univentful and dull

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Santana: *woke up as she heard Brittany and Quinn talking at the bottom of the stairs. 2 minutes later she saw Brittany come back into the room* what was that about? *looks up at Brittany as she sits on santana's side of the bed*

Brittany: Quinn was just dropping off some food for us. i wasnt wanting to go out and leave ou on your own *looks down at Santana*

Santana: ok! ...so what we gonna do now? *looks up at Brittany*

Brittany: what do you wanna do? *looks down at Santana*

Santana: well, i kind of want to go for a shower because im feeling pretty disgusting right now. and maybe the warm water will ease some of the pain for a bit *smiles at Britt*

Brittany: ok! i'll start the water and you can pick out a comfortable outfit to put on when you come out *smiles at santana*

Santana: k! thanks babe *smiles as Brittany gets up and goes into the bathroom, while santana goes over to her side of the drawers to find some joggy bottoms and a sports bra*

Brittany: *comes back out of the bathroom to see Santana placing her outfit on the bed for after. she walks over and wraps her arms round santana's stomach and holds onto it protectively as she rests her head in the crook of San's neck* ill bring you some painkillers and a glass of water when you are finished.

Santana: *places her hands ontop of Brittany's* thank you!

Brittnay: you're welcome! *kisses san on the neck then lets go so she can get into the shower*

*after the shower santana put her comfy clothes on then got straight back into bed. Brittany heard Santana come out of the bathroom so she brought some painkillers and a glass of icey water up to her*

Brittany: *placed the glass and pills on the bedside table then she sat on the edge of the bed and rested her hand on santana's stomach to rub it lightly* how you feeling?

Santana: a little better! *smiles up at Brittany* ...still cant be arsed to try moving around because this pain is next level shit, i mean shrimp *laughs as she notices her slip up and Brittany's look of dissaproval*

Brittany: how about we just do some wedding planning in bed today? *smiles down at San*

Santana: really... are you sure? *smiles up at Britt*

Brittany: yeah! lets figure out a date and stuff *smiles at Santana then does that jump tumble thing onto the bed, like she did earlier*

Santana: ok! so before we get into it, i do have one rule... *looks at Brittany as she lays on her stomach and looks up at San*

Brittany: and whats that?

Santana: all my life i have hated overlaping special occassions ontop of other special occassions. so whenever we do decide to have the wedding. can we please have it on a random uneventful tuesday or something? just a day that doesnt have any sentimental value what so ever. other than the fact that it will me the date of our wedding and all the anniversaries of that day till the day we die *smiles down at Brittany, hoping she managed to understand all of that and will have no objections to the idea*

Brittany: ok, sure! we can do that. *smiles down at San* ...so just to be clear, you dont want our wedding or the anniversary of our wedding to be on the day of an annual holiday or any other day that already has some sort of important meaning to it? *looks at San to confirm that they are both on the same page*

Santana: exactly!

Brittany: got it! *smiles as Santana smiles back*

Santana: alright! so lets think! what day is super unimportant and dull? *starts to think as does Brittany*

*10 minutes later with going back and forth, talking about different days*

Brittany: so our finally decision is july 1st! ...are you sure? *looks at Santana*

Santana: yep! its perfect because its when the summer weather starts so it will be great for the beach wedding we have always wanted! *smiles as she gets more and more excited about the whole thing*

Brittany: *smiles at Santana's excitement* this is gonna be amazing! lets getting it on our Calendar before we do anymore of the planning *rolls over to get off the bed and write on the callender that is ontop of their drawers* first of july... *she repeats that a few times as she flicks through the callender to get to july*

Santana: so we have a little over 3 months to get this planning done and have everything in place for the big day, right? *looks at Brittany as she turns away from the callender and bellyflops onto the bed, into her previous position*

Brittany: something like that *smiles up at Santana*

Santana: alright cool! lets look at the venue next?

Brittany: yep! *reaches down to the side of the bed and grabs her laptop that was under her side of the bed*

*Santana looks over in Brittany's direction and sees that her ass is kinda in the air as she reaches for her laptop. so San doesnt even try to hold herself back from slaping it*

Brittany: *has her laptop in hand as she pulls herself up and sits back on the bed, facing Santana* dont tease me! you are on your period, therefor my horniness is alot trickier to deal with at the minute. dont torture me by drawing attention to it *laughs as does Santana* ...anyway, about that wedding venue. *changes topic as quick as she can. for obvious reasons* there is this one that is a few hours away from here! *shows santana the stuff she has found on her laptop*

Santana: thats perfect! its an amazing sandy beach and all you need to do to get to the reception, is drive a couple of minutes then you are at this big, white gazeebo *smiles as she looks at Brittany then back to the computer screen to admire the setup*

Brittany: yeah! im sure alot of our guests will be grateful that we arent making them do a massive hike in their nice outfits *giggles as does san*

Santana: alright! have you got your diary so we can write the name of the place and the phone number to book it *looks at Brittany*

Brittany: *reaches over to the drawer in her bedside table and pulls out a notebook and pen* got it! *looks at san then opens her notebook to start writing* ...ok, so we have the beach and reception location sorted. now onto the guest list and how many of us there will be.

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