no funny business

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Brittany: *takes santana into the living room to sit on the couch* ill just go get her and then we can talk to her. *looks down at Santana*

Santana: ok! *smiles weakly at Brittany because she really wishes she didnt have to do this to Jessica again*

Britany: *kisses San on the head then goes up the stairs and sees Jessica in the main bathroom scrubbing the toilet* wow! you really do live in a fairytale, dont you? *laughs because she is reminded of cinderella on her hands and knees, cleaning before she gets all dressed up like a princess to go to the ball*

Jessica *turns round and looks up at Britt* yep! *laughs*

Brittany: come on! San and i need to talk to you about something *smiles weakly as she reaches out for Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *has no idea what this is about but she is still a little nervous because of how the mood of the house this afternoon has been quite questionable up to this point*

Brittany: *walks down the stairs and into the living room with jessica close behind* i found our cinderalla scrubbing the toilet *laughs as does the girls*

Santana: you are really taking this movie lifestyle to the next level, arent you? *looks at Jessica as she sits between San and Britt*

Jessica: thats exactly what Mama said *laughs as she looks at Brittany then back to Santana*

Brittany: *once the laughter dies down she looks at San, who smiles weakly at Britt* well munchkin, we have something to talk to you about and its not gonna be easy. but just know that we are here for you no matter what the outcome is, ok? *smiles weakly as she holds jessica's hand and San has a hold of the other*

Jessica: ok... can someone tell me whats going on because you're kinda scaring me *is so nervous that she doesnt know what to think. she just keeps looking between the girls for answers*

Brittany: *rubs her thumb over the back of Jessica's hand to keep her calm* ok... well... remember how you were saying that Tommy has been acting a little off with you this week? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah! did i do something wrong? *swallows the lump in her throat*

Brittany: no, not at all! its just that he... *takes a deep breath because she hates telling someone bad news. especially someone who is very special to her*

Jessica: *is getting overwhelmed and stressed with not knowing whats going on* HE WHAT? *feels kinda bad for taking her frustration out on Britt when she is just trying to help. but jessica is just to desperate to know how her boyfriend is doing*

Brittany: *doesnt pay attention to Jessica's anger because Britt knows that she is just overwhelmed with the whole situation* he has cancer! *her heart breaks all over again as she watches Jessica slowly break at hearing the news*

*the minute Jessica heard those words leave Brittany's lips, her heart sunk and her vision and thoughts just went all blurry because she doesnt know what to say or do. Santana sees Jessica sat there like an ice sculpture and her heart breaks because sbe doenst know what to say to help make jessica feel better. San looks at Brittany and they both just look at each other with so much worry on their faces*

Jessica: why me? did i mess up that bad in a past life that the universe is punishing me for it now? *is no longer able to hold back her tears and just collapses onto Santana's lap as Brittany rubs her back and Santana brushes her fingers through Jessica's hair* why me? *she says in more of a whisper because she is so upset and cant get out of her head, preparing herself for the worst*

Santana: you did absolutely nothing wrong. dont worry munchkin! Tommy is a tough kid and im sure he is gonna get through this with that same big smile on his face! *tries to be positive in hopes that it calm Jessica down*

Jessica: but what if he doesnt? what if he dies and leaves me behind? *continues to cry into Santana's lap*

Brittany: come on Munchkin! where is our positive little girl that we have been living with the past 5 years? *rubs Jessica's back to calm her down*

Jessica: *there was a pause because Jessica was so in her head and couldnt stop crying* ...she gave up a long time ago!

Santana: *looks up at Brittany and frowns as does Brittany* ... how about i phone annie and see if Tommy is up for having some company? and if he is then ill drop you off and you can spend a few hours together then ill just pick you up at dinner time.

Jessica: *sits up and looks at Santana, with tears streaming down her face* yes please!

Santana: *smiles weakly* alright! you can stay here and cuddle Mama and ill go talk with annie, ok?

Jessica: *cuddles into Brittany as Santana stands up* ok! *smiles weakly then burries her face in the crook of Britt's neck and just holds onto her while Brittany has a protective hold on Jessica*

Santana: *comes back into the living room a few minutes later* alright Munchkin... go on and get freshened up then ill drop you off at Tommy's *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: k! *smiles at Santana then goes up to get freshened up and erase the evidence of her crying*

Brittany: *cuddles up to San as they just sit in silence, recovering from the stress of what just happened* we did good! *santana lifts her head of Brittany's shoulder and smiles at her which makes Britt smile*

Santana: yeah! we got this... even if it doesnt end well, we will get through it together. we always do! *smiles as Brittany smiles back*

Brittany: i agree baby! *kisses san on the head then they go back to cuddling and enjoying the comfortable silence that surounded them*

Jessica: *walked into the livingroom a few minutes later and saw the girls all cuddled up* im ready! *she says a little enthusiastically despite how low she was feeling*

Santana: *sits up and sees Jessica* alright, lets go! *looks back at Britt* ill be back in a few. *kisses Brittany then gets up and goes out the living room to put her shoes on. Brittany waves the girls off once they are in the car then she goes and does some more housework to surprise Santana when she gets back*

*10 minutes in the car, Santana and Jessica finally make it to Tommy and his mum's place. they get out the car and Santana knocks on the door because jessica was slugging behind, being really shy all of a sudden. Santana didnt say anything about it because she knew that Jessica was just in her head worrying about how much of a state Tommy will be in and how he will continue to get weaker and more exhausted as the days go on*

Harper: *opens the door and smiles as she sees San and Jessica* hello you two! come on in... *is being as enthusiastic as possible so Jessica doesnt worry more than what she is already experiencing*

Santana: *follows harper into the living room and sits down next to Jessica as Harper sits on the other couch with Annie* hey! hows it going? *tries to keep things as normal as possible despite their current situation*

Annie: we are well! *smiles at Harper then looks back at Santana* busy being an adult at work. nothing too interesting going on around here! *laughs as does Harper and Santana*

Santana: yeah! same old thing every day with me and Britt too. *laughs and playfully rolls her eyes*

Annie: *turns to Jessica and sees that she is being super quiet and distracted* hey Jessica, Tommy is up in his room if you wanna go see him. *smiles as Jessica smiles back*

Jessica: k! *turns to Santana and gives her a hug* bye mum!

Santana: see you later! *hugs back then looks at Jessica* funny business while im gone, alright? *points at Jessica and speaks sternly*

Jessica: *laughs at Santana always telling jesisca not to do anything innapropiate with her boyfriend as if she is still a little kid* no promises! *couldnt help but joke and be her usual sarcastic self just like San was at her age. Santana laughs as does Harper and annie then Jessica leaves to go up to see Tommy while the adults continue to talk for a bit*

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