Im happy that you're happy

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*ever since Tommy and Jessica had become friends, Santana and Brittany had both gotten Tommy's mum's number's so that they could keep in touch with each other and become friends as well*

*at the safari Tommy and Jessica were so happy to see all their favourite animals up close so they kept on asking Tommy's mum's if they could take pictures of them next to each animal they went to. by the end of their 2 hour trip, tommy and Jessica were taken to the little cafe that is not far from the animals. the 4 of them sat down with a drink and an ice cream because it was so hot out that they were absolutely sweating by the time they had made it round to see all the animals*

Jessica: *drapes herself over the bench* im melting... *she says in a very over dramatic way to make everyone laugh*

Annie (one of tommy's mum's): jessica, sweetie! *jessica sits up straight and looks across the bench at annie* how about we ask your mum's if they wanna come with us to the beach. that way you kids will be able to play in the water and cool down. how does that sound? *smiles as Tommy and jessica smile from ear to ear*

Jessica: yes! yes! yes! *smiles at Annie*

Annie: ok! ill phone brittany and ask! just so they have time to get ready by the time we drive back to get them.

Jessica: alright!

*Annie gets up and walks a few feet away from the bench to make the call*

*on the phone with Brittany! she picks up after a few rings*

Annie: hey Brittany!

Brittany: hey, how are you? is jessica causing trouble? *laughs*

Annie: *laughs* no, not at all! she has been an absolute angel! the kids have been getting their pictures taken with every animal in the safari and Jessica was saying how she cant wait to show you.

Brittany: aw sweet!

Annie: anyway! ive been talking with the kids and we were thinking that since its such a hot day, that maybe the six of us can all go to the beach together and the kids can play in the water to keep cool. while us ladies chill on the sand and get to know each other a little better

Brittany: that would be great! me and San would love to come along. i will go let her know and we will get jessica's swimsuit and towel packed for her.

Annie: awesome! well we will probably be with you in about 30 minutes or so. we are just finishing up our drinks now then we will head your way.

Brittany: perfect! see you's then!

*once they got off the phone, annie told the kids the plan and they headed straight back to get Brittany and Santana then went to the nearest sandy beach. once they arrived, Jessica and Tommy had wasted no time in racing each other to get onto the beach and down to the water.*

Jessica: *turns round to see Tommy a little behind as she made it to the water first* I WIN! *punches her fists in the air and smiles from ear to ear*

Tommy: yeah, whatever! *playfully acts like a sore loser*

Jessica: aw, does little tommy need his mummy... *talks to him like hes a little kid*

Tommy: i do not! im a big boy *crosses his arms and rolls his eye's which makes jessica laugh then he does too*

*once they were done messing with each other they looked towards the car and saw their mums coming down onto the sand with a bag each. Jessica and Tommy walked back to them and stood infront of the adults as they sat down on their own towels that they had laying side by side*

harper (tommy's other mum): hey kiddo! would you like your swim shorts? there is a a cafe up there *points of to the side, up to a cafe that is not far from where they were parked* so you and Jessica can go and get changed then play in the water.

Tommy: yes please! *smiles as harper gets his swim shorts out her bag and gave them to him*... thank you!

Santana: *gets jessica's swimsuit out her bag and gave it to her as well* here you go Munchkin! *smiles up as Jessica took her swimsuit*

Jessica: thanks Tana! *smiles at San then looks at Tommy* ...race ya! *smiles mischieviously as they both start running in the direction of the cafe*

*once Tommy and Jessica got changed, they went back to their mums and gave them their clothes then got sun cream on before running back to the water and playfully shoving each other in and swimming about*

*harper, annie, brittany and Santana all watched from a distance and couldnt help but smile at how much fun the kids were having*

Harper: its so nice to see Tommy smiling again! *smiled as Annie smiles back. Santana and Brittany just looked at the couple curiously*

Annie: yeah! Jessica is like no other kid I've ever seen. She was exactly what he needed and I hope that they continue to be friends. because I don't know what id do if I had to see my baby so hidden away from the world. *smiles weakly as Harper smiles back just as weakly*

Santana: don't worry! I'm sure Jessica will take good care of him when they are at school and you's aren't able to be by his side. *smiles at Harper and Annie as they smile at san* ... and who knows, maybe they will end up being together as more than Friends one day. *they all laugh as san smirks because she thinks back to how her and Britt had teased Jessica about Tommy being her boyfriend*

Harper: yeah... not that they wouldn't be a cute couple. But I don't know if I'm ready for my baby boy to be in a relationship just yet. *laughs a little*

Brittany: yeah! Jessica has spent most of her life telling me and san that she isn't a fan of people her age, enough to be in a relationship with. And now that she is a teenage, I can't imagine she will change her mind any time soon. Especially once her hormones kick in properly. *laughs a little as everyone else does*

Annie: yeah! I've heard from my mates that girls are the worst once they start getting their period... so good luck to you two! *laughs as does the others*

Santana: *turns to look at Brittany* we will definitely be adopting a boy next. I'm already freaking out at the thought of how hard it's gonna be with Jessica as a teenager. *Brittany just laughs at Santana panicking then leans over and kisses her to try distract and calm her mind*

Brittany: don't worry baby! We don't need to think about any of that right now. We will just take each day as it comes and we will figure it out soon enough *smiles as san smiles back and they just get lost in each other's eyes for a moment. Harper and Annie stayed silent as they admired the girls and how good they are together*

Jessica: *had been playing in the water with Tommy and they decided that they wanted to have a break and just play in the sand. So the 2 of them came out the water and decided to make a big castle. They dug out around the castle so that the water could get into the gaps and make it look like the castle is on an island* TANA... BRITTY... *the girls turn their attention to look over at Jessica* LOOK WHAT WE MADE! *smiles proudly as Brittany and san look over at the castle in front of her*

Brittany: THATS AWESOME MUNCHKIN! *Sits up to get her phone out her back* be back in a minute! *looks at san then gets up and goes over to where the kids were* you kids sit behind it and I'll get a pic! *sees Jessica and Tommy kneel down behind the castle and put their arms round each other's shoulders as they smile up at the camera* that's adorable! *smiles down at Tommy and Jessica then goes back over to lay with the adults again*

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