lead by example

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Jessica: *followed Brittany down the stairs and into the kitchen* is Tana ok?

Brittany: *wanted to make a joke but then she realised that it would be to mature for jessica so she just responded the way she usually would* yeah, why'd you ask? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: its just because ive hardly seen or spoken to her today and when i have seen her she has looked so out of it and like she was holding back from talking to me *frowns because she thinks that Santana really is dissapointed in her and wont tell her*

Brittany: dont worry Munchkin, you have done nothing to upset her. i promise! *looks at Jessica and tries to reasure her without accidently telling her why Santana has been acting the way she was at the restaraunt and then why she disappeared into the room when they got home*

Jessica: Really? *still kept on telling herself that there was more to it than what Britt is sharing*

Brittany: yeah! when she comes down after her nap, you two can talk and you can hear it from her if it makes you feel better. *smiles at Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: now... would you like to do some baking? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: yeah! *smiles at Brittany*

Brittany: alright! lets wash out hands and get our apron's on *walks over to the kitchen sink with Jessica following close behind*

*20 minutes later! Santana came down the stairs and heard alot of laughter in the kitchen. when she got there she saw that Brittany and Jessica were having a bit of a food fight with each other*

Santana: what is going on in here? *smiles as she sees Britt and jessica stop in their tracks and look at San*

Brittany: hey babe! me and the Munchkin were just doing some baking. *smiles*

Santana: are you sure, because it looks like you got more of the ingredients on yourselves than in the mixing bowl *laughs*

Jessica: dont worry Tana, we will make sure this is all cleaned up before dinner *smiles*

Santana: thanks Munchkin! *smiles then looks at the girls a little confused because Brittany whispered something into Jessica's ear and whatever it was had made jessica go all shy and nervous like she was when they first got downstairs after Britt's nap*

Jessica: *after an encoraging nudge from Brittany, Jessica stepped a little closer to San* um, tana?

Santana: yeah? *is wondering why she has gotten so nervous all of a sudden*

Jessica: can we have a chat? *looks up at Santana*

Santana: of course we can! do you wanna go and sit in the living room?

Jessica: sure! ill just get cleaned up *takes her apron off then goes to wash her hands and arms*

*she dries her hands then walks towards San and they put their arm round each other and make their way into the living room. brittany just stayed in the kitchen and cleaned up the mess from baking*

*in the living room Santana sits down then Jessica sits down next to her*

Santana: whats going on Munchkin? ... why are you so shy all of a sudden? *looks at Jessica*

Jessica: it's just... *sighs* ive been feeling like you have been distant with me alot today and i was just wondering if you were mad at me because of what happened at school with those girls *is nervous to make eye contact with santana so she just stares down at her hands in her lap*

Santana: what made you think i was mad at you? ...yeah, i wish things didnt get physical at school but i completely understand why you did it and i dont blame you because the 12 year old me would have done exactly the same thing if i was in that situation*laughs a little as does Jessica*

Jessica: ok! *feels a weight has been lifted off her shoulders*

Santana: i love you so much Munchkin and i will be here for you whenever you need me, ok? *looks into Jessica's eyes*

Jessica: i love you too! i cant thank you enough for all that you and Britty have done for me since my mum died *smiles weakly*

Santana: i cant promise you forever, because that is just humanly impossible. but i promise that as long as there is air in my lungs, i will be here for you to have a shoulder to cry on or someone to listen and give you advise. Which will be closely followed but Britt's piece of advise because I'm not always the best influence *laughs as does Jessica*

Jessica: thank you tana! *smiles then hugs San*

Santana: *hugs back* my pleasure! *smiles*

jessica: *sits up straight and looks at Santana* would you like to come and try the brownies that Britty and i made? *smiles*

Santana: of course i do! *smiles then gets up and follows Jessica into the kitchen*

Brittany: *sees jessica and san walk into the kitchen with a spring in their step* hey you two! everything alright? *looks at Jessica to see if she spoke about what she wanted with San*

Jessica: *smiles at San then to Brittany* couldnt be better!

Santana: amen to that! *smiles and Jessica then to Britt*

Brittany: thats what i like to hear! *smiles at the girls* now who would like to try a brownie, made by yours truly. *smiles proudly as she placed the back of her hand flat against her chin*

Jessica: EHEM *pretends to clear her throat*

Brittany: and our little Munchkin! *smiles at Jessica then they all take a brownie and taste it*

Santana: *takes a bite* oh wow! these are amazing *smiles at the girls*

Brittany: *had a brownie in her mouth* i know right! *smiles*

Jessica: *laughs* no talking with your mouth full Britty! *looks at San then back to brittany*

Brittany: *looks at San playfully shaking her head as she finished eating* sorry!

Santana: we forgive you! just rememeber that you are the adult now and have to set a good example for when we have another kid one day *smiles as she goes over to wrap her arms round Brittany's back*

Brittany: more kids huh? *smiles as she hold santana*

Santana: *smiles at Britt* sure, why not? *looks at Jessica* what do you think Munchkin, would you like a little brother or sister?

Jessica: that would be awesome! *smiles at the girls*

Brittany: *looks at Jessica* alright then! *looks at San* you and i can talk more about it another day and get something sorted! *smiles at San then Jessica*

Jessica: *smiles at the girls* wait... but what about their room?

Santana: i guess we can give up our office/art room *looks at Brittany to see if she agrees*

Brittany: yeah! thats fine! *smiles at San*

jessica: i am so excited for this you guys, im gonna go tell anna! *smiles as she rushes of to her room*

Brittany: no going back now! *laughs as does San*

Santana: its gonna be great! jessica is gonna be the best big sister the kid could ever ask for. *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: i dont doubt that for a second *smiles at San then leans in to give her a kiss*

My Infinity Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora