exposed in nature

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*30 minutes later! Brittany and san had made the food and were now setting the table*

Santana: *puts jessica's plate on the table then goes up to get Jessica* Knock knock! *starts to open Jessica's bedroom door* can i come in? *sees Jessica at her desk*

Jessica: *turns round to look at Santana* hey, yeah! im just finishing up *smiles then turns back to her text book as Santana comes in and sits on the bed that is right next to the desk*

Santana: *looks down at Jessica's homework spread out on her desk* how did you get on?

Jessica: it was alright! just a little stressful with some questions being harder than others. but i managed *smiles up at Santana*

Santana: well done! i came up to say that dinner is on the table so just come down once you get tidied up here *smiles at Jessica then gets up to go back down the stairs*

Brittany: is she coming! *sees Santana walking into the dinning room to sit down next to her*

Santana: yeah! she just needs to tidy her stuff away then she'll be down *smiles*

Brittany: alright! *smiles*

Jessica: *walks into the dinning room seconds later* i'm here! *smiles then sits down infront of San and Britt*

Brittany: lets eat! *smiles as do the girls then they all start to eat their food. most of their dinner was spent having light-hearted conversation and laughing about the smallest of things like they usually do*

Jessica: *finished her last spoon full* thank you for dinner guys! *smiles at the girls as they smile back*

Brittany: you're welcome Munchkin! what are you gonna do now? *looks up at Jessica as she gets up from the table and is about to take her plate to the dishwasher*

Jessica: probably just text with anna and listen to some music or something *smiles at the girls*

Brittany: alright! have fun! *smiles at Jessica as she walks into the kitchen then back through the dinning room to go up the stairs*

Santana: so, what do you wanna do now? *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: i dunno! *shruggs her shoulders*

Santana: ok! well, do you wanna go for a walk? or we can just stay here and have a movie night and ask if Jessica wants to have a pamper night with us.

Brittany: can we do both?

Santana: sure, lets go! *gets up and takes her plate to the dishwasher as Brittany does the same with hers*

*they head straight to Jessica's room*

Brittany: hey Munchkin! me and San were thinking of going for a walk so we were wondering if you wanted to come with us *smiles*

Jessica: *looks at Brittany and Santana* uh sure! ill come with. ill get changed and meet you down stairs*

Santana: ok! *smiles then goes out the room and back down the stairs while Brittany follows close behind*

*5 minutes later! Jessica comes down the stairs and sees that Santana and Brittany were stood near the front door with their jacket and shoes already on*

Jessica: im ready *smiles as she sits at the bottom of the stairs to put her shoes on* lets go! *gets up then walks out the house with Santana and Brittany*

*all the girls walk along the path for a few minutes then they go to a forest bit and thats when Jessica ran ahead and started to climb trees*

Santana: *freaks out because she doesnt like when Jessica does stuff that could end up with her really hurt* please be careful munchkin!

Jessica: dont worry Tana! ive got it all under control. *laughs at how easily Scared Santana gets*

Brittany: she'll be fine babe! shes a tough kid. dont you rememeber when we used to do stuff like that all the time? *smiles at Santana*

Santana: yeah! you're right! *takes a deep Breath then watches as Jessica climbs and has the biggest smile on her face*

Jessica: you guys look like ants down there! *laughs as she looks down at San and Britt*

Brittany: you look like a monkey up there!*laughs as Jessica Playfully sticks her tounge out then playfully scratches her head with one hand then puts the other arm at her side like she is reaching towards her armpit*

Brittany: *laughs with Jessica* my point exactly *smiles as Jessica smiles back then continues to try and climb higher*

Santana: alright you two! Jessica can you come down now?! lets go and see if we can find a river or something *starts walking with Brittany by her side*

Jessica: ok! im just coming *starts climbing down the tree, making sure not to stands or hold onto the thin branches*

*once jessica was back on the ground the three of them walked together and were on the look out for any kind of water. 10 minutes later! they come to a stop when they see a waterfall and a big pool of water at the bottom of it*

Jessica: wow! thats Awesome! *turns to face the girls* can i go in...pretty please?

Brittany: but you have no towel or a swimsuit!

Jessica: thats ok! i can just go in my underwear! and ill air dry then i can put my clothes back on after that

Brittany: well alright! just dont complain to us if you are feeling cold afterwards

Jessica: *smiles then runs ahead to go down to the rock that are just above the water. she places her clothes on the rocks then starts to walk up to the deep water near the waterfall* GIRLS WATCH THIS! *looks over at the girls then cannonballs into the water. the girls sat on the rocks and just watched as Jessica went for a swim and jumped off the rock on the opposit side from where they were sat*

Jessica: *5 minutes later* hey guys... watch this! *looks over to see that the girls are looking at her. then she does a handstand under water and held it for about 10 seconds*

Santana: that was great! *smiles at jessica*

Brittany: yeah, well done munchkin! *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: thanks! *smiles at the girls*

Santana: are you ready to go home yet? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah, sure! *looks at Santana then starts to swim back to them so she can get her clothes*

Santana: *took Brittany's hand and got up onto flat ground. they started walking back the way they came then she started thinking about Jessica being so exposed to the world. so like a protective mother, she took her jacket off and Wrapped it round Jessica's waist* here you go!

Jessica: what was that for? *looks at Santana because she did that without warning*

Santana: *looks back at Jessica* your safety! trust me, you'll thank me later.

Jessica: *of course since jessica was still young and hadn't really been exposed to the dangers of the world, she just saw it as santana worrying that she will get cold and end up sick* thank you! *smiles as Santana smiles back*

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