Chapter 18: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

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Chapter 18: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Three Months Later...

~~The Docklands, Maine's Apartment~~

Maine was sitting on a rocking chair by the window, adjusting a pair of earphones over her swollen baby bump. Snippets of the children's song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star could be heard from the earphones.

She arched her back, holding her tummy as she felt her baby do a flip. "Oh, you really like this song, don't you? You've been dancing in there for quite some time now." As she adjusted her sitting position to find a more comfortable one, she looked up in the night sky and noticed a yellow star that shone brightly in contrast to the rest.

"Look baby, there's one that's twinkling brightly for you. Did you know, baby, that eight months ago, before you came into Mommy's life, Mommy also wished on a bright star just like that. Do you want to know what Mommy wished for?"

She felt the baby do another flip. "I'll take that as a yes. Well baby, I wished for your Daddy. And my wish came true, but little did I know that wish had an added bonus."

Maine continues to carress her baby bump. "You! Even if having Daddy meant sorrow for me, I would never trade my wish for anything because my wish brought you to me. I love you so much my baby. I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms."

~~The Fullerton Towers, The CEO's Office~~

The star saw the man in the office wallowing in bitterness, rolling the ring between his fingers as he stared back at the star. The star went down to the man and asked.

"Why don't you give up and let go? It would be easier for you. No more dull heartache and poisoning bitterness to plague your every waking moment."

The man just looked back and said, "Star, would you and could you ever leave your sky?"

The star nodded in deep understanding.

Conversations between a mother and her unborn child always reduces me to tears, usually the good kind. ❤️

There is only one month til the arrival of the baby but a lot of things can happen within one month. We'll find out soon enough. 😉💚

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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