Chapter 103 Geography for Dummies

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For ADN 💚💚💚💚💚💚


Chapter 103: Geography for Dummies

"Lift the door slightly." I whispered in his ear.

RJ looked back at me incredulously, "What for?" as he opened Ray's door, which made a very audible squeaking sound.

I gave him a tap on nape. "For that!" I hissed.

"This house needs to be renovated!" He complained, his voice mumbling beneath his breath while he rubbed the spot I tapped.

I walked past him and began searching the bed where Ray's things were arranged. "What are you still doing there?" My hand impatiently waved at him to come. "Come here and help me!"

"Would you pipe it down?" His index finger lay against my lips. "We are not even supposed to be here, let alone be doing this."

I removed his finger. "I thought you wanted to help your brother."

"Yes. But not by going behind his back."

"Have you ever heard of Machiavelli?"

"Of course! But what does he have to do with this?"

Her eyes rolled at me as she continued to search through my brother's things. "The end justifies the means. I'm sure after getting over the fact that we went behind his back, he would be singing us praises."

"Oh, I'm not sure about that. We Fullertons don't like it when people go behind our backs."

"Oh, I think your brother will make an exception this time." She said as her hand searched the breast pocket of the coat he was going to wear for his flight. "Got it! Now give me the other ticket."

I stomped my foot when my husband hesitated to hand over the other ticket. "Richard James Fullerton, this is not the time to chicken out on me!"

"Who said I was chickening out? I was just having another attack of conscience."

I switched the tickets and placed the coat back exactly where I found it. I turned to my husband and caught his chin between my fingers. "Love, we have nothing to be guilty about."

It seems that it has finally sank that we were doing his brother a big favor. I welcomed the warm heat of his arms circling around my growing middle. "You're right Love. There's nothing to be guilty about." He said near my ear.


Good thing I had the mind to wrap my towel around me firmly before I stepped out the bathroom. I crossed my arms across my chest and watched in envious satisfaction as my brother wrapped his arms around his wife, tenderly rubbing her growing middle.


I will have my turn.


"Ahem, ahem... you guys lost?" I inclined my head towards their bedroom. "If I remember correctly, your room is still two doors down."

"We know." My sister-in-law said as she disentangled herself from my brother's embrace. "We just wanted to check on you."

"Yes mother, I did wash behind my ears if that's what concerns you." I joked, wiping a small towel behind my ears to make the point.

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