playing with water

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*10 minutes later! sasha went up to check on jessica and make sure the girls were ok with her being there with them*

sasha: *walks up to the bedroom door and quietly watches as jessica is telling them about her dream last night. Sasha smiles because they are all cuddled up next to each other and have big smiles on their face* knock knock *lightly taps on the door to make her presence known*

Jessica: *all three girls turn to look at the door* hey mama! *stays cuddled up with Santana*

Santana: hey! come on in *smiles as Sasha open the door wider and walks towards the girls and sits at the end of the bed* jessica has been telling us all about the amazing dream that she had last night *smiles at jessica then looks at sasha*

Sasha: *looks at Jessica* you mean the one with the big purple dragon that talks and flies you anywhere you want to go?

Jessica: yep! *smiles at her mum*

Brittany: im guessing you have heard this story already? *smiles at sasha*

Sasha: yeah! little jessica was up at half 8 this morning, telling me all about it *laughs as does the girls, while jessica just sits there not knowing that half 8 is quite early* anyway... me and your mums are making some breakfast downstairs if you girls would like to come down *stands back up*

santana: sure! *smiles then looks at the girls and sees them smiling back*

*they all get out of bed and make their way to the dining room, that is right next to the kitchen. when they all sat down to eat, all the mums were sat on one side across from their daughters. and on the other side, jessica was in the middle of Santana and Brittany because she doesnt like being to far away from either of them*

Valerie: *looks up at the girls while everyone eats their food and chats with each other* so, what are you two love birds thinking of doing today? *smiles at Santana and Brittany*

Brittany: *smiles at Santana* i think we are just going to pack for our honeymoon since we leave in a few days and will be gone for a week *smiles at valerie*

valerie: so im guessing that you will just be leaving and getting the same flight as sasha and jessica then?

Santana: yeah! *smiles at her mum then looks at jessica and smiles some more*

Jessica: yay! im so excited for you guys to come back with us *wraps her arms round Santana's arm and just looks up at her*

brittany: *looks at jessica* munchkin, how about we eat our breakfast then you can help me and Tana pack our stuff *smiles as jessica smiles back*

Jessica: *smiles at Brittany* yes! yes! yes! *gets excited as she goes back to eating the rest of her food*

*30 minutes later! brittany, santana and jessica are back in the girls room. jessica is sitting on the bed while Santana and Brittany get their Suitcases and place them open on the bed so that they can start packing*

Santana: so what do we need? *looks at the girls as she thinks about what she wants to pack first*

Brittany: *thinks for a second then has an idea* i know... *looks at jessica* hey munchkin, come here for a sec! *reaches her arms out as Jessica happily lets Britt pick her up*

Santana: babe, what are- *watches as Brittany sits jessica in the case*

Jessica: *giggles* dont be silly Britty! i cant go in the case. *giggles as Britt smiles at Santana who is smiling back at her and playfully shaking her head*

Santana: alright! now seriously, what do we need? *thinks about the outfits she wants*

jessica: *sees Britt lean into san and whisper something in her ear. she watches as santana starts smiling so of course she is wondering why* Tana, why is your face turning red? *smiles inoccently at the girls*

Santana: *sees Brittany smiling and walking away to leave santana with the curious 8 year old that is always asking questions* its nothing munchkin, Brittany was being silly again... shes just in one of those kind of moods today *smiles at jessica as she lifts her out of the case and places her back on the bed. jessica looks over at Brittany who is getting stuff out of her drawer. Brittany looks at jessica and smiles*

*for the next hour or so, the girls were packing their cases and answering many of jessica's questions when she would see santana giggling or blushing and Brittany just standing there with a big smirk on her face*

Brittany: *zips up her case as santana does the same with hers* thats us all ready! *looks at jessica and smiles*

jessica: *smiles back at Brittany* what do we do now?

Santana: *looks out her bedroom window and sees that the sun is shining* how about we go and ask our mums if they want to come with us to the park? *looks down at jessica and smiles*

Jessica: *smiles at Santana* ok! ill go ask mama. *gets off the bed and excitedly runs out the room*

brittany: *walks up to San and wraps her arms round her front, resting her head in the crook of San's neck and starts to kiss her* how about you and i go and freashen up before we head out *continues kissing Santana's neck while she giggles*

Santana: *turns her head to the side to look at britt over her shoulder* babe, we both know that if we go in the shower then you wont want to come back out *laughs*

Brittany: *smirks* and?...

Santana: *laughs* lets just save that for the honeymoon ok? *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: i guess! *sighs from dissapointment* at least we only have to wait 2 more days till friday when we fly out to africa with jessica and sasha *smiles*

Santana: im so excited to go back there and redo everything that we did in our first trip there *smiles as she turns round to face Brittany*

Brittany: yeah! *smiles at San as she hold onto her waist and they stand there looking into each others eyes for a moment*

Jessica: *had been gone for 5 minutes and was now making her way back up to the girls room to tell them what was happening* Mama said that we can go to the park and we can take our swimsuits so we can play about in the water feature *smiles up at the girls*

Santana: oh no *thinks about how Brittany gets whenever San wears her bathing suit. and considering what mood Brittany has been in this morning. she will find it very hard not to be a wind up and have her hands all over Santana*

Brittany: yay... that exciting! *smiles at Jessica then looks back at San and give her "the look" that only Santana understands* how about you go and ask your mum to help you get ready and santana and i will get ready then we will meet you all downstairs *looks at jessica*

Jessica: ok! *smiles up at the girls then runs back out the room to go and see her mum*

Brittany: *smirks at Santana* looks like you and i will be getting wet after all! *laughs as santana playfully shakes her head and smiles*

Santana: *couldnt help but laugh at how quick Brittany is* you are unbelieveable! *smiles up as Britt smiles back* im going to get ready in the bathroom so you can get ready in here without dissruption *pecks Britt on the cheek then takes her bikini and puts it on under a pair of demin shorts and a hoodie. while Brittany puts on a bikini top and some swim shorts then she just wore a plain white t-shirt on top of her bikini*

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