Chapter 94 Am One

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Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 94: Am One

I raised my legs and wiggled them in the air, my face scrunching up as I let out a full yawn. My lips smacked as I turned to my side to get up; it was easier that way, I still haven't mastered Mommy and Daddy's way of getting up from the waist but I'm getting there. I walked around my crib, looking around for Nana. She is usually here by the time the great orange ball is hanged by my window.


I plopped down on my crib and searched for the white box with yellow moving buttons that always bring either Mommy or Daddy. My pudgy hands banged on the white box. Now where are they! I know that I'm one but I don't mind having the two of them as company. After all I became one because of them.


I jerked in surprise when I heard banging near my ears. "Maine," I slurred, shaking her; hoping that it was gentle.

She dropped my hand unceremoniously in the space between. "You go." The bed moved as she burrowed herself deeper in the sheets. "Two long bangs and one short one is your signal." She grumbled, hogging the sheets. "I'm still sleepy. And tired." Her voice emphasizing the word tired.

My brow arched as a smug smile formed on my lips, back arching as I prepared to answer my son's Tarzan-like/Morse code call. My foot moved about the edge of the bed, my toes searching for my boxers. The smile on my lips grew wider as I fished out a lacy, black, not to mention skimpy underwear instead of my cotton ones. 'Let's try again.' I turned to my side and planted a kiss on her shoulder.

"Thanks Love," her hands leading my face over hers, her lips softly brushing mine. I threw off the comforter and bent down to retrieve my shirt. The world suddenly spun around me. I hang my head between my knees in an attempt to steady it.

"Are you all right?" She asked while her hand rubbed my back gently.

"Uh huh," I smiled back at her. "You tired me out last night," winking at her.

Unbelievable, she still blushes! "Don't worry, I'll have your ginseng tea ready later at breakfast." She winked, teasing me back.

I gave her a smack on the lips, leaning, bringing her back down to the bed.

BAAANG! BAAANG! Silence. Bang!

We both looked up where the sound came from.

She giggled into my chest. "The man of the house calls."

I laid my forehead against hers, closing my eyes in frustration. "I
thought I told you to teach him about timing?"

She laughed, pushing at my chest to get me going. "Be nice to him. It's his


'Yay! It's Daddy!" I looked expectantly at the door; any minute now, Mommy would be arriving. Then I was floating in the air as Daddy picked me up. My eyes switched from his face to the door.

I planted my hands on his chest and drew back, arching a brow at him.
I felt a wet kiss on my forehead. I reached up and started wiping my dripping, (Well, if your forehead is the same size as mine, you'd agree with me that it's dripping) forehead dry. I took his face in my hands and looked him in the eyes. 'Daddy, as much I love your kiss, I would rather have them dry than wet. Like this;' I leaned forward and give him my kiss. 'Oops, not as dry I wanted it to be,' the back of my hands quickly wiping the small spot of wetness that my kiss left.

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