of course i do

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*at the alter! Brittany had been walked down the isle and was now stood next to toby. Terry went back up the isle to go through the double doors that santana will be walking through in a few minutes*

Toby: *leans over a bit to talk quietly so only brittany hears* you doing ok?

Brittany: *snaps out of her day dreaming then looks at toby and gives him a weak smile* yeah! just a little nervous!

Toby: dont worry! im sure she'll love your vows and she will definitely be commenting on that awesome outfit you've got on *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: *smiles at Toby* thanks T! really wish they would hurry up and get out here... i just wanna see her and hold her *laughs a little as does Toby*

*once the pair went back to facing the crowd, the double doors opened up and thats when Jessica walked out with the biggest smile on her face and was throwing pastel, rainbow petals on the floor as she made her way down to the front. as she got closer, Brittany quickly crouched down with her arms open wide so she could give jessica a quick hug*

Brittany: *hold Jessica* well done Munchkin! you did such a good job *smiles as Jessica smiles back then goes to join her mum in the second row of seats on the left side. Brittany stood back up straight and took another deep breath to calm her nerves*

*1 painfully slow minute later! the double doors were opened and the Bridesmaids walked down the isle in single file with a bunch of flowers in their hands. each one matching whatever colour of dress they had on. each girl smiled at Brittany then went to stand on the left side, just a few feet away from Britt and Toby. Another 2 minutes after that, music started to play which had everyone in the audience standing and all eyes were on those double doors at the back of the room. the second they were open and Santana's figure was in view, Brittany couldnt hold back the tears any longer. she couldnt take her eyes off of Santana and stood in place smiling from ear to ear as Santana got closer and closer*

Santana: *walked down the isle and couldnt take her eyes off of Brittany, she just didnt want to. once she was stood next to Brittany, san reaches up and wiped Brittanys tears away as she whispered to Britt* hi baby! *smiles from ear to ear*

Brittany: *whispers back* hey! you look amazing! *smlies as Santana blushes*

Santana: thanks! So do you *smiles as Britt smiles back*

*the officiate and all the guests just watched in awe as Santana and Brittany interacted. then once he saw they were finished talking. the officiate started doing his thing and the girls continued to look at each other with big smiles on their faces*

the officiate: dearly beloved... that's how you are supposed to start these thing's, right?! *everyone laughed because they knew he was joking* ...we are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two lovely ladies. i havent been lucky to know either of them personally but from what ive heard, from all those who do know you! i cant help but be in awe of you both... *smiles at the girls as they smile at him* your love and respect for one another is truly a gift! and i applaud you both for being brave enough to stand up infront of everyone and unapologetically be 100% who you are. it is a reminder to us all that love and marriage is so much bigger than we thought it could be... and also so much simpler. love and marriage is when two people say to one another, i love you because i love you. and i know this is going to be one heck of a ride, but i dont want to do it unless i can do it with you! now i can't speak from personal experience but from what ive seen and heard i know that in this day and age, it is really hard to be in the position that you girls are in. but of course you havent let that stop you and i hope that you continue to lean on each other to get through to the people who need to hear it... be the change you wish to see in this world! That's what I always remind my kids when they are having a bad day. *smiles at the girls as they smile back* ... and now the vows. Santana you may go first! *smiles at Santana as she turns round to take the piece of paper from Quinn, that has her vows on it*

My Infinity Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora