jessica for messing about*

Jessica: *slowly took her hand away from her eyes as the girls just laugh at her* phew! *laughs a little as she walks up to Brittany* i drew something for you guys *smiles proudly as she held the piece of paper up to Britt*

Brittany: aw, thats sweet! *takes the piece of paper* lets see the masterpiece you have created this time *smiles at Jessica then looks at the drawing* wow! there is no way you drew this. *looks at Jessica then back to admire the drawing*

Jessica: yep! *smiles at Britt*

Santana: *turns the stove down on a low heat then turns to the girls* lets see! *walks up to Brittany and looks over her shoulder to see the drawing* oh my! thats amazing, Munchkin. *smiles at Jessica then looks back at the drawing* you are getting so good at shading *smiles proudly at Jessica*

Brittany: yeah! this is definetly going up on the fridge for all to see. *goes over to the fridge to pin it up*

Jessica: thanks guys, im so glad you like it *smiles as the girls smile back then go back to preparing the food for dinner*

*once dinner was served, the girls sat at the table and conversation flowed so easily between the 3. they were talking about all sorts of topics but the big one was Jessica's 13th that was a week away*

Santana: so, what would you like for your birthday Munchkin? and is there a certain theme you have in mind? *looks at Jessica and matches the girls excitement*

Jessica: well....there was one thing that i really, really want. *gets a little nervous because its a big ask for someone her age*

Santana: and what might that be? *knew that Jessica was nervous and already prepared herself for the girls to say no*

Jessica: could i maybe last name changed legally so its the same as you guys? *hesitates at first but looks up at the girls when they dont say anything straight away*

Santana: *was not expecting that at all so she was fighting back her tears* are y-you sure? *looks at Jessica, trying to see if there is any sigh of uncertainty in the little girl*

Brittany: yeah, i thought you said that you wanted to keep your mums last name? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: i did! but there's this kid at school. we dont talk much but ive been in a few group project with him over the year and he is so sweet and is really smart. and one day at lunch i overheard some kids picking on him because he has two mums. so it made me sad that he was getting made to feel like that was a bad thing. i know you may think that its kind of silly but i just thought that if i could lead by example and show him that its nothing he should feel ashamed of, then maybe he will be able to have more confidence to stand up for himself. *smiles at the girls, hoping they dont think her reasoning was bad*

Santana: that is so kind of you to think of him and want to do what you can to help *smiles proudly that Jessica has grown up to be so mature for her age and already knows what it means to put others needs before her own*

Brittany: yeah! if its what you really want to do then me and San are behind you 100% *smlies at San then to Jessica*

Jeassica: *smiles from ear to ear* really?

Brittany: of course! *smiles as does San*

Jessica: *goes over to the girls and gives them big hugs of gratitude* thank you! thank you! thank you!

Santana: *giggles at the little girl as does Britt* your welcome!

Brittany: so who would you like to have over for your birthday? and what would you like to do? *looks at Jessica as she goes and sits back in her seat at the table*

Jessica: i was thinking that maybe i could have a sleepover with a few friends and we can have a garden party with karaoke and dancing. and for the food i would like to have any sort of finger foods just so its easier for you guys to make and not have to spend too long in the kitchen*

Brittany: ok! we can do that *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

Jessica: so can i have a sleep over with like, 5 of my closest friends too? *looks at the girls*

Santana: sure! who are you thinking of having over? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: well, Anna, of course is one of them! then there's Megan! and Holly! and Daisy! and lastly, there's Gina! *smiles at the girls*

Santana: ok! me and Britt will make the calls this week and will check with their parents that they are ok to stay the night *smiles*

Jessica: awesome! *smiles* ... may i be excused?

Brittany: sure Munchkin! make sure you put your dishes in the dishwasher before you dissapear upstairs *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah! *takes her plate into the kitchen then goes up to her room to do some more art and listen to music*

Santana: well... *gets up and takes hers and Brittany's dishes to put them in the dishwasher* this week is going to be crazy busy! *laughs a little*

Brittany: yeah! *follows San into the kitchen* but it will all be worth it when we see that little girl smiling once she sees everything happening. *leans against the kitchen counter and smiles down at San*

Santana: yeah! you're right! *stands infront of Brittany and looks up at her*

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