preperation in progress

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*it was a few hours later and Brittany had left for work so San was texting Quinn to see if her and Rachel want to tag along as Santana gets stuff sorted for the proposal*

Santana's phone! message from "bestie"

bestie: so how long do we have till B is back from work?

*Quinn's phone! message from "snixx"

snixx: she finishes about 8pm! so im expecting that she will be back home about 8: 15! half past at the latest

Santana's phone! message from "bestie"

bestie: ok cool! we have plenty of time

*Quinn's phone! message from "snixx"

snixx: yeah! ill meet you girls out at the car in 10 minutes!

Santana's phone! message from "bestie"

bestie: alright! see ya

*Quinn's phone! message from "snixx"

snixx: bye!

*once san was done chatting with quinn. she gathered a simple and comfortable outfit and placed it on her bed, then she grabbed the towel from the end of her bed and took a quick shower to freshen up. afterwards she put her hair up in a ponytail and did light make up because she just didnt feel the need to go overboard since she wouldnt be near enough to Britt to be a wind up for her*

*exactly 10 minutes from when San spoke to Quinn. she walked out her front door and walked a few feet to her left to go and knock on Quinn and rachel's door to see if they are ready*

Rachel: *opens the door to see a very smiley santana standing a few feet away* hey! *smiles*

Santana: hey! you lesbo's ready? *laughs because she cant help but give them a nickname that will have them playfully roling there eyes*

Rachel: yep! *turns her head to shout through the house* SANTANA'S HERE! YOU READY Q? *waits to hear a response*

Quinn: *walks into the hall and towards the front door where the girls were standing* lets get this show on the road *she speaks with so much excitment which puts a smile on everyones face*

Rachel: youre adorable! *kisses Quinn on the cheek then grabs hold of her hand to walk out to Santana's car*

Santana: im in such a good mood that i cant even make a joke out of you two *laughs because she surprised herself with not making a gagging noise when Rachel complimented Quinn and kissed her. Quinn and Rachel laughed because they were also expecting San to do something like that*

*in the town! all 3 girls linked arms and walked past the shops, looking out for the ones that santana was wanting to go into. in some shops they went into, they would go there seperate ways just so they could get as much shopping done in one day. just because santana has no idea how often she will get to have time to herself to do what she wants to do for Britt*

*2 and a half hours later! they had gone through several different shops and got a lot more than what they were expecting to find. they decided to take a quick break to have a drink and a bite to eat, so they could keep their energy up. it worked because it wasnt long till they were all back on there feet, on their way to a few other shops that caught their eye*

Santana: alright... all thats left is the big ass diamond! *smiles at the girls as they smile back*

Quinn: do you have any idea what kind of diamond you wanna get her, or has she ever dropped hints of a ring design that she loves? *looks at San as she thinks for a second*

Santana: well all i rememeber her saying over the past few years is that she wants it to be one of a kind and like no other!

Rachel: alright, lets just go in and see what they have to offer and see if anything catches your eye *smiles at san*

Santana: k! *smiles as she looks at Quinn and Rachel, before making their way into the jewellery shop*

*they all walk up to the big glass cabinet thing and have their jaw dropped in amazment with how many different kind of rings there are to choose from*

Quinn: *was paying close attention to all the small details of each ring and eventually she saw one that she just had to show San to see what she thinks of it* yo San! come see this... *looks to see san walking towards her*

santana: *looks at the ring that Quinn was pointing out to her* wow... that's beautiful... its totally her style and would really match her eyes *she says with a dreamy look of happiness on her face as she stares at the ring, that looks alot like the jewel necklace that rose from the Titanic had*

Rachel: *walks up to the girls and stands a little bit behind them as they all look down and admire the ring* so... is this the one? *looks at San*

Santana: definitely *smiles at Rachel then Quinn, as the girls smile back at Santana. then San turns round to see if she can spot one of the salesman that could help her out with getting the Ring all packaged up and payed for*

Salesman: hello ladies! what can i do for you? *politely smiles as he stands on the opposite side of the glass from where the girls were*

Santana: hi! im looking to get that ring there, please *point to the ring that she was talking to the girls about*

Salesman: alright! ill get it all boxed up for you! would you like it in a little gift bag or would you just like the little box on its own? *looks at San*

Santana: ill have a gift bag as well please *looks at the salesman*

Salesman: ok! i will be back in a minute *walks of to get a gift bag and tissue paper to go with it. a few minutes later, that same guy comes back and lays a selection of ring boxes out infront of Santana, so she can choose the colour she likes. then he turns to the till and presses a few buttons before looking up at Santana* ... that will be £3000,00 please! *Santana's a little shocked at the price but was also not surprised about it because of how amazing the ring looks. she doesnt complain because she knows that Brittany will love it and thats all that matters*

Santana: *gives the guys the right amount of money then gets given the giftbag with the ring box hidden within all the tissue paper* thank you! *smiles at the salesman*

Salesman: no worries! have a nice day. *smiles at the girls as they smile at him before walking out the shop and back to Santana's car*

Santana: *parked outside her house then she got out the car with the others* thank you so much for coming to help out with the shopping today. i really appreciate it *goes and gives the girls a group hug for several minutes*

Quinn: no problem at all *smiles at San*

Rachel: yeah it was so nice to get out the house for a bit and have some girl time *smiles at San then to Quinn as she wraps her right arm round Quinn's lower back*

Santana: i lnow there are quite alot of bags but is it alright for me to keep this stuff hidden at your place? just because i dont want Brittany to accidently come accross any of it *looks at the girls just waiting for one of them to talk*

Quinn: yeah! that absolutely fine... *walks to the boot of San's car*

Rachel: yeah! we'll show you where you can keep it *follows Quinn to the boot of Santana's car*

Santana: *still has the biggest smile on her face because of how nice and helpful her friends have been * thank you so much! you guys are literally the best.

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