parenting 101

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*once onboard, the girls got settled and just like last time, Sasha was asleep shortly after take off. of course the girls didnt mind at all because they were more than happy to help Jessica with whatever she needed*

*14 hours later! they got their bags and headed towards the exit of the airport, where they were met by Quinn and Rachel*

Santana: *as soon as she noticed them she abandoned everyone and ran over to give Quinn a big hug* what are you guys doing here... i wasnt expecting to see you till later on tonight *smiles as she stands infront of the girls*

Quinn: well, since we havent seen you girls in almost a month, we thought that it would be nice to surprise you and bring you home *smiles at Santana*

Brittany: thanks girls! you really didnt have to do that *smiles as she stands infront of the girls and gives them both a hug*

Quinn: no problem at all! *smiles at the girls*

*brittany wheels Sasha over to the car and helps her get in the back seat. then she gives the wheelchair to Quinn so she can put it in the boot. then Brittany takes santana's hand and guides her round the other side of the car and they both get in and belted up*

Jessica: *was stood at the boot where Quinn was putting the suitcases in* can i come in the front with you? *smiles up at Quinn*

Quinn: im not to sure about that... i think you'll need to ask rachel if she's ok with you taking her usual spot. *smiles at Jessica then looks up to See Rachel standing close behind her*

Jessica: *turns round and looks up at Rachel* can i....Pretty please *gives her best puppy dog eyes*

Rachel: *looks up at Quinn then Back at Jessica* alright, i guess i can sit by the window *smiles down at Jessica then looks up at Quinn as she is closing the boot. she kisses rachel then walks round to the drivers side and Rachel takes Jessica and helps get her strapped into the seat next to Quinn*

Santana: wow, Rachel and Quinn not sitting next to eachother... what happened? *jokes around because its rare that those 2 are sepereted for anything these days*

Rachel: well jessica here has spent enough time with you this month to learn how to do the puppy dog eyes thing that you do whenever you want something *looks at San*

Santana: the student becomes the master! *san gives Jessica a high five as everyone laughs. then they fall into a comfortable silence, just listening to the songs on the radio*

*back at home! everyone goes to Brittany and Santana's place so that Quinn and Rachel can have a catch up and they can all help get Sasha and Jessica settle into their rooms*

Santana: would anyone like a drink of anything? *looks round at everyone sitting on the couches and jessica on the floor, playing with her toys*

sasha: could i have a coffee please? *santana nods*

Rachel: tea for me please *smiles as Santana smiles back*

Quinn: same here! *looks up at Santana*

Santana: *playfully puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrow* whats the magic word? *everyone looks at Quinn and smiles because she forget the most simplest of things*

Quinn: bitch please... i aint the Queen of england! *laughs as everyone else does*

Jessica: *gasps* Tana, she said a bad word! *points to Quinn*

Santana: *crouches down to Jessica's level* she did, didnt she? *looks at Quinn and sees a look of guilt then she looks back to jessica* looks like we are gonna have to put her in time out for that one! *is obviously joking but just plays along to make jessica happy and remind her that it's not nice to say bad words*

Jessica: yep! she needs to sit on the stairs for how ever long her age is *looks up at Santana*

Santana: well thats gonna take a while *laughs as Quinn fights the urge to flip San off for calling Quinn old* how about you take her to the stairs and be my little guard. just make sure she doesnt try to run away *looks down at jessica as she stands up*

Jessica: ok! *smiles at San then walks over to Quinn* come on Quinn! *reaches her hand out to grab hold of Quinn's*

*everyone laughs as Quinn follows Jessica out the room and doesn't even try to fight it because she knows she needs to play along and show Jessica what happens if she were to ever be disrespectful or rude to someone*

Santana: so where was i?... *stands up and looks at the people left in the room*

Sasha: a coffee and tea then whatever Brittany wants *smiles at Santana*

Santana: *turns round to look at Brittany* what you wanting babe? *brittany says nothing and just smiles at San. Santana catches on to what Brittany is thinking so she speaks again* ok, let me re-phrase that. what would you like to drink while we have company... *laughs as does Brittany*

Brittany: ill just have a glass of water, thank you *smiles up at San*

Santana: alright! ill be back in a minute *turns away and walks into the kitchen, passing Jessica and Quinn on the way*

Jessica: Tana... *looks up at Santana*

Santana: *stops and turns round to face Jessica* yeah, Munchkin?

Jessica: um, i dont know how to tell the time! how will i know when quinn is finished time out? *looks up at San*

Santana: dont worry! ill just come and get you when time is up *smiles down at Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *smiles at Santana then turns round to face Quinn again and make sure she doesnt move from her space*

*Santana laughs at the Scene in front of her because quinn is resting her head in her hands and looks bored as hell. She has also playfully stuck her younger out at Jessica a few times just to make her laugh. Santana just carries on going to the kitchen so she can sort everyone's drink. a few minutes later! santana is finished making the drinks so she puts them on a tray then carries them into the living room*

Quinn: *is sitting next to Rachel again and looks up in Santana's direction and sees that she hasnt noticed her yet* hey satan! *smiles*

Santana: *passes Sasha her drink and isnt looking up at anyone else incase she spills anything* hey Quinn... wait what? *looks up and sees Quinn is sat on the couch when she should still be in time out* Jessica, i thought you where being my little guard! *san looks at Jessica and sees that she isnt paying attention because she was stuffing her face with chocolate*

Jessica: *hears her name so she looks up and sees Santana looking back at her* sorry Tana! *gives her best puppy dog eyes*

Santana: *playfully shakes her head and laughs at how easy it is to forgive Jessica when she makes a face like that* its ok! im sure she has learned her lesson anyway *smiles at Jessica* ...come on and we will go get you cleaned up before you get chocolate all over the place *lifts Jessica up and tries not to get chocolate on her*

Rachel: i cant believe you did that! *laughs and playfully shakes her head as Quinn just smiles at her but also bites her little a pitting because she feels kinda bad for saying a bad word then bribing the kid with chocolate when she could have easily sat on the steps for 20+ minutes and just do stuff on her phone or something*

*Brittany makes a whipping noise which makes everyone laugh and Quinn roll her eyes*

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