Chapter 77 Who To Call

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Disclaimer: All and fully disclaimed.
For ADN. 💚💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 77 Who To Call

They only have 30 minutes to go before the wedding. He sat down and then stood up, pacing the suite allocated for the groom and his best men. He looked like a wild cat caged, ready to pounce any minute at the site of an opportunity for freedom. He heaved a sigh. "Who to call? Who to call?"

"The ghost busters?" Mark jokingly answered Gio's musings.

Gio gave him a dry laugh. "Nina just informed me that Amelie's cousin won't be able to make it for the wedding due to a last minute emergency. So were are officially missing a bridesmaid."

Alex raised his eyebrow at Gio in question.

Instead of answering, Gio asked them for their mobiles.

"Why didn't you bring your own?" Alex obtusely asked.

Gio heaved before taking Alex's phone. He looked at looked at Mark with a 'please-answer-him-look.'

"Alex, who in his right mind would bring a mobile phone to his own wedding?"

Gio pushed the two towards the door indicating that they could definitely have their debate elsewhere. After closing the door on the two, Gio immediately dialed her number.


She picked up the phone on the second ring. "Hello?" She bit her lips when she understood what he wanted her to do. Whether she accepts or not, the end would still be the same. Trouble. "Okay. I'll be there." She said, wondering if she truly chose the lesser of the two evils. But what are friends for? She asked herself as she made her way out of her hotel room. "I just hope she doesn't freak out when she finds out."


She looked at her watch. 20 minutes. That's barely enough time to get dressed and have her hair and make up done. She almost screamed in surprise when someone held onto her wrist.

"Come on, we don't have much time." Nina looked at Maine from head to foot. "Thank god you're about the same size, there won't be much altering to be done." She explained as she dragged Maine in the direction of the dressing room.


Alex's eyes scanned the crowd in the church, which was packed to the rafters. He nudged Mark and pointed to a woman seated in one of the front pews. "Isn't that?"

Mark gulped. "Oh no. It is she!"

RJ clamped down both his hands on their shoulders. "Yes, it's Ivy!"

"Who is the man beside her?" they asked in unison.

"Now that's the kicker! His name is Andrew Tan and..." RJ was started.

"He was Amelie's ex-boyfriend." Gio finished for him.

His three best men then proceeded to give him each a pat on the back.

"Sticky, sticky, sticky!" Mark said.

Alex shook his head. "What a double whammy! Both your exes here on your wedding day."

"Good luck, Gio!" RJ offered.

Gio smiled at what RJ said. He gave his brother a pat on the shoulder and offered the same thing. "Good luck to you too, RJ. I think you need it more than I do."


"Hey how come there's just the two of us?" Issa asked Corinne as they made their way to the entrance of the church.

Corinne smoothed her skirt. "I heard Nina say that Amelie's cousin won't be able to make it to the wedding. Something about an emergency. Anyway, Gio himself already fixed the problem."

Issa raised an eyebrow. "Gio?"

"Yes, he asked a friend to cover. Good thing his friend was free on such a short notice. They are dressing her up as we speak. I wonder who she is."

Issa looked at dressing room's door.
"Want to go and see her before we head to the entrance?" Corinne, curious herself as to who Gio's friend is, was already by the door, hands poised to turn the knob before Issa could finish her sentence.

"Mrs. King, Mrs. Herrera, this way please." Nina's assistant cornered them just when they were about to open the door. "The entourage is already lining up. We'll start in 3 minutes."

They both looked back at the door. "But what about the third bridesmaid?"

"Don't worry, she'll be there." Said the assistant as he almost dragged the two curious women.


Issa again looked back. There still wasn't an unfamiliar face in the entourage and the first strains the wedding march was already playing. "Drats! I won't be able to take a good look at the substitute."

"Issa!" Corinne whispered. "Move."

Alex tensed as Issa neared the spot where she tripped during rehearsals. He let out a sigh of relief when she passed the spot and gave Issa a thumb's up sign. Issa caught his gesture and couldn't help but grin. She raised her bouquet to cover grin and discreetly returned her husband's thumbs up sign.

Mark on the other hand, was bashfully grinning as his wife walked down the aisle. He leaned slightly towards RJ and whispered proudly. "That's my wife!"

RJ bit on his lips to keep himself from laughing out loud. "I know. I was one of the best man at your wedding."

It was now the substitute's turn. Like everyone else who knew the situation, he was curious as to whom Gio got to cover on such a short notice. The clatter of heels against marble was heard above the wedding march. The crowd seated in the church turned in time to see the substitute skid to halt at the end of the red carpet. She took a deep breath and righted the short veiled fascinator on her head that got skewed in her haste. The pianist repeated the march again and she walked down the aisle. As she passed the pews, she could feel all eyes following her, trying to see who she was.

Maine felt like the main attraction at the circus. Despite this, she kept her head high and a smile plastered on her face. She made a mental note to tell Gio, immediately right after the ceremony, that they are quits.

RJ's eyes bulged and his jaw dropped when he realized whom Gino got to cover. "Oh my god! It's Maine!" he whispered under his breath.

Although he said it under his breath, Alex and Mark still got wind of what he said. "What!" they both hissed at Gio.

Gio shrugged his shoulders at them. "What was I do? We're missing a bridesmaid. I couldn't very well ask Ivy to cover right?"

The two men beside him slipped a finger in their respective collars, feeling that it was suddenly closing in on them. Alex and Mark held hands and simultaneously sighed. "Good luck to us," they said as encouragement as they saw their wives smiling at them from their seats.

RJ, on the other hand, was oblivious to the turmoil his friends were going through. His mind was focused only on the woman walking down the aisle. He willed her to look at him and by fate she did.

Maine was afraid for the trouble she was causing the boys. Knowing her best friend, she wouldn't take this taking down. But the smile on her RJ's face was all the assurance she needed. Things will work out, one-way or another.


Mga lalaki paka chismoso 😂
Sumakto mga bridesmaids sa best men. 🥰😁😂

Disclaimer: Fully and all disclaimed.
Thank you for reading. 😊💚

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