lets get this party started

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*as the girls were stood at the entry way, greeting everyone. jessica was refusing to leave their side. even when Santana and Brittany's little cousins had shown up and were running around playing. Jessica didnt care and just held onto the girls hands as they welcomed the guests*

*30 minutes later!*

Santana: *turned round to the table of people to see that every single one of the chairs were filled* thank goodness we thought about having a seperate table for the kids *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: *looks at san* yeah! I forgot how big our familes were *laughs as she looks out at everyone chatting and laughing together*

Santana: yeah! *starts getting emotional Because she started to think about the one person in her family that she wishes she could have invited. but because of personal reasons, that special person couldnt come*

jessica: *looks up and sees santana start to tear up* why you crying tana? *jessica's question had Brittany turning her attention away from the crowd to look at Santana*

Santana: *wipes her eyes then looks down at Jessica* dont worry munchkin, these are happy tears *smiles at Jessica then looks at Brittany with a look that Britt knew all to well. she knew it wasn't happy tears at all but she wasnt going to talk about it with San until they were alone*

Brittany: *looks back up to see that everyone is starting to have a seat* i think its time we all go and sit down munchkin, what do you think? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: ok, lets go! *starts walking ahead and drags the girls behind her as she makes her way over to her seat*

*everyone is seated and all eyes are on the girls as they stand up at their seats*

Brittany: *grabs hold of santana's hand and gives her a kiss on the cheek before she looks back at her family and starts talking* first of all, my wife and i...wow, thats weird to say! *everyone laughs while Brittany and Santana smile at each other* anyway, we would like to say a big thank you to each and every one of you for coming out here to join us in celebrating our big day. and to those important people who couldnt physically be with us today, but are for sure here in spirit. *smiles weakly as does everyone because they know she was reffering to her dad and Santana and her family knew she was also talking about Santana's gran who couldnt be there because of her old school christian beliefs, that lead her to shutting Santana out of her life a long time ago* Santana and i hope you all have a great time, singing, dancing and drinking. and for those of you who want to, there will be a little photoshoot thing set up so we can get some pictures together. with that being said...LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!  *everyone started clapping and cheering while brittany and Santana smiles at them then took their seats still keeping their hands attached*

Santana: you did a great job up there. im so proud of you! *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: thanks baby! i couldnt have done it without you *smiles at santana*

*after food and drinks were over and done with, it was time for the father daughter dance*

Terry: *walks into the middle of all the tables* attention ladies and gentlemen! For those who don't know me, my name is Terry! and I will be the star of the show while the girls will be joining me for a father daughter dance *everyone laughs at his cockiness as Terry goes up to were Santana and Brittany were sitting* Santana, may i have this dance? *smiles at santana as he puts his hand out as if he is going to take her hand in his*

Santana: yes you may! *smiles at Terry as everyone else at her table was watching them with adoring smiles on their faces*

*Terry took santana's hand guiding her to stand in the centre. as everyone stopped to watch, a song started to play and as soon as Santana recognised it, she was in tears. it was the song that she remembers her dad singing to her when she was a little girl. Terry knew how much the song meant to her so he just held her close as they continued to dance*

Santana: *the song ended and they stopped dancing* thank you! *smiles at Terry as she wipes the tears from her eyes*

Terry: it has been an honour! *smiles down at santana then takes her by the hand to walk her back to her seat* 

*Santana walked back round to her seat and just before she sat down, her mum stood up and they stayed in place hugging for a minute*

Valerie: you did great Mija, im so proud of you! *smiles*

Santana: thanks mum! *smiles then they both take their seats*

Brittany: *places her right arm round santana and leans in to talk to her* you ok?

Santana: *placed her left hand on Britt's thigh and just rests in their* yeah! that song is just really hard for me to hear now, ever since my dad left *looks at brittany and tries not to cry again*

Brittany: *smiles weakly then pulls santana into her so she can give san a kiss on the side of her head before santana rests her head on Brittany's shoulder*

Toby: *finishes his food then gets a piece of paper out of his pocket before he turns to brittany* you ready for this B?! *smiles mischieviously*

Brittany: oh no! *looks at Toby with fear written all over her face, which makes Toby and santana laugh*

Santana: be careful toby! my little arms can only hold her back for so long *laughs as does Toby and Brittany*

Toby: got it! *smiles at the girls then goes into the middle of the tables like terry did when he danced with San* LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... *gets everyones attention so he doesnt need to speak so loud* if i could please have your attention for a couple of minutes, ill be sure to make it worth your while. for those who dont know me, my name is Toby and i am unfortunetly the little brother of Miss Quinn Fabray *puts his arm out to gesture over to where Quinn is sitting. Quinn smiles then playfully blows a kiss at her little brother* ... before i get into the good stuff, i would like to thank you, brittany. the day you ask me to be your best man wasnt the best of days for me up until that point. so getting that text from you really did mean alot! it is an absolute honour that you trusted me with the responsibility to talk about what our friendship has been like through my eyes. i'd promise you that i wasnt gonna embarass you infront of all your friends and family, but we all know that i am incapable of being formal and responsible... so this is what ive prepared instead. *laughs as he looks over to see Brittany laughing and shaking her head acting as if she totally didnt expect him to say something like this*

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