Niall opened the door to the van and then helped me to step inside. Harry sat in the farthest row back, and Niall and I sat in the seats in the middle row. The driver and passenger seats were separated with a dividing wall.

"Let's hope this works," I said, looking out the window as the door opened. 

"It will," Niall said, squeezing my hand. 

I felt the car back up, but we couldn't see anything because every window was painted over. I closed my eyes in suspense anyway. 

"Can you hear them?" I asked.

"They sound pretty close," Harry said.

"If anybody can mentally measure the volume of girl's screams in proximity to their location, it's you," I said to Harry.

"One of my many talents," he said.

We were all silent for a minute, listening intently. The screams grew louder, but then quieter as we were driving.

"I think we made it," Niall said softly. He leaned back in his chair and exhaled. I felt my heart rate slowly start to decrease and I could breathe easily again.

"Don't jinx anything," I said sternly. "There could still be people on the beach, or somebody could sneak onto the beach, for that matter."

"Nobody's going to want to sneak onto the back if they think we're all at the hotel," Niall said. "The other boys said that they would make a few appearances just to show that they are there, and nobody goes looking for us."

I couldn't help but still feel a bit uneasy. It was all luck. Today, we were having the luck of the Irish.

The ride was about twenty minutes. The van pulled to a stop, and I heard the front door to the driver's seat open and slam shut, and then the door beside Niall opened.

Sunlight came streaming in, and I could hear ocean waves.

"The beach is just down that way," the security guard pointed.

"And you're sure that nobody's around or can see us?" Niall asked for confirmation.

"Positive. This is a secluded beach, and there is security at every possible entrance," he responded.

Niall hopped out first, and looked around. My first instinct was to look for fans, but there were none in sight. I could see a lot of vibrant green trees from where I was standing, and after I was helped out of the van, I saw that we were surrounded by trees. 

Harry followed after me, holding the bag with the camera and other things in it. 

"I'll be waiting here when you're finished," the guard said, walking around the van to go back inside. 

"We're here!" I said, and began running towards the beach. I took off my sandals and held them in my hand.

It had been so long since I had been to a beach, and now I was at an Australian beach!

I was out of breath when I finally found the sand, and I took a seat right where I landed, just watching the ocean. 

I forgot how relaxing the sound of the waves were. I started laughing at how childish I was acting, but I was so happy to be here. 

"Shit, now I can't get up," I said, laughing even more. Niall extended his arm to me, and I got up. We were both laughing.

"What do you want the pictures to be like?" Harry asked. I raised an eyebrow. Despite my excitement, I had totally forgotten that we had to pose.

"Actually," I began to myself. "What if we start by just taking unposed pictures. Just follow us around while we do weird stuff."

Harry agreed and Niall and I began to walk on the beach.

"I never imagined we could go to the beach together," I said. "Well, maybe eventually, but I pictured getting mobbed."

"So I finally did well?" Niall said, grasping hold of my hand, and then swinging our arms back and forth. 

I nodded and smiled at the sand. "Yes, this is great." The sand was squishy under my feet. We were leaving a trail of footprints behind us. 

"See, we can have a successful date, can't we?" Niall said, moving his hand to my shoulder and pulling me closer. 

"It's funny to think that we've been dating for almost eight months, and this is only our secondish date," I laughed.

"Are you counting the yacht day?" 

"No," I responded without hesitation. "I am not counting the yacht day."

"That was just a mess," Niall said. 

"Now, we can laugh about it," I said. Niall forced a really loud fake laugh. I started laughing, which turned his fake laugh into a real one. 

"You look beautiful," Niall said after we both stopped laughing. 

"Thanks," I began. "I like your outfit too." I had picked out his light blue shorts and white shirt. They matched my blue bikini and crochet dress. 

There was a light beach breeze, and it sent my hair flowing behind me, and a little in my face. 

"Let's get some action shots!" I heard Harry yell from where we had started walking. My instinct was to push Niall to the side. 

"What was that?" Niall asked, laughing. 

"And now you can't tickle me back because I'm carrying a child!" I said, louder. Niall tickled me anyway, like he used to when I was thinner. 

"This is looking an awful lot like an engagement photo shoot," Harry said, looking at the camera. "Niall, how 'bout you kneel down and kiss Alyssa's stomach."

Niall took the photographer's orders and fell to his knees. I was slightly laughing as he pressed his lips to the top of my stomach. 

We took many other pictures. 

Niall took a stick and wrote 'boy' in the damp sand, and we sat around it. There are some of Niall standing behind me and making a heart on my stomach with his hands. 

My stomach had received a lot of touching for one day, because the shoot had to acknowledge the fact that I was pregnant, thus the 'maternity' shoot. 

I also wanted it to show how in love we were, which was a whole lot. 

We spent the last few minutes splashing along in the knee-deep water, and Harry got some good shots then, too. 

I only lasted a bit over an hour before my back started to hurt and I felt tired and thirsty. Harry showed us a lot of the pictures back in the van, and we picked out our favorites to use. 

I had to give it to him. Harry was a skilled photographer, and I was so happy that he agreed to help us out. 

The best part of the day was that I felt free. I wasn't paranoid about anybody seeing us together, although it was possible that somebody could have seen us. 

I was just enjoying time with my boyfriend and my baby, which was what I should've been doing the entire time. 


this chapter >

if you liked what you read, or think Niall and Alyssa are as cute as I think they are, please remember to vote! let me know what you liked or disliked in the comments, those always make me smile (:

I'm seeing One Direction on Saturday so I'm pretty excited... ((((:

also, thanks for reading this far, and I hope you decide to continue. you won't regret it.

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