Chapter 71 Mood

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Credits to Pinterest for the header.
Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 71: Mood

RJ hurriedly kissed Sebastian and ran to his waiting Mercedes. He threw his brief case inside and then ran back to the front door. Maine's right foot was impatiently tapping the marble steps when he appeared back in front of them, a pout gracing her lips. This has been happening for a week. Yesterday was worse because he speed off without even remembering.

"I thought you're going to forget again, just like yesterday."

RJ tried to catch his breath. "I promised you I won't and see, I didn't."

Sebastian reached out and played with his father's tie. "You almost did." His mother replied.

RJ raised his two fingers. "Scouts honor. I won't." And then he captured her pout in his lips.

Maine gave him sucking pecks that made him prolong their kiss.

Sebastian was oblivious to all the lip locking action right in front of him since he was equally busy sucking on the end of his father's tie.

"I really need to go. I'll see you at lunch." RJ said breaking away from their kiss. He turned to walk back to the car but he felt himself being tugged back.

Sebastian smiled at him gummily with his tie in his mouth.

"Oh, baby. Why did you do that to Daddy's tie?" Maine asked her son sweetly as she gently pried the tie from his hands and lips.

RJ caught the tie as it fell back to his shirt. He held it high and sighed.

"Take it off and I'll get you another one." Maine said as she handed their son to him.

RJ shook his head and handed his son back to his mother. "I keep some spare ties at the office. I really need to be going or else I'll be late for my nine o'clock meeting." He said as he took of his drool- covered tie.

Maine wiped their son's mouth. "He didn't mean it."

RJ ruffled his son's hair and grinned. "I know." He bend down and made his voice childlike. "Daddy knows you didn't do it on purpose."

Sebastian leaned and gave him a drool-covered kiss. RJ cupped his son's face and kissed him on the forehead. "Now be a good boy and don't make Mommy tired, okay? I'll bring you chocolates when I get home." He gave Maine a similar kiss and went on his way.

"No chocolates! Or you're staying up with him!"

RJ looked back and grinned at them, with Sebastian waving good-bye. RJ waved back and threw them a flying kiss. Maine captured it and rationed it between her and their son.


Maine looked at her watch. 'Where could he be?'

"Señorita, shall we start serving?" The servant asked breaking into
her thoughts.

'I guess he's not coming.' She said to herself.


She nodded. "You can take the other setting. Your señorito is not coming for lunch."


"Here is your lunch sir." His secretary said as he unpacked the contents of the take out bag. "I took the liberty of ordering for you since you were so into the proposal you're finishing. I wouldn't want you to end up in the hospital again."

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